A Mancat Monday Farewell Winter Walk
In the never ending saga AKA the Winter of Discontent or 2015, we’re saying good-bye with a final icy walk. We didn’t have nearly as much snow as our friends in Boston or other parts but this was enough for us.
I’m no weatherman or weathercat (is there such an animal?) but I believe we’ve had the last really cold day of winter. After all, it’s only 10 more days to spring! Watch our short video of me, Odin walking and skating with my mom Layla, but don’t listen to a word she says. She thinks she has me trained but come on, we all know cats only do what we want to. Ha, I sure gave her a good workout! And don’t be alarmed by what looks like a road. It’s our very long private drive. I’m not allowed anywhere near the road, but sometimes I sneak onto a neighbor’s property and sit on the stone fence overlooking the road. Shhh, don’t tell her that. Happy Meow Monday! Hope you’re all safe and warm.
As you can see I don’t mind the snow but I love spring better, don’t you?

Loved the photos, and especially the video of the walk in the snow. I had no snow at home in the Pacific Northwest this winter, and I miss it. I always take the cats out when it snows for a photo shoot.
It’s been nice here so far this week and we’re so happy about it! 🙂 — Crepes.
Katnip Lounge
Odin, what fun it was when you leaped up into the snowbank! We loved how you had your fur all fluffed and your tail straight up!
Cathy Keisha
Winter shouldn’t let the door hit it on the way out. TW said today felt like Spring and she even got iced coffee to celebrate.
Laila and Minchie
Look at all that snow! You are so good to stay with your mom, Odin. Bet your toesies took awhile to warm up once you got back inside!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Not long. He’s well conditioned unlike me 🙂
Ellen Pilch
You are a cutie Odin. I hope your paws didn’t get too cold.
Your happy tail tells me how much you enjoyed that walk Odin. I carry mine exactly like that too when I go out with my mum. Did you have a bit of a tail poof? When I am really happy I poof the bottom two inches from the base of my tail.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Yes, that’s exactly what Odin does too. You don’t see too many indoor-only cats do that.
Skeeter and Izzy
Thank you dear Odin for taking that Farewell to Winter walk!!!!! Hopefully old man Winter will be on his way now. We love the excitement that you show! My feral Tiger loves the cold and snow and wind! He is so different from the others.
Happy Monday to all!!!
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo >^..^<
Layla Morgan Wilde
Purrs to you and the whole gang esp. brave Tiger.
Whoa! And its warm! Almost like summer! Mes was outside and rolling on the deck this morning!
Stay warm deer furrends.
Layla Morgan Wilde
OMC, we have reversed weather this year. We’d love to roll on the deck with you!
The Swiss Cats
We loved the video ! You look very happy, Odin ! Purrs
I enjoyed taking that walk with you and Odin, Layla. All tails up for Odin!
Sue Brandes
Aww he’s so cute. Odin you are very smart. I bet spring will be here soon.
It’s a good thing that you have your Mommy trained to walk with you Odin. You wouldn’t want to loose her. Us humans are good at getting lost. We still have a ton of snow too.
Layla Morgan Wilde
At least you get to go out on a leash :-0
The Island Cats
Just think….soon you’ll be able to make that walk when it’s warmer! 🙂
Odin we so enjoyed watching your video. We smiled as we saw your tail flying high so happy with your jaunt. We noticed that little slide at the end I see it was a bit slippery even for someone as sure pawed as you!
Layla Morgan Wilde
He “skates” sometimes and then the claw “breaks”come out 🙂
Caren Gittleman
I got such great enjoyment from your video! I was noticing Odin’s tail before you mentioned it….he was just ecstatic! You have such a beautiful area to walk, wish I lived near you, would love to join you both! LOVED the video!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks! I wish you lived closer too.
It’s great you can finally say good-bye to icy walk!
My Goro doesn’t mind cold but I’m sure he loves spring better, too. I hope you’ll be able to enjoy warm green walk soon 🙂
da tabbies o trout towne
dood care full on de ice buddy !!! hay, we loved yur mewvie; N mor sew de SPRING..in yur step….oh kay, sew we R knot veree good at jokes huh !!! any way, 984 paws UP for yur videe oh…happee monday two all ♥♥♥
Layla Morgan Wilde
Odin who will be even more springy in the the spring says thanks!
Brian Frum
We are sure ready for Spring to stay around Odin!
What a nice frosty walk!! I could see Odin slip sliding a bit trying out his skates…..love that his tail is straight up with excitement and so nice and bushy too which is excitement x 2 …… we’ve had a lot of melting over the weekend and hoping that continues – you still have a lot more snow than we did. We’re just plain TIRED of it……………..C’mon Spring!
Hugs, Pam (and Sam)
Layla Morgan Wilde
Glad you noticed the piloerection bushiness 🙂 The melting has started and the icicles all fell today.
You and Odin are soo cute!
Oh yes, Montreal weather should STAY in Montreal and not bother people in NYC or Boston.
* Yep 50s one day soon and 40s the next 10 days.
* I feel just like this was Montreal. (Cope, cope, cope, cope and no fun.)
Layla Morgan Wilde
I’ve often thought of you with your insane about of snow this year.
Wasn’t much better for greater NYC.
So much to love about Montreal, but winter isn’t one of them.
We’re having warm temps now. So all is good.
easy rider
I hope after you said farewell to Mr. Winter he will disappear now, Odin :o) I’m with you, spring and fall are much better than this icy and frosty season :o)
easy rider
Austin Towers
Odin you look like one happy chappy!! Snow is so beautiful, but mum says she could “feel” the cold MOL
Layla Morgan Wilde
Odin is invigorated by the snow but he’s a happy chappy outdoors in every season.
Sometimes Cats Herd You
That snow is so beautiful, Odin. You must be thoroughly tired of it, but we enjoy glimpsing it, as long as we don’t have to get our paws cold.
Lucky you, Odin, you get to go out and wander around without a leash! My human says “people are crazy” around here, so that’s why I’m stuck with mine. I wish I could go frolic in the snow like that!