Rescued: The Stories of 12 Cats Book Giveaway
Every cat has a story but rescued cats seem to have an extra chapter. There are many books and stories about rescued cats but a new book spins tales from the cats’ perspective. Who better to sniff out every last morsel of truth and wisdom than a cat? Rescued: The Stories of 12 Cats, Through Their Eyes is a collection of true-life rescue stories to surprise and delight any cat lover. Truthfully, can we ever read enough good cat stories? Not when they’re are diverse as these heart-warming tales.
There are special needs cats, shelter cats, a mystical black cat named Rama, a Siamese reporting from the Rainbow Bridge and the supremely happy Harriet to name a few. The authors and their feline assistants have dutifully and deftly captured their cats’ voices or so says our feline reviewer Merlin. He also approves of the cover girl, his friend Crepes. It’s not often that Merlin reviews books where he happens to know half the authors and even the editor, Janiss Garza is a noted blogger pal.
Not all cats have a happy endings but this lucky feline dozen survive rocky starts of every stripe to find true love and happy homes. We should all be so lucky and one lucky Cat Wisdom 101 reader will win their own copy of Rescued.
Merlin gives his highest 4 Paws Rating to Rescued and promises you’ll love cats just a wee bit more after you read it.
Merlin says, “Let’s have some fun! To enter the giveaway leave a comment telling us briefly about a cat who rescued or should I say, rescued you.” This giveaway is on until 11:59 pm March 15, 2015. For extra chances to win, social media share this post and tell us in a separate comment where you shared.
If you must get your paws on a copy immediately, visit Amazon, and for more info, visit the publisher Fitcatinc.com

Nancy Blue Moon
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Nancy Blue Moon
I’ll tell you about Susie..My boyfriend and I were sitting on the porch one morning having a cup of coffee..We kept hearing a kitten meowing and were trying to figure out where the sound was coming from..Finally I walked over to the side of our house where there was a big bushy group of Black-Eyed-Susans growing..I reached in and pulled out a sweet little half grown tortoise shell kitten..Apparently she was crying for help but was too scared to come out..once I pulled her out and took her to the porch with us she seemed so happy..She kept going from one of us to the other purring and rubbing against us..Well, it didn’t take long for us to fall in love with her..When it was time to go in the house she went running to the door asking to come in with us..How could we resist??..She has been with us ever since that day..Oh yes..we named her Black-Eyed-Susan..Susie for short or Susan when she is being naughty..mol..she is a Tortie after all..
All my cats are rescues. I’ll tell you of Gabriel, one of four kittens I found abandoned at work. My first meezer, he’s a real loverboy, sitting on my computer desk and making kissy faces at me. (Maybe that’s due to the fact that it’s supper-time. . .) He always has to be where I am.
Cynthia Southern
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Cynthia Southern
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Cynthia Southern
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Cynthia Southern
This sounds like a wonderful book. Princess, my Calico cat, rescued my husband and I the night we brought Puff to the vet’s office for her journey to the bridge. She had suffered a stroke and was very ill. Princess was one among many cats the vet’s office had available for adoption. She met my husband, crawled into my coat and out of the sleeve and purred in his ear after climbing onto this shoulder.
I was with Puff while she was going to the bridge. We brought Princess home that night in 2005. She made it possible for us to get thru our grief of losing Puff. Yes, cats choose us and rescue us from our sadness.
There were three cats, a mother and her two adult kittens, that hung around our house all the time. We already had two cats, so resisted adopteing them, instead just feeding them outside. Finally, we broke down and brought them all inside permanently. They turned out to be the best cats we’ve ever had, and we’ve had a lot! Another cat that turned out to be a real treasure was also a stray we took in — making a total of five cats at one point!
Heather C. and Ellie Mae O'Cat
Would love to read this book. My rescue is Ellie Mae O’Cat. We rescued each other. I was told by the rescue group that had her that her family could not take her with them when they moved. Ellie had been at the shelter around 7 and a half months. Thank God it was no-kill. Ellie has been there for me and with me through some really tough stuff the last couple of years and I really don’t even know if some days I would have gotten out of bed if it wasn’t for needing to take care of her feeding and litter etc. She was four and a half when I rescued her and now she is 7 and 1/2. I hope she lives for many many years and we have lots more happy times together. Many Purrs to all the Wilde felines but extra ones to Merlin. 🙂
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks Heather. Ellie Mae is a lucky gal and sure to live long with your good care.
All our kitties have been rescues. I wish I could adopt everyone I see.
Gail Ormsbee
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Gail Ormsbee
Mom rescued Puddy 10 yrs ago as she came back four times to our house;
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Alesha OL
My 5 meow sons rescued me, at various stages within the past 5 years, and I am so thankful that they have. I am even planning a room for them whenever we move, that’s how much they mean to me, and I would love to read this book. Thanks
Katie Kat and Oreo
All my cats found me! My oldest girl’s story is very interesting. Katie Too showed up at a friend’s house in another town on the very same day that Kitty, my mother’s (formerly my grandmother’s) cat passed away at 20 years old. Kitty went home one year to the day that my brother was tragically killed from a 200 feet fall. Mom asked Kitty to please stay another year, because she couldn’t bear losing Kitty and my brother at the same time.
Kitty was a petite Russian Blue who contracted FIV. Our vet had kept her going using steroid shots and we helped her digestive system with daily tummy rubs. At one time, she had to have all her teeth pulled. Kitty had a fun thing she did with her food to keep life interesting, she wanted a buffet of four different bowls (3 canned, 1 dry) of food to chose from daily.
The anniversary of my brother’s death, Kitty went into congestive heart failure and passed away just as we got her to the vet. Then a few hours later, my friend called to tell me that a young tuxedo kitten had mysteriously walked into her house when her oldest daughter opened the door about the same time that Kitty died. That cat was Katie Too. Katie walked into their house tail straight up as if on a mission…. About two weeks later, I went down to their town to pick her up. She have been my kitty ever since… 12 years later.
Katie Kat and Oreo
oh I should mention that Kitty used to take walks like a doggy. She also saved my Mom’s life after her back surgery was infected… Kitty would not leave Mom’s side and would lay across her back, until Mom went back to the doctor. Turned out an MRSA infection had set in all the way to Mom’s hip.
Layla Morgan Wilde
that’s amazing. thanks for sharing.
I found my Desiree nearly 6 years ago in the bushes of my front yard when she was just a few weeks old. She was very sick with a respiratory infection, as well as an open wound on her neck, fleas, ear mites and conjuctivitis. After 2 days at the vet’s office I brought her home and nursed her back to health. She’s been in great health ever since and she’s the most loving/affectionate cat I’ve ever known.
Ramona Hensrude
Even if I don’t win, I’ll order this book. Both our cats, Maggie (15) and Murray (6) are Purrfect Pals “graduates”. They were both rescued and brought to Purrfect Pals, the no-kill cat shelter in Arlington, WA. I’ve heard about hundreds of cat rescue stories as a volunteer adoption counselor for PP.
Carol Dyer
All of my cats were rescues, but my very first, Shuggie, and her sister, Shaggy, were rescued from an unusual situation. This was in 1972, and I was in college. One evening my roommate’s boyfriend came to our dorm room with two kittens in his arms. He had been visiting some hippie friends, (we were all hippies then), and these friends were planning to give the kittens some LSD, just to see what they would do. My roommate’s boyfriend said “no way,” and grabbed the kittens and brought them to us. My roommate loved cats, but could only take one. I had never had a cat before, but fell in love immediately, and my future as a cat lady was sealed! Shuggie and I went on to have so many adventures together. She even turned my cat-hating mother into a cat lover who cried almost as hard as I did when Shuggie passed away. I’ve had many wonderful cats since then, but Shuggie will always hold a special place in my heart. So will my roommate’s boyfriend!
All 3 of my cats are rescues. One which I flew to the West Coast from the Midwest to bring home when a close friend’s ex gave their daughter a kitten then told her a day later he was going to give it to someone with a history of abusing animals instead. Knowing my friend was extremely allergic he never expected her to bring him home (and then have to board him) or for me to come get him. That little kitten is now the biggest cat in the house!
Sue Brandes
Sounds like a wonderful book. Lil Miss Hope rescued me after losing both of my older kitties a year apart.
Sue Brandes
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Sue Brandes
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Mandi Clark
I have three rescues, but the one that tugs at my heart is Max. Sparkle actually had a hand in helping me save him- as she posted about him in November 2012. He was a senior in a high kill shelter, here in Ontario Canada. I was able to adopt him with the help of a local cat rescue. I did not meet him until I picked him up- I knew nothing about him other than the fact he was older than 14. It turns out he is quite the well behaved and quirky character. He has so much personality and so much love to give. He is constantly “killing” his toys and bringing them to me as gifts. Max has taught me to trust my instincts. When I know something in my heart I have to act on it. I am so glad he gets to live out his senior years. I don’t even want to think about the fate that awaited him- simply because he was a senior stray.
Layla Morgan Wilde (Cat Wisdom 101)
I remember that! Thanks for sharing about the joys of adopting older cats.
My cat Sami is a rescue. She has so much personality and so much love to give, we’re so glad we found her and she found us (even when she pulls over the garbage can looking for scraps)!
Cathy Keisha
Every cat TW has ever had has been a rescue. Faith was part of a neighbor cat’s litter; Nicky was found wandering on the front porch; Chizzy was born to a feral in their hallway and Autumn and I came from the same rescue as shelter cats. The difference was Autumn had been fostered and I hadn’t. I’m very much looking forward to rading this book.
Pawesome Cats
We’ve just ordered ‘Rescued’ from Amazon and can’t wait till it arrives… approx 2 weeks and counting.
The Swiss Cats
Great review ! Mum is often “afraid” of that kind of book, because she cannot stand cruelty against animals ; thank you for remembering that all the stories of the book have a happy end ! We keep the Amazon link under the paw in case we’re not lucky at the giveaway ! Purrs
Ellen Pilch
That book looks amazing. You asked for a rescue story, I have 15 cats, each rescued. I guess the saddest would be Prancie, we found her outside on a cold January night 10 years ago. She had frostbitten ears, she looks like a Scottish fold now, but very cute.
In July of 2005 less than one month after we had adopted Abby, our shop cat Button disappeared. She was a feral cat who liked being in the workshop but don’t try and get her to come inside — oh no she was a tortie with a lot of ‘tude. One Saturday she simply wandered off and never came back. But we searched high and lo for her and our final place was to the (kill shelter) ACA in our county. It was a horrible trip Mom never can repeat. They allowed us back in the area of the cats that were to be euthanized that day. I can’t tell you … no I won’t …. anyway there was no Button. But there was this little gray and camel tabby at the doorstep talking and playing with each person as they came in the front door of the ACA. While we were originally waiting we asked the receptionist about that kitten. They asked us if we can’t to adopt her and we were like no no we just added a cat and we were there looking for our lost cat. They also told us, if they took her in, they knew her chances were nonexistent to get adopted. As we were leaving from the last chance room I had to walk by that kitten again…I was crying so hard from what I had seen, and my husband said do you want to take her and all I could do was say yes through my tears. That tabby girl was Gracie who was one of the best kitties anyone could have ever asked for. She and Abby came together less than a month apart in 2005 and then flew to the Bridge less than 6 months of each other. Maybe they were always supposed to be together. I miss Gracie Grace and Abby.
Layla Morgan Wilde (Cat Wisdom 101)
Thanks for sharing how Button acted as a go-between so you could find Gracie. It’s amazing how cats connect us.
What a great review! This book is on my top list to read! Both our boys are rescue, too. I have no idea how long they were alone but I’m very grateful and proud of them to have survived until they got rescued 🙂
Skeeter and Izzy
Thank you Merlin for a wonderful review of what has to be a Fabulous book!!!!
Rescued has got to be great, the title says it all.
We would love to win a copy.
All 9 of my furkids are rescues of one kind or another, mostly of the feral persuasion. They save me each and every day and are shining lights in this world. We hope this book will help even more peeps learn about the joy of rescuing a beautiful soul.
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo >^..^<
Austin Towers
We have already won this book and are really looking forward to reading it 🙂
That is such a wonderful book and supports so many great causes!
The Island Cats
The mom can’t wait to get this book and read it. Our rescue story is Zoey. She was a stray, very feral-like, before the mom trapped her and brought her inside to live.
Deb Barnes - Zee and Zoey
What a wonderful book! We love our rescue kitties, Kizmet and Jazmine, and wish this book all the success in the world! We hope it encourages lots of people to adopt a rescue cat or kitten. We already have a copy, so you don’t need to enter us in the contest. Purr from Deb and the Zee and Zoey Gang
I am so happy for the 21st century in so many ways. One way is in the abundance of cat lovers who help cats. Back in the olden days (when everybody was a child) people only knew about cats in their neighborhood and of their friends’ and families’ cats.
I always secretly hoped that the word about cats that they are really gods – the Egyptians were right – would get out — and thanks to the 21st century, so many people are sharing the goodness of ‘cat’ in so many ways.
Thanks for this wonderful post and all your wonderful posts.
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Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal
I have one copy of that book heading my way , that I won on Brian´s give away so count me out on this one and let some other lucky kitty get their paws on it 🙂
easy rider
A 4-paw book rated by Merlin, must be the best book ever. Good luck to all peeps who rescued a kitty and to all cats who rescued a biped :o)
ATTICUS was rescued from a shelter because he looked mean & we were afraid he’d never get chosen. He was so scared that he hid in my closet crawl space for a month! I crawled up there with him every day, at 1st just talking, then touching, petting… til I could burrito him & bring him down. Though still timid, he’d sit in my doorway & watch the other cats romp, never crossing that invisible line. When we adopted a kitten who turned out to have a fatal condition, ATTICUS ‘adopted’ him – cuddled & slept with him through his final days. ATTICUS = unconditional love
ATTICUS was rescued from a shelter because he looked mean & we were afraid he’d never get chosen. He was so scared that he hid in my closet crawl space for a month! I crawled up there with him every day, at 1st just talking, then touching, petting… til I could burrito him & bring him down. Though still timid, he’d sit in my doorway & watch the other cats romp, never crossinf that invisible line. When we adopted a kitten who turned out to have a fatal condition, ATTICUS ‘adopted’ him – cuddled & slept with him through his final days. ATTICUS = unconditional love
Oh, I have to read this book. Which rescue should I tell you about, hmh. I’ll mention Pixel, a feral cat who turned domestic almost the instant I let her out of her carrier after being spayed. I returned her to the colony because I had too many other cats at the time but I ended up taking her in anyway when her barns were torn down. I only had her 2 years when she died of pancreatic cancer but those 2 years were a treasure.