Merlin Remembers Angel Abby & Birthday Commentathon
Is Monday here already? Again? Merlin here, and did you know I help my mom Layla to comment at other blogs? Well, we were working in bed (my favorite place) when she stepped out for a few minutes. When she returned she was surprised to see me sprawled on the keyboard communicating with our friends at Manx Mnews. Oh that Annabelle is something else. Such a beauty I wish I was 18 years younger.
Anyway, her hooman mom, has done an remarkable job documenting her grieving journey on the blog. Her heart and soul cat Abby passed OTRB last August and her birthday is tomorrow. Abby was a very special cat and I’ve heard through the feline grapevine that she and Gris Gris have crossed paths. They would love me to join them but I’m not quite ready. Us cats know how to communicate beyond time and space and we don’t worry about dying. We also know how heartbroken humans get when we leave our fur form. But what hurts also heals and nothing heals faster than kitty love. What humans need to know is that hearts don’t break down but break OPEN, to be open to more love and compassion. It’s one of the most important lessons we teach cat lovers.
To celebrate Abby’s birthday, ManxMnews is having a commentathon benefit. Go visit ManxMnews on Tuesday and leave a comment and your good wishes.

Sue Brandes
Beautiful post Merlin. My Squeaky will gone a year next month.
Skeeter and Izzy
thank you for the beautiful thoughts about grief and loss. We send our love to all that have lost one they love. We know only too well how that hurts. We know that they are all safe and sound together over the Rainbow Bridge. Purrs of Love to all.
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo >^..^<
Oui Oui
We wouldn’t miss it!
Connie Marie
Merlin, you are so wise, matbe that is why I live you and think you are so special. I will visit tomorrow and comment. I have a hard time with death, your idea is comforting. I’m so glad you are not ready to join them at the bridge. Thank you for a special post.
Connie Marie
I will be at the commentathon tomorrow Merlin. You speak wise words but sometimes it takes a long time to be able to embrace their meaning, but hopefully we are all able to eventually.
Sometimes, Cats Herd You
Merlin, it’s so sweet of you to tell everyone about the commentathon for Abby. Her Mom’s journey of grief and finding Annabelle has touched us all.
Yes, we’re approaching a sad anniversary here too. Mewdy Blue left me on July 13th. This year of anniversaries has been an extremely difficult journey.
Layla Morgan Wilde (Cat Wisdom 101)
Andrea, you’ve had such a hard year and the first anniversary is a tough one. Sending you soft purrs as you remember dear Mewdy Blue. I’ll stop by.
Nerissa's Life
Hearts breakin’ open… open for more love…. I really like that. Reminds us that there’s always more love to be given.
Glogirly and Katie
We’ve been so very touched by Debra’s posts about Abby and her journey of grief and love. We’ll be sure to visit tomorrow!
Cathy Keisha
I miss Abby too but not like Debby does. I’ll be there to comment tomorrow. Merlin can’t be that old if hes still thinking about romance.
The Swiss Cats
Very tender post, Merlin. We’ll be at the commentathon tomorrow ! Purrs
Brian Frum
We will sure be there too!
We certainly have plans to go to Abby’s blog tomorrow to celebrate her birthday. Thanks for visiting our blog and reminding us. Hope all is well at your house. Take care.
Merlin, you are so wise. Now I know our hearts break open instead of break down, for more love! Purrs for Abby’s mom.
Angel AbbyGrace
Merlin did I ever tell you that I like older mancats?
Thank you for the lovely lovely posting. It brought tears to my eyes. As you know tomorrow is going to be a very hard hard day for me. So many firsts for me to walk through this summer. Thank you again for helping me remember my very special girl.
The Island Cats
We think this is a wonderful way to remember and honor Abby.
You gave us a scare. We thought we’d gotten our dates mixed up but we flew over to Manx Mnews and checked. The commentathon is tomorrow, so we’ll go back then. 🙂
Melissa & Truffles
What a beautiful post, Merlin. I agree, Abby’s mom is an amazing writer. I hope that my Tara is with Abby and Gris Gris at the Bridge as well.
Layla Morgan Wilde
I bet Tara is in good company on the bridge. Purrs for your upcoming anniversary.
da tabbies o trout towne
dood….ewe bee wize beyond sages !!! we will shirley stop by manx mnews N help a long in the commenthon ♥♥♥♥
Fuzzy Tales
We’ll be at the commentathon tomorrow too!
Thank you for imparting your wisdom upon us, Merlin. You are a good and wise teacher, and we love and treasure you. We’ll definitely be at the commentathon for sweet Angel Abby.
Wise words as always friend Merlin…..we will visit those who grieve and leave a hug…….as for you – you’re looking good dear Merlin…….and I send you a most special Sammy Hug……….
Love, Sam
easy rider
Merlin, I understand why Abby’s mom is so sad that Abby had to go to this bridge. And I like what you wrote about broken hearts. You are really a wise cat.