Worst Mother’s Day Ever
We believe Mother’s Day is to be celebrated by anyone who loves and nurtures unconditionally whether the child has two legs or four. Cat lovers make wonderful cat moms and this post is for you. But us Cat Wisdom 101 boys, Merlin, Gris Gris, Domino and Odin have our whiskers in a snit because Layla our mom has left us, yes the horror, can you imagine??? to go on a road trip. A kind of vacation, celebrating a convocation and Bastet knows what else. It’s our sad duty to report blog posts will be scanty in the next week but rest assured we will put in an appearance on our poor mother’s behalf.
We hope you have a purrfect Mother’s Day and thank-you for loving cats!
We have no book giveaways today but there is still time to enter our fab giveaway for Neko Flies. They’re our favorites!

Maxwell, Faraday & Allie
Seriouslies? Yours abandoned you on THE BIG DAY? *gasp*
We can kinda feel your pain – ours has been AWOL for about 2 weeks. Thanks for visiting us and keeping us company, BTW.
She CLAIMS she was on crazypants work duty these past 2 weeks – HAH.
Wow! Your Mommy is too busy too!?! What is with them these days!
OMG! I hope your week will be fine!
da tabbies o trout towne
doodz…ewe noe de ole sayin…when de peepulz a way de cats haza awesum fun filled time invitin friends frum neer & far ta help
partee N trash de houz !!! we will set sail heer ina few N will bring a cargo fulla fish !!! and grill 🙂
Oh no, I am so sorry your mom Layla is away! But I’m sure she is thinking about you all the time.
I wish her safe and fun trip!
Katie and Coccolino
Happy Mother’s Day! We have missed you cat friends and hope you’ve been well! Hope your mom has a great time – be patient and she’ll be back 🙂
Piggy kisses,
Katie and Coccolino the mini pig
Texas, a cat in New York
Oh shoot! Mother’s Day without Mom is no fun!
Your Mom won one of the poetry books on my bloggie by the way! I will give it to my human to bring to BlogPaws in case she goes there.
Have a furry nice week!
Connie Marie
Have a Happy Vacation Layla,
it’s so sweet letting us know how
they’ll miss you.
It’ll be that much sweeter for them
when you get back. You work so much, you need a break. Have fun!
We’re sure you’ll come back with lots of photos and goodies for the kitties! Travel safely!
Yikes! Mom Layla went on a road trip? Today? Well, we hope you will all be okay. Surely, wherever she is, that you all love her very much. 🙂
Happy Mother’s Day to moms everywhere!
Happy Mother’s Day to your Mom and to all of the wonderful Moms everywhere!
Charmaine Davey
Happy Mothers Day to you and your mommy who probably needs this little vacation…but smile because when she gets back she will be rested and happy…and that is what every kitty wants, a happy mommy!!
Skeeter and Izzy
We agree,Moms are Moms no matter the species of their “children” nor their own gender sometimes. Being a Mom or Dad isn’t always about who you are but rather what you do and how you do it and Children aren’t always those you personally give birth to.
We hope you have a good trip Layla! Remember boys its good to have some time away from your Mom once in a while. We know she will be in constant touch to check up on you guys.
HAPPY MOTHER”S DAY TO ALL!!!!!!! Luvs Skeeter and Izzy and The Feral gang (Shadow, Sunny , Tiger and Daddy Kat) >^..^<
Caren Gittleman
Enjoy your road trip and we couldn’t agree with your sentiment about Moms and Cats more! Congratulations on all of the wonderful things happening in your family!
Maybe we will see you at BlogPaws NEXT year?
Sam and Pam
Enjoy your road trip Layla……I know your boys will miss you desperately but something tells me all those goodies you’ll be bringing back home will make them quite happy!! Have fun…….I’m sure you will.
Hugs, Pam
Your mom might need a little encouragement when she returns! I would suggest a collective hairball offering in her unpacked travel bag! 😉 Love, Austin xx
My human actually prides herself on her lack of maternal instinct and her lack of need for validation in this area, so we are off the hook today. Besides, I gave her a hairball for Administrative Assistants Day.
Ms. Phoebe
MEWHAHAHA! Sparkle mew rock!
Kjelle Bus
Happy meowy mothers day 🙂
Now when your mom has left the building is there going to be any house trashing PARTYYY ?!
Cynthia Southern
I hope you have a wonderful vacation. 🙂
Cynthia Southern
I will miss your posts while you are on vacation Layla. That is sweet that your furry children will miss you. 🙁
Happy MeowMoms Day!!!
Cats think every day is a Happy Day for Moms. Oops! Cats confuse their needs with hoomans’ needs. What a surprise. Happy Vacay!