Love Cats? Light a Candle #RemembertheRescue
Light a Candle today #RemembertheRescue for pets who never had a chance to be adopted. We’ve blogged about #RememberMeThursday (the 4th Thursday in September) since its inception and the event remains close to our heart.
The global initiative, Remember Me Thursday was created by Michael Arms CEO of Helen Woodward Animal Center in California. It’s a day to have a conversation about pet adoption. Tell a friend, visit a shelter. Tweet, tag, post and share the beauty and life-saving significance of pet adoption on social media using the hashtags #RememberMeThursday and #RemembertheRescue.
Did you know…
- only 30% of household pets in the U.S. come from rescue facilities
- each year 3.4 million orphan shelter pets lose their lives without finding a forever home
- last year 164 countries supported orphan pets on Remember Me Thursday
- more than 500 animal welfare agencies will hold candlelight vigils for orphan pets
This year, you could win life-saving food or funds for a non-profit of your choice just by adding your adopted pet’s photo on to the #RememberTheRescue Photo Wall. Your photo and story will help shine a light on orphan pets waiting for forever homes right now.
Go and light your own candle (it’s free) in honor of a special pet(s) and post their photo at LIGHT YOUR CANDLE
Every year at Cat Wisdom 101 we shed the light on whatever rescue work, we’re focused on. This year our focus is on black cats. Of all the cats needing homes, black cats will wait longer and be more likely to be euthanized. At no-kill shelters some cats live out their entire lives from kittenhood to senior years in a shelter. One of the stories in our upcoming book, Black Cats Tell All : True Tales and Inspiring Images is about a shelter “lifer” who has lived 12 years in shelter. It’s story of love and hope, but not even the best shelter is substitute for a loving home.
A shelter that closed down in my area has re-opened as PAWSCROSSEDNY.org and I look forward to working with some kitties there.
One black cat who needs a home is Beer. I met her recently at Koneko, the cat cafe in NYC and she’s a delight. Rescued from feral colony (and ear-tipped) in Queens, NY by Angellicle Cats Rescue who quickly realized this friendly gal was not feral. It’s a mystery how she wound up living with ferals but she’s living the good life at Koneko. The only thing better would be a real home.
I’ve featured a number of the Koneko Adorable Adoptables on our Instagram, Twitter and Facebook in the past week. Check out sidebar for thumbnails. And remember to keep this conversation going!
Happy Autumn Equinox!

There are so many amazing animals waiting to be adopted from shelters. Thank you for helping spread this important message!
MrJackFreckles/Pipo & Minko
Hope those lovely little sweet panthers find great homes quickly. Purring hard fur this.
caren gittleman
We love seeing so many blogging about this most important cause! xoxo
Sharing… may all find forever homes or be cared for by a gentle heart. Prayers for all who lose their lives daily waiting for a home and chance.
Melissa & Mudpie
Today is such an important day. I’m thrilled to see so many bloggers spreading the word!
Cats of Wildcat Woods
We posted today too – such an important cause!!!
I was almost a forgotten one and we shall always remember the forgotten.
Cathy Keisha
Important post. I’ve lit candles and posted on SM channeled but this is the first year I blogged about it. Today I remember those orphan cats on the street and in shelters and those who were murdered upon intake by a “shelter.”
<3 <3 <3
Both Mao and Ched came from a rescue. Same with Emma, back in 1972.
Our cats growing up also came from shelters.
<3 <3 <3
Ellen Pilch
Excellent post. I hope this beauty gets a forever home soon. All my kitties are rescues, either from a shelter or found outside.
We light candle today..and hope it shines on shelter kitties. We hope every day that they find forever homes. xoxo
skeeter and Izzy
Hooray for all animals out there! We pray and purr for them all everyday. They all need us more and more. We will light a candle for them all.
Happy Equinox and first day of Autumn
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig 7 Peanut & Romeo & the angels >^..^^..^<~
Hannah and Lucy
We were very lucky to have been adopted by our Mum when she saw us and brought us both home with her.
The Island Cats
Great post. We are surprised to hear that so few pets come from shelters. We purr for all those waiting in shelters…and those that sadly never made it out.
It’s so important to spread the word about those who need homes, especially those who have been searching for a long time. I purr for them a lot.