Meow Like A Pirate Day: Why Black Cats Are Lucky
Shiver me timbers; it’s our 6th year celebrating Meow Like A Pirate Day and International Speak Like Pirate Day.
This post was translated into pirate speak from Post Like a Pirate. Try it for your comments or tweets today for fun.
On September 19th, cats all over th’ seven seas be celebratin’ Meow Like A Pirate Day. Aaargh! In pirate lore, black cats were a pirate’s favored companion fer keepin’ rodents at bay. Pirates, a superstitious lot, claimed if th’ ship’s cat approached a sailor, it meant jolly luck. If th’ cat approached halfway ‘n turned away, it meant bad luck would follow. If a cat was thrown overboard, signaled stormy seven seas ‘n extra bad luck to follow.
Th’ Practical Side ‘o Black Cat Luck
Black cats were lucky by default. Thar more black cats than other colors ‘n any cat and any cat who could keep their grub supplies rodent-free was a blessin’. Th’ furry sea monsters be better than a pillow to sliumber wit’ ‘n more a ruckas to watch than a barrel monkeys full ‘o rum.
Double ‘yer Luck With Black Polys
Black polydactyl cats (cats wit’ extra toes) were considered extra lucky. Their big paws wit’ extra toes, could grip, climb ‘n hunt wit’ extraordinary skill. Th’ black darlings with furry sea legs were valued as much as any treasure. Aaargh!
Cheers fer a grog-filled day full ‘o a ruckas wit’ furry buckos ‘n yar tribe members.
Purrs ‘n spiced rum galore from ship to shore,
Layla, Cap’n Domino, First Matey Odin and First Wench Nou Nou, Grand Buccaneer of Summerland, Merlin and a lucky black rep of the #BCTA Black Cat Tribe.

The Dash Kitten Crew
WooHOo we love your post Meorarrghhhhhh. Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day
Thank you for joining the Pet Parade!
Melissa Clinton
Blimey! Those be mighty fine facts about pirate cats! We love black cats and miss our black Manx Amos every single day. ♥ Thanks for joining the Pet Parade.
Ms Layla! You Rock! I wish me and Ninja (who is a BLACK Pirate Cat!) sure wish we could have got our Mom to Pirate out too!
Queen Nellie sends you angel cat kisses too!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Nothing better than Angel misses from Queen Nellie xoxox
ERin the Cat (Princess)
Thems the best reasons to have a cat, when you’re a pirate, Yo ho mol!
Pirate Purrs
MrJackFreckles/Pipo & Minko
Ahoy! Avast! Interesting tail you mewed t’us!
You all make such cute pirates 🙂
Nellie (who use to be the cat from hell)
Yous guys is the bestest pirates EVER! (especially my angel Merlin!!! Wes sorry wes not commented a lot over the last couple of weeks. Mommy has been sleep deprived between work, traveling to get Cinnamon, Kozmo and Jo Jo. Wes gotted behind.
andsending yous furry much love
Nellie, Kozmo, Cinnamon and Jo JoSending
You sure do make some mighty fine pirates! 🙂
I just couldn’t bring myself to join in this year. For some reason, Meow Like a Pirate Day really reminds me of Moosey. Probably because he looked so great in the pirate costumes we Photoshopped on him. Oh well, maybe next year…
Happy Day, dear pals.
Brian Frum
Ye mates will make many a timber shiver!
Mickey's Musings
Ye be a fine bunch o’ pirates as ever there was!
Julie the Black agrees about black cats and luck. Arrrrr!
Come join in our plunder and have some of arr grog!
Tis a fine time ta be a pirate. Yarrrrrrrr!
Happy Meow Like a Pirate Day!
Purrs Georgia and Julie,
Treasure and JJ
Garrr! Ye be a fine band o’ pirates.
The Florida Furkids
Ahoy! ye be a fine bunch of pirates!
The Floria Furkids
Ellen Pilch
Excellent post. You all make great pirates.
What a merry crew ye are!
Katie Kat and Lil Bear
yes us black cats come in mighty handy catching evil mice – Lil Bear who catches evil mice
Timmy Tomcat
Yarr tis good luck we have a plenty with 2 black cats in our ship
Terrible Tim and his Fearless Family
And yet when one french ship sank with rabbits aboard for food the french forever thought that rabbits were unlucky and would never have them on ships again.and one french ferry company still stands by the superstition today and won’t carry rabbits
a bit out dated I think,Happy talk like a pirate day,xx Rachel and Speedy
Timmy Tomcat
Speedy you are the luckiest rabbit we know
Layla Morgan Wilde
Wow, I did not know that! The French do like eating them but what about lucky rabbit’s foot charms?
skeeter and Izzy
Its so cool to know that there were so many that actually thought that cats were lucky and especially Black Cats!!!!!
Luvs to all the Lucky Pirate Cats out there!
Skeeter and Izzy and The Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo & the Angels >^..^^..^<~
Wow, did not know black polydactyls are extra lucky. Our blackie is just a regular.
Happy Meow Like a Pirate Day!
(They’re lazy pirates, sleeping the day away. I need to put them to work, swabbing the deck!)
What a crew. Ye all look so … um, piratey.
Love it! Love it! What a fetching cat lovin’ pirate wench ye make… and a fine lookin’ crew too! Arrrrrh!
easy rider
oh what a fab pirate crew… I bet you will rock Tortuga today :o)
The Island Cats
OMC! I woulda been a great sailin’ cat! ~Ernie
Layla Morgan Wilde
Ernie, you’d be #1!
Peaches and Paprika
We love seeing both of you-that’s a wonderful graphic and scary sound effect lettering!! And we were just shivering with Fear at your first one. We LOVE your Meow Like a Pirate signage! Mrrrrow!
Sometimes Cats Herd You
Paws up! We love that even Layla got into the pirate action this year. Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day!
The Swiss Cats
Arrrh ! That’s so hardyharhar ! Our message this day be ’bout cats on boats ‘n relationship between sailors ‘n cats too ! Purrs