Mondays With Merlin: Lessons in Being Seen by a Blind Cat
Hello dear ones, welcome to another Monday With Merlin: lessons in being seen a blind cat with your truly, Merlin.
Welcome new readers, it’s good to see you and I’m not being funny. I acknowledge your magnificent heart and soul.
Thanks for taking the time to visit with me today.
There is nothing any of us want more than being seen, to be recognized and appreciated for who we really are.
It could be for something you created, a task completed, a thank you but there is something more meaningful. It’s hard to describe but we know instantly when it happens. It’s the cocoon of soft joy when someone gets you, sees for who you truly and accepts you. All of you: body, mind, spirit and soul. Communication is easy but words aren’t always needed. The connection has a short cut when talk is needed for a easy flow. We all know when we’re trying too hard. It’s work, squeezed tight with anxiety and desperation. It results in the opposite to being seen.
Those who really see us can be brief encounters or long friendships and marriages.
We all have the ability to see others but we have to be willing to tear off the blinders and see ourselves first. The blinders develop from fear, and a way to protect ourselves from getting hurt, disappointed.I invite you believe in your magnificence, your beauty, truth and power. Know even if you didn’t feel all that, you’re not less than. Never, ever;it’s illusion. Imagine the new vision and clarity once the blinders are dropped. It’s sharp moment of seeing like wearing contact lenses for the first time. There’s a whole world to see fresh eyes. Begin today or at least lift up a corner and have a conversation of what’s stopping you.
A new vision for your life awaits and more opportunities for being seen. Go have a “see and be seen” week!
Love always,

The Daily Pip
Merlin is very wise. I love the idea of really being seen – sometimes seems rare, but when someone does really see you it is pretty amazing.
Deb Barnes - Zee and Zoey
Thank you Merlin – Wisdom like that isn’t shared nearly enough. I’ve taken it to heart. xoxo
Socks, Scylla, Fenris, Tuiren, YinYang & Chimera (ATCAD)
Very wise words Merlin. We saw yesterday was your purrday and wanted to let you know we are thinking about you. ((Hugs))
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks, but Merlin’s birthday is Oct.2. Stop by on Monday 🙂
Colehaus Cats
Wonderful words, Merlin. Thanks for sharing them with us!
MR Puddy
Kudos to you, Magic Merlin !
Layla Morgan Wilde
You’re magic too, Puddy! xo
Thank you for your great wisdom, Merlin. This is so appropriate in light of the week we’re facing.
Layla Morgan Wilde
I hope you’re okay? xoxo
Merlin we always love seeing you! ((hugs))
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks for stopping by. I’ll stop by and visit soon xox
Merlin, you are so wise. Thank you for this post of inspiration!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks and arigato xox
The Swiss Cats
Great quote, and very wise words, Merlin. Good food for thoughts. Purrs
Layla Morgan Wilde
Merci bien mes amies xo
Ellen Pilch
Excellent quote and explanation.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks dearest Ellen xo
Sometimes Cats Herd You
Merlin, you are always so wise. And today was a day when we needed to be reminded that there is a lot more than the obstacle the head peep has been staring at. Thanks for the reminder!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Glad to be of service and wish smooth skies ahead xo
The Island Cats
We love your words of wisdom, Merlin.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks dear boys xoxo
This week has been a week of frustrations, disappointments sadness, and an utter lack of belief in the good of human nature.
I believe my own blinders are off,(as to what and who I am) but others are blinded it seems by hate, by drama by whatever it is that drives them to be what they are.
Few can see the kindness, the good, or if they can it is ignored and their focus is on using others and just getting what they can get no matter the cost or future consequences of their current actions.
You Merlin are a wise one, I wish all were just half as wise as you.
You made me stop and think… as you always do. You quieted my mind for bit, and for that I thank you.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Dearest Ellen, I’m sorry about your pissy week. It’s all the humans and not the cats as usual, right? xoxo
Wingnut's Minion
Thanks, Merlin wise words from a cat who sees things for what they really are!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Hello and welcome Wingnut. I’ve heard good things about you 🙂
Layla Morgan Wilde
Have a see and be seen week, Summer xo
Layla Morgan Wilde
Purrs to you dear. Have a see and be seen week xo
skeeter and Izzy
We are so happy to hear you confirm what we know to be so very true. You have to be willing to look at yourself in the harsh light of day and reality to truly see yourself and then be willing to accept that you are ok seeming flaws and all then you have to apply that to every being that you encounter. People are always commenting on the fact that I am usually always smiling and I tell them that I am upright and breathing so there is soooooooooooo very much to be happy about!
Luvs and a very Happy Monday to you Merlin!
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo & the Angels >^..^^..^<~
Layla Morgan Wilde
Purrs to you dears and yes upright and breathing is a gift 🙂
I always need to see you on Mondays, Merlin. You make my deal. Truly. You wise old soul who’s forever young.
Or, should I say, fur-ever young.
Your lessons are always insightful. Not the blind leading the blind, but a new way of seeing.
<3 <3 <3
And purrs from Ched and Mao (they're sleeping now but relayed their wishes via cat-telepathy.) You understand.
You make my ‘day’ but I guess ‘deal’ works just as well.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Cat-telepathy message received thanks 🙂 Ha, and I wish I could make your deal but day is good xoxo
ConnieMarie Poulson
Thank you Merlin. I needef the uplifting boost.?
Layla Morgan Wilde
Glad to help. That’s why we’re here xox
Such wise words!