black cats podcast layla morgan wilde
Cats,  Feline Fine Art,  Holidays

Black Cat Superstitions: Past, Present And Future On Black Cat Day

If you love cats, sharing makes us purrrr :-)

Black Cat Superstitions: Past, Present And Future on Black Cat Day by Layla Morgan Wilde

As we inch toward the end of Black Cat Awareness Month, I’m feeling especially nostalgic. If you haven’t read any, this Black Cat Awareness Month post about 9 reasons to adopt a black cat is a favorite. I’ve blogged about Black Cat Day for years but everything changed four years ago. October 27 is Black Cat Day but it’s also my mother’s birthday. What could have been a cause for celebration turned tragic. My book Black Cats Tell All had just been published. Chris Poole of Cole and Marmalade (Cole was one of the cats featured in the book) scheduled a Facebook live to promote the book.

Every writer dreams of gazillions of eyeballs on their book baby. I think a record 80 thousand showed up but it didn’t translate into sales. I couldn’t keep up with the thousands of comments and given no way to collect emails or followers. The reason? My mother died that day. Literally a few hours before. The last thing I wanted to do was book publicity. It’s been four years since that fateful day and this year it hurts more than the first or second. Maybe because Cole died and there are unresolved issues between Chris and I. Maybe because I’m doing lots of deep shamanic ancestral work. Maybe it’s because I’m tired of living with chronic Lyme disease and it’s hideous daily toll. Maybe it’s because of my 20th wedding anniversary on yet another cat holiday (National Cat Day) on Oct. 28. Maybe it’s all of the above.

Anyone who knows me, knows I don’t mince words. I’m equally loved and hated in the cat world for speaking my truth. Truth be told, I felt zero energy to promote anything black cat this year. Don’t get me wrong, I love black cats more than ever but my heart wasn’t into the hustle of promoting. I went through the motions and did what I could.

One bright spot was doing an in depth interview on a podcast about Black Cat Superstitions, Witches et al. It’s easy breezy and 100% me, warts and all. The last third ended up being a casual off topic conversation about the host’s black cat. Yup, we get into the woo. Give a listen and thanks for giving me your ears and eyes.

OTHER NEWS: That said I haven’t been lazy. I launched a Shopify store at the same time the book came out. There was a calendar and plans to design fun, black cat merchandise but I was grieving and in a creative funk. Fast forward four years, I put Shopify on hold and thought I’d do a quick pop-up this year with Halloween merch on Teespring. Ha, little did I know they’d rebranded into Spring and a whole new animal. One thing simple thing led into a complicated thing but OH MY COD, I have a store! I’ll do a separate post about it but, here we go again. Ugh, I don’t want to promote but…

There is an eclectic mix of designs (some I’ve noodled on for four years!) and products designed to A. Promote Black Cat Awareness. B. Make you look and feel Magical! New designs are added daily until prime holiday season.

Take a peek at MEOW MAGIC Now!

meow magic shop

In case, you don’t stop by later here is my Halloween card for you! May it be safe and fun.

Halloween card red door-black cat

ONE LAST THING Please keep your cats safe this weekend. Check out my updated Cat Safety Guide For Halloween.

Halloween safety guide


  • Skeeter and Izzy

    Dear, Dear Layla,
    sometimes you just have to throw your hands in the air and curse and rant and rave and stomp and sling tears and snot and let the anger and hurt and sadness and loss and uncertainty take over and feel it to your very soul………….and let it go.
    I did that yesterday. I lost another baby Tuesday. The anger at God and the universe and the world as it is today was too much and I had to let it out .
    I know if anyone would have seen or heard me I would be in some institution right now, that is how bad it was.
    We love you and hope this miasma of conflict will pass.
    Purrs of love to Memories of Eric And Flynn too.
    I think that God and the universe will forgive me my temporary insanity and meltdown >^..^^..^^..^<~

    • Layla

      Yes, please rant. I’ll join you in a collective fist shaking to the heavens to give us a break, a space to breathe before the next wave. When it’s relentless, I stop the hamster wheel and take to my bed for kitty cuddling.

  • Memories of Eric and Flynn

    I am sorry you have been going through so much and hope things improve, although the loss of a parent never improves, more a case of trying to adapt. With so much going on in the world and in personal life I know how hard it is to not feel overwhelmed.
    I did have some good news a month ago that the result of my CT scan showed no more spread or growth. I know they won’t go but for as long as the pills can stop them advancing that is good news. I also had another MRI brain scan on Monday to see if that “thing” in my brain has changed. Hopefully that will be good news too when I get a phone consultation next Monday.
    I couldn’t see the podcast. I got the message:
    The country you are located in is not supported.
    Sorry for the inconvenience, but we do not allow access in your current location.

  • Roxanne Bonilla

    It made me sad to read what you have been going through…you have such a kind heart..and always ready to help someone with kitty issues…..sending prayers and good karma…You are a very good person and though I read your posts a month later, I enjoy them and find them informative. warmest…rox

  • meowmeowmans

    Layla, it certainly sounds as though you’ve had a rough go of it lately. Thank you for catching us up on what is going on. And please know that we think of you often, and send purrs, light, and all good thoughts.

  • Meezer'sMews&TerrieristicalWoofs

    I am sorry you are going through all those tumultuous times, Layla. I do hope somehow you will be pulled up out of the mire you feel yourself drowning in.
    Good luck with your shop.

    I think of you often, tough I guess you wouldn’t know that from my few comments here in your blog.
    There are literally tons of black cats in the shelters around here. I sure hope they all find homes. I think they are wonderful, excepting that the only kitties that I am not allergic to are those meezers that I had over the years.


    • Layla

      Thanks so much, you slipped through the no comment đŸ˜¹zone but they are back up. It’s just a process. It could be much worse. xoxo

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