Caturday Falling Down Laughing
Happy Caturday! Thanks so much for your purrs and good wishes. Odin is recuperating from a misguided fall. No, not from a tree. He’s the Olympic medalist of tree climbing. We were optimistic when he finally emerged from his bed, still limping but wanting to go out. It was a gorgeous day and I thought it was a good way to monitor his gait. To keep him safe, I snapped on a new harness and leash. Odin took to it instantly and he seemed happy to be walked around. But all of a sudden, he spotted a robin on the lawn and bolted, ripping the harness off like the Incredible Hulk leaving the leash dangling in the wind. Needless to say, I will not be reviewing that product. The bird flew off and the disgruntled hunter was carried indoors where he took to his bed again. All outdoor activity remains off limits until the limp improves noticeably.
He’s responded well to hands-on Reiki healing treatment and communicated details about the fall. It wasn’t the dressing table as I’d originally thought but a tumble from the Neko Napper bed which sits on top of the radiator cover in my dressing room. I saw it had fallen to the floor the other day but thought nothing of it. Odin is usually so energetically intense he rarely allows Reiki and it’s difficult from me to receive communication from him. The injury slowed down his energy enough for me to tune in to at least get yes/no answers. For confirmation, I ask for a signal like moving his head for a “yes’.
Domino post vet update. He hid all day again until evening and appears back to normal.
Odin takes solace knowing cats falling badly can happen to the best of them. Making humans laugh is bonus like this video of epic cat jumping fails.
Other NEWS. As many of you know, I have another blog named Boomer Muse. A migration to WordPress over two months ago proved problematic but Boomer Muse finally rose from the ashes recently as LaylaMorganWilde.com
1750 posts, millions of views and six years later we’re sort of starting from scratch. talking about falling down laughing. It’s been a comedy of errors and a story of PERSEVERANCE. Come take a peek. it’s my blogoversery today.

Kitties Blue
Loved the video. Seen a few of the clips before. Several of us have fallen in the toilet when jumping up on the rim to get a drink. Some other epic fails as well, but lucky for us nothing on tape. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
Bwaa! Haa!! Haaa!!!
Odin! yous ROCKS! mes would LIVES to sees yous as the HULK!
It sounds as though Odin and Domino are both doing better, and that makes our hearts happy. 🙂
Happy blogoversary, dear friend. We’ll head over now.
Deztinee High
Glad yous feelin’ better but fink most of those videos not be vewy funny. Meez finks a lot of kitties kuld hav been hurt. Altho’ weez not see what happened afterwards so we don’t know. But mommy had a kitty dat bwoke hims leg in a vewy small fall and so weez just don’t fink it be funny. Happy blogovewsawy.
Luv ya’
feel better soon Odin,hehehe those videos were too funny!xx Rachel and Speedy
It’s great Odin is willing to go out. I hope he gets good rest and gets better!
And I’m glad Domino seems to be back to his normal self 🙂
Happy Blogoversary! Have a wonderful holiday weekend!
Cynthia Southern
Happy Blogoversary and best wishes for Odin to recover from his tree climbing mishap.
Elaine Hutzelman
Glad to hear all are improving. The first “Funny” cat video is very painful to watch, as one can see it’s an elderly, arthritic cat, with no stairs, and I bet the poor thing ached and hurt for several days………….and they laughed!!!
Elaine Hutzelman
Glad to hear the good news. The first video of the very elderly cat trying to jump onto the bed is not funny, but painful to watch. Can’t believe that his pet parents didn’t have stairs for the poor thing and thought it was so funny. I bet he ached for days.
Katnip Lounge
Thank goodness he’s feeling a little better…The Baby can be restrained by NO harness ever made; I swear she has NO BONES.
Happy Blogoversary!
I am glad Odin is improving.
It’s hard to keep a young cat down! (In fact, my human is surprised I am being so well behaved post spay!) I’m sure Odin will be better soon, and I’m glad to hear that Domino is getting back to normal. And happy blogoversary to you!
The Island Cats
We’re glad to hear Odin is doing better. Happy Blogoversary!
Very happy to hear there’s improvment!
Bet it was a shock to see him fly out of
the harness!
Happy Weekend
Skeeter and Izzy
Love the verse Odin! We are glad that the boys are out and about a bit. We still send big purrs to you guys. We hope all is back to normal in a day or so.
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo >^..^<
The Swiss Cats
We’re glad both of you are going better, Odin and Domino ! Purrs
Sue Brandes
Glad he doing better. Sending more healing prayers. Have a nice weekend.
We sure are happy things are back to normal again!
Things are looking up 🙂 so glad xx
Glad you are ok, Domino. Paws are still crossed for Odin, hope it’s much better soon.
Glad Patient Domino is fine…..hopefully Patient Odin will cooperate and rest that leg! Congratulations on the Blogaversary Layla………
Hugs, Pam
Cary Hillman
Damn birds! Love it, Odin. Hope you’re better soon.