Caturday “Burst” of Activity
During a mad burst of activity this week, (this week’s Photohunt theme is “burst”), I thanked my lucky stars for the grounding wisdom and wacky amusement provided by our cats. If you missed our giveaway yesterday, Vet 101 and other news, browse our magazine format home page. There always something happening when you work at home, and like all cats, our boys are curious. Certain behavior is a given. If a box arrives, Odin will be the first to sniff it out. An empty box usually trumps the contents.
I’m beginning to challenge the notion that cats are creatures of habit and don’t like change. It’s not that they are adverse to change but it needs to be on their own terms. Take Odin, he loves change and variety but not if it’s imposed. Some cats may favor one spot for sleeping but other cats like variety. Out of 12 rooms on 3 stories, we have dozens of potentially good places to nap, and yet the cats limit themselves. Only Odin has more than a dozen places to sleep. Every week, I find him in a new location, from squeezed into a tiny box to his latest fave, and one of our future giveaways, the cozy new Neko Napper. Gris Gris has about seven spots with his new spot on the night stand near my head. He never sleep under anything. Domino, the freedom seeker, favors five spots, never under anything or enclosed. Old blind boy Merlin only has only three spots: under the covers next to a human, on the heated window sill pad or on the heated pad on a chaise, preferably on hubby’s legs. Is less more?
How many spots do your cats sleep or nap in?
We had our first snow and another storm is arriving today. Not matter what: hot or cold, rain or snow, Domino still spends much of his day on the porch by choice, like his old feral days. Old habits die hard. Outdoors, he always eyes me like a stranger and bolts if I get too close. He tolerates being photographed from a distance posed and I caught doing yoga just before the snow came. Indoors, he loves his under chin and jowls rubbed and nightly brushing. His beaver pelt-like coat is the densest of any cat I’ve met and likely reason he managed to survive outdoors for so many years.

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My cats have their summer spots and their winter spots. Guess which one we’re using these days? It has been absolutely frigid around here lately though tomorrow they say it might get up to 30 in Des Moines (it’s usually a few degrees colder up here).
I think it’s important to know your cats’ sleeping behaviors because they usually change if they are sick or injured.
Sue Brandes
My cats have their favorite spots too. They do like when i change things around. They always find a new spot.
Matt - Lightroom Presets
Are they indoor cats? If so I guess they have enough time to check out new spots!
I’m not really a big fan of change, but I too change napping spots frequently!
Our cats definitely have their favorite spots, but you’re so right … those spots can and do change. Right now, under the Christmas tree are high on both Moosey and Zoe’s lists. 🙂
Deb Barnes - Zee and Zoey
Our gang definitely have favorite spots, but those spots can change to become new favorite spots! Right now they are enjoying time under the Christmas tree since they seem to know it is a limited treat!
Layla Morgan Wilde
I bet they love that!
Penelope at the Cat From Hell
We all has favorite places to sleep at our house too, even the hairy slobbery sisters, Bob and Cinnamon. Kozmo has a dense coat too. Me thinks its cuz he spends so much time outside!
So true about boxes and mice.
So cute – the yoga and al of Odin’s pose. So true about Yoga.
I told my kids that cats are genetically gifted with 30 percent more collagen in their bones and tendons. For about 2 minutes they believed me. I still don’t understand why cats are so stretchy, but glad they are.
Love these poses.
easy rider
I’m also not a friend of changes. I agree with Odin for the boxes and the mice :o)
Angel Abby
Oh I agree with everyone,as long as the change is the cats idea, then change is a good thing!
Sometimes, Cats Herd You
Cats don’t mind change as long as they think it is their own idea. New furniture is better accepted if they “discover” it rather than are lifted onto it. Anyone who had bought a cat tree and tried to hurry a cat into accepting it learned that the hard way!
Skeeter and Izzy
Cats like people are truly all individual and definitely unique. Even with my Feral Gang one is the spastic great adventurer that got shut up in a car for 4 days because he always has to be “involved” in everything! I was in total panic because he is equally dependable to be present for every meal. We agree with you that most cats will at least tolerate change if it happens on their terms…….MOL ALWAYS on THEIR terms!
We hope everyone is safe and snug during all of these winter storms and remember to try to provide and assist any kittys in your area with food,care and shelter! Share with your heart and it will come back to you tenfold!
Luvs Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Peanut and Twig and Romeo >^..^<
Connie Marie
What does Domino call his Yoga pose?
You are right – we kitties don’t mind change and sometimes we even love it, as long as we think it is an awesome change! Like when we moved here, we immediately loved this house. It was a GOOD change!