Caturday: Welcome to my bedroom, G+ Hangouts & News
What a wild and wooly week of posts, news and tons of kitty related consults. We’re always up for learning new things and finally did our first Google Hangout. It was a sneak peek for the Blogpaws panel presentation on bridging blogging and journalism with fellow blogger friends Deb Barnes, Janiss Garza and Alana Grelyak. Like all learning curves it wasn’t perfect but I liked it enough to want do it again. Merlin sat on my lap and you can see him poke his head up while I’m blabbing away. And yes, that location is where I blog from every day.
Please let me know if you’d like me to do more hangouts and on what subject. They’re live and viewers can write comments at any point. Click here to view the hangout and read the comments.
I’m the new editor MEOW the CWA blog and our first guest blog has awesome tips on volunteering.
My latest post for Petfinder.com is Love is a Four-legged Word and includes some pics of Grumpy Cat, the guest of honor at the opening of a new mobile adoption center in Berkeley Ca.
In case you missed any of our posts this week or feel like sharing images…
We shared an exclusive interview with the owner of celebrity cat Sauerkraut.
Vet 101 gave advice about mood meds for some crazy cats.
There was happy news at our Shelter Volunteer post and a reverse psychology adoption graphic.
We had a touching guest post about feral cats Tale of Two Ferals
Okay, I think I’m ready for a catnap. Next week I hope will be quieter but be sure to stop by tomorrow for a very special book giveaway.

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal
Me and my mom-person loved to watch the hangout !
Connie Marie
Great Week!
Thank you for the invitation, I marked it on my calander, wondered how it would work, was all ready, then blasted!! I dinged out and forgot the time zone!
It was already over! I did watch the tape of it, learned new things,
realize I have to take a writing class, but I’m one step closer to starting something. Best of all was putting faces and voices with everyone’s writing. Now, take a well deserved rest. I bet Merlin would like that too
Cathy Keisha
Concats on your editorship. We’re gonna have to go visit the blog. We watched part of the Google hangout. Will have to go back to it when Pop isn’t home. TW sez he talks too much but don’t tell him.
The Island Cats
The mom needs to watch the hangout video since she missed it. 🙂
Sweet Purrfections
Mom Paula wanted to participate in the hangout, but she’s out of town and missed it.
The Swiss Cats
What a busy week ! We love to watch the hangouts, it’s always so interesting, inspiring, and helpful ! Purrs
Dezi and Lexi
Yep we missed da hangout when it wuz live, but watched it yesfurday. It wuz pawsum and we sure hope there be more in da future. We learned a pawful lot by it. And da biggest fing we learned is dat we need a mentor. we sure hope we get to go to BlogPaws to meet evewypawdy. Maybe we can find one there. We actually hav ow Blest Sunday post scheduled and we talk a lot ’bout da hangout. As well as fank y’all fur duin’ it. But as we know y’all rarely visit ow blog, weez will say fank you here. It wuz pawsum and we learned a lot. Since we stawted in social media to get ow stowry out and to tell bout da wunnews of kitties we awe very blest to hav so many peeps dat twust us. And dat’s not sumfin’ we take lightly. We vowed to always tell da twuff no matter what da consequences, and we do. Now we need to work on da purropurr diwection of ow bloggy. Anyways, weez basically writin’ a bloggy here, so weez’l just hush and say Fanks.
Luv ya’
Dezi and Lexi
I loved watching the google hangout, though I had some issues with sound and accents lol But it was very helpful. I hope there is more.xx
Layla Morgan Wilde
Caro, I’m so glad you watched. LOL about accents! Any suggestions are welcome.
Austin Towers
Actually, I didn’t have any problem with yours! You were very clear and you spoke slowly lol I think there are always difficulties with multiple webcam link ups, but it wouldn’t stop me watching as I learn a lot.
I absolutely adore the galloping photo of Odin!!
Layla Morgan Wilde
It was great fun to connect with you and our readers in a new way :-0
Layla Morgan Wilde
It was fun and I think none of are crazy about how we look on camera 😉 Initially the screengrab was of me and then switched. It’s all good and a great way to connect with our readers.
That was a great Google hangout. If you want to participate in more, that’s great.
I’ve been emailing and talking with my daughter and sister about everybody’s new BFF – The Internet and how exhausting it is.
We want to read everything, watch and look at everything and correspond with all the people/events we want to, but by the end of the week, we’re brain dead and exhausted.
It’s hard to cut back.
I think people should only engage with their new BFF The Internet — only as much as they truly want to.
Everything snowballs on the Internet. A friend has asked me to ghostwrite for her for a few assignments because she has too much on their plate — and they pay me. OK. Good. Other projects I have to turn down. And I don’t spend enough time at the gym or outside. Today is a great day for both. It’s hard to limit the Internet. But today, I will go to the gym, drive around in the sunlight, nap more (I always nap) and only do the friend project for a few days, putting aside my job for a few days.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Ha, so true, this BFF is very demanding! You always manage to balance things.
Best and worst BFF ever.
Well, I don’t know about you, but I don’t manage it all. I live in my bathrobe and have dark circles under my eyes.
I am driven to get my novels done. They will be done. One, anyway. In a few years. 🙂
Always great seeing you!
Skeeter and Izzy
The Hangouts sound like tons of fun.
We hope everyone had a great week even with the snow and cold.
Have a fab weekend!
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo >^..^<
Layla Morgan Wilde
It’s fun learning something new and the hangout is actually easier than I thought. Stay warm and safe!
Quite a week! We’ve never quite figured out how to get the hang out thing working so we always seem to miss the events.
Layla Morgan Wilde
It doesn’t matter since you can view it anytime after.
I’m sure the hangouts are tons of fun………it’s a great way to share ideas and knowledge that’s for sure!!! Otherwise the week was full of snow and cold and people saying “WHERE’S SPRING????” !!
Hugs, Sammy and Mom Pam
My human really enjoyed doing the hangout with you and everyone else, but she hasn’t been back to look at it because she hates herself on camera! Only figures it’s an image of her that YouTube grabbed for the still image. MOL!