Caturday News: The Big, The Bad, The Beautiful
- Are you getting ready for Halloween? Cats and pumpkins go together like trick or treat. If you are a crafty DIY type, what could be more purrfect than a spooky cat carving? Even more fun? A Grumpy Cat pumpkin or #Grumpkin. If you’re not so handy with a knife, let a stencil guide you. Friskies spokescat Grumpy Cat has her own pumpkin stencil you can download for free thanks to Friskies teaming up with Petsmart. The stencil is designed by Ray Villafane who Martha Stewart dubbed “The Michelangelo of pumpkin carving”. See the maestro in action in this time-released video.
- We love to support ASPCA initiatives. Since 2010, hundreds of contestants have dedicated themselves to the ASPCA Rachael Ray 100K Challenge in which animal shelters around the country compete to see who can save the most lives. This marks the fifth and final year of the competition. – an increase of nearly 60,000 cats and dogs – with dozens of animal shelters increasing their adoptions by 100% or more compared to previous years. Over five years total, challengers saved more than a QUARTER OF A MILLION lives. The top prize winners include the Central California SPCA.
- We’re big on DIY methods of catification like using existing furniture or repurposing items already in your home. Anything we can do to enrich the lives of our cats is a good thing. It can be as simple as a step stool next to bed to give an older cat a leg up or making a “kitty castle” out of cardboard boxes. It’s fun, creative and saves money. But sometimes I run across something so different, I have to share. Three lucky cats in Asheville, NC have a custom made “Litter Loo”. When Jason Archer and his partner moved to a new home with their three cats, they needed a litter solution. One cat wasn’t covering his business, while an older cat didn’t want to navigate stairs. The home had a doggie door and a creative carpenter whipped up the “Litter Loo”. Most cats don’t like cramped or covered litter boxes. Since installing the airy and roomy loo, the cats are happily using it. The roof lifts up and the litter boxes slide out for easy cleaning.
- It would be pretty easy to make if you’re handy with a hammer and saw or you could just hire a carpenter.
- It’s no secret that my favorite working outfit are pajamas. Yup, that’s what I was wearing when my Pettie Award for Best Designed Blog arrived by mail. It’s a lovely award that sits in my office to remind me of you. Yes, you dear reader is why I’m here in my pajamas doing my creative best.
If you missed any of our posts this week…
- Check out our photo essay of the pet summit in Knoxville. Yes, I went a bit overboard but that’s how much fun I had.
- It is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and here’s our VET 101 scoop on feline breast cancer. with a nice Pinnable/shareable PSA graphic.
- For more PSA sharing, our #AdorableAdoptable ginger and cream boy needs a name (and a home).
- If you like graphic novels and cats, you’ll love I Was The Cat. Plus enter to win a copy by simply leaving a comment at the review/giveaway post Hurry, today is the last day to enter!
- We loved sharing the good news about Chris Poole winning the Friskies Cat Video Award for Cole and Marmalade but devastated to learn about Marmalade’s test results yesterday. He has intestinal cancer. He’s had surgery and will need a treatment plan. We ask you to send your strongest purrs and prayers from him and his family. Pass it on. Chris sent us a bunch of extra pics we didn’t include in our post yesterday. I wanted to something so I made this graphic. The best place for updates is on their Facebook page
Merlin’s birthday fundraiser had a widget glitch and wah! no one could see it. There’s only one week left. Let’s make it count.

Glogirly and Katie
Love the Litter Loo! …the name is as cute as the loo!
Congrats on your Pettie, Layla.
Katnip Lounge
We had at our old house a “chest” in the garage that Scott built for the boxes, complete with exhaust fans and lighting…a 4-holer!
ConCATS on your Pettie!!!!
The Island Cats
That Grumpy Cat pumpkin is so cool. But we don’t think the mom could ever carve a pumpkin that good…she’s just not very talented.
Congrats again on your Pettie!
We love that grumpy punkin but are very sad to hear about dear Marmalade.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks and ditto!
Grumpkin is so cute 🙂 The litter loo looks fantastic with the view and nice door from the house!
Angel AbbyGrace
How ingenious and talented people are (not our human but others certainly are). We loved the idea of the Grumpy pumpkin and oh that loo house was catteristic!!!
Layla Morgan Wilde
🙂 love the new word catteristic.
Skeeter and Izzy
May God bless little Marmalade and heal him. We send Purrs and love and all the strength that we can to him and his entire family. We ask all the forces in the cosmos to help Marmalade in his fight and ask that he is blessed with courage and strength to win this battle.
Luvs Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo >^..^^..^<~
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks and we’re sending extra big mancat purrs your way for your loss.
Deb Barnes - Zee and Zoey
Great loo pictures! Purrs to Marmalade and concats on the Pettie!
easy rider
the loo with a view looks great! It’s so sad that Maramalade got bad news and he has to fight against the evil big C, but I cross my paws that he will win this fight. I like the picture with your award, your eyes fit perfectly with your award, how cool! have a good saturday :o)
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks Easy for your big crossed paws! And thanks.
I’ll be snoopervising the annual carving of the SAMOWEEN pumpkin…..we have a regular pumpkin and my cat pumpkin every year! I’m so sad to hear about Marmalade but we hope the surgery took care of the evil “C” and he will be fine soon. My Mom loves that “loo” !!! If it didn’t have potty boxes in it I’d love to use it as my secret fort!!!!
Hugs, Sammy
Layla Morgan Wilde
You have awesome pumpkins! We all need a secret fort.
There will be no pumpkin carving here – for her own good, I won’t let my human handle a carving knife! Congratulations again on your well-deserved Petties win!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks and ditto to your mom 🙂