Top 10 Tips For Finding Lost Cats
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September is National Preparedness Month. You might also like to read or bookmark our tips of preparing your cat for a weather emergency at
Cats have a way of finding us when we least expect it. Some are luckier than others and find what they’re looking for. Last Friday, a cat swirled around the legs of my husband and his two friends as they smoking cigars on the porch of the office. They admired the beautiful cat but I’m the one who received the call from hubby, “What should I do. It won’t go home.”
I arrived with food which the cat ate but not ravenously. It looked healthy enough and wore a collar but with no ID. He sneezed and I thought, better to leave him over night. I made a bed under a lawn chair and decided if he was still there in the morning, we’d bring him to the vet a block away. Sure enough, there he was and off he went to be scanned for a microchip. Nothing. This would have had a quick happy ending by simply having a microchip. The vet said his sniffles were a virus and that he was a young neutered Bengal. All the shelters were full so you can guess the rest.
Bengal Boy or B.B. (he refuses to tell me his name) is contagious and isolated in our kitchen and dining room. He’s still snuffly but not as congested and is eating, napping and playing happily. He has none of the fear or anxiety of a lost or abandoned cat and it remains to be seen whether he’s cat #6 in our household. I’ve done everything possible to find his guardians. It appears they don’t want to find him. For others who are terrified at the thought of a missing cat, I suggest being prepared. All cats, even if they don’t go outdoors need identification, ideally a microchip. You never know when the opportunity to escape can occur. Again, all cats benefit from training; at the very least learning to respond to the “come” command.
Of the many cats I’ve known over the years, I’ve lost four. Two never returned. I know the heartbreak of looking for and missing a beloved cat. My cat Coco (Merlin’s sister) went missing many years ago in Toronto. I canvassed the neighborhood, put up posters and felt her presence nearby. I kept looking and calling but she was stuck up a tree, so high up I couldn’t see her and she refused to make a sound. Finally, after being in said tree for two days and two nights, someone called me from the flyer who said he’d seen her. A neighbor found the longest ladder I’d ever seen and since the fire department didn’t rescue cats, I put my fear of heights on hold and climbed up and down the tree, dangling Coco from my outstretched arm to avoid being shredded. A small crowd cheered. Coco went on to other adventures but neither she nor Merlin ever climbed another tree.
Cats have a natural homing instinct which in some cases have guided cats to travel hundreds of miles back to their home. Depending on the situation the results can differ. A shy indoor cats tend not to travel far. While an adventurous indoor/outdoor cat is more likely to roam. A fearful cat may not trust their inner compass and get confused.
When I moved to my last home in Canada, Merlin escaped into the woods as soon as the movers left. Exhausted after a long day, I had no choice but to go looking for him. I knocked on neighbor’s doors and before long I had the entire street looking for him. Merlin returned at bedtime nonplussed as ever. “See mom, I wanted you to meet the neighbors and make new friends.” He never got lost again.
Top 10 Tips For Finding Lost Cats
1) Not all missing cats are lost or want to be found. Cats are notorious for hiding in impossible places. Before you assume kitty is missing, make a thorough search indoors, around the porch and garage armed with a flashlight and treats. This is when the cat training pays off. If a cat is injured, trapped or hyper stressed, they may not respond to a command but it improves the odds. Yes, some cats leave home for whatever reason and don’t want to be found. Try anyway. The stats for lost cats returning home without intervention are about 2%. The odds are improved by having a microchip.
2) Don’t waste time. If you know your cat is missing, grab your cellphone with a photo of your cat uploaded, flashlight and treats and head out. Wear comfortable clothes and soft-soled shoes. Don’t panic. Breathe, try to be calm and think like a cat. If you were a cat where would you go? Begin around your house and spread out to the immediate neighbors on all sides. Where does your cat normally head? What is the most likely escape route? What are their favorite bushes or hiding spots? Crouch low under porches, scan high on roof lines and tree branches. Could something have recently happened to spook them? Construction or a new neighbor’s cat or dog? Or has anything happened recently in your home to upset them; like the chemicals from getting your carpets cleaned or bringing out suitcases for a trip?
3) While you’re searching, knocking on neighbor’s doors, asking pedestrians, showing the photo, you will be trespassing in neighboring gardens. This is no time to be shy. To save time, multi-task during the search: call your vet, all the other local vets and shelters and leave a missing cat report.
4) When you return home, leave food and water outside your door. Fearful cats will often slink out after dark. Go outside one last time to check and call their name before bedtime. You need to get your rest. Leaving no stone unturned to find your cat takes energy. In the quiet darkness, try to communicate with your cat. Imagine their face, call their name and connect heart to heart. Try to tune into where they might be. It may be a feeling, an image or sound. Reassure them that you will help get them home.
5) If you haven’t already made a missing cat poster, make one. This where having millions of photos of your cat comes in handy. Pick a large close-up showing details of the face and another photo showing the entire body, ideally standing up. If you’re not computer savvy, you can glue a photo on a piece of paper and use a marker by hand and print a stack of copies. If you are using a computer, use the largest font size possible for visibility at a distance. Color photos on neon bright paper show well use plastic page covers in case of rain. Include: your cat’s name, description, any special identifying marks or collar, when last seen and where, your phone and e-mail but for security reasons not your name, address or amount of reward in case you are offering one. I also like adding a strip of contact info at the bottom which several people can easily tear off.
6) Enlist family and friends to help post flyers and spread the word. Have push pins, tape and staple gun depending on the surface. The best posting spots include street intersection poles, local bulletin boards at grocery stores, library, laundromat and community center.
7) Post missing cats reports at online at Craigslist, local online newspapers like Patch etc. Use social networking like Facebook and Twitter.
8) Visit all you local shelters even if say they don’t have a cat of your description.
9) If you’ve recently moved, extend your search to your old neighborhood.
10) Persevere! Cats have returned weeks and months later. Keep networking, and asking neighbors if they’ve noticed anything. Keep your flyers or posters fresh with a “Still Missing” header.
I hope you never lose a cat, but just in case, be prepared and make a copy of this list.
This lost Bengal was reunited with his owner because of our detective work. It would have been so much easier had he worn ID like these found collars and ID found on EBay
We like a bargain, and love the DAILY Deals on EBAY
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Hello, my cat used to go out every day only to five hours and then come back. We had him seven years now so I am panicking only when this is day two he went missing. Every time it would rain he would go back home. We tried to search anywhere but still nothing. They are also doing works on the road right beside my home. So I am even more worried than ever. And he was of more to stay indoors too. Mom thinks he just ran away or he is going to die. Then there are also that kind of people who would take a bit thicker cat than normally and eat it. I am not from Asia or anywhere. So please could you give me some advice? (Btw. He is really cuddly and castrated)
He also is always around house and never went behind the fence
Seiba Akushi
my little kitty has been missing for just over a week now. She has been outside since we’ve moved house but came back a day after she left. But my brother forgot to shut the door and she ended up getting out, after 2-3 days I started to get worried and ended up spending 2 days outside looking for her but I eventually had to come home so I didn’t starve. Everyday I go out for an hour in the morning, and hour in the evening and an hour at night looking for her but we still haven’t found anything. I leave her upstairs litter tray and food and water bowls outside under a table on our porch. I put up posters and posts on facebook, Instagram, twitter ect but still nothing. I’m worried sick for her and I’m scared cause ive had many pets die and I don’t want to loose her too. Is there anything else that I can do to help her find her way back home? We’ve had her for less than a year and unfortunately haven’t got her microchipped and I don’t think shes been spayed either but she does wear a collar, unless she managed to take it off again, which is something . Her previous owner had said shes gotten out once before but came back just a bit before a month had past. she is still young, about a year old now, and is a very small cute cat and I worry that she may have gotten hurt.
Layla Morgan Wilde
If your cat is not spayed, she will attract unneutered male cats and will likely get pregnant. If you’ve had her @ a year and she’s not spayed, surely you would have noticed her crying in heat? Has she not seen a vet since you adopted her? If she’s wearing a collar, she will not look like a stray and draw attention. Have you contacted all your local shelters, vet clinics? Contact the former owner and ask if she was spayed. Cats sometimes try to make their way back to a former home or neighborhood. For photo poster makes sure you mention she may or may not be wearing a collar. Female cats don’t roam that far. Do a door to door search with photos asking neighbors if they have seen her. Keep searching and look up to high branches of trees and other places I mention in the post. Good luck and let me know what happens. If she does return, it’s important that she be checked out by a vet.
Well my cat is missing problem #1 . Problem number two is he I think used the litter box outside and I have a litter box but my daughter says he don’t us it he goes,outside and then . I don’t know-how to put it out tv ere for him to come home I got more then 1 cat . And I don’t know the other cats come for tuna . But this kitty is younger andci think he not as aggressive and the female cats chase him . They’re friendly but they desire who tg at like and her been here,along time. the other male cats,are neuitered and because of tibial problem he hasn’t gotten spayed yet. So I don’t know if there chasing him off of what. What cat I do to get this cat home.
Elaine hutzelman
Each cat needs a litter box, plus one. If you have two cats, you need 3 boxes,etc.
My cat Bunny has VERY RECENTLY gone missing. Apparently my little sister left the window open and she got out, sad thing is we live in a trailer park and dont let her out so she doesnt know the outside world. She was in heat last time and I’m still a kid AND it’s my bedtime so I can look for parents and older sister arent even trying either. I really hope she comes soon because I take care of her well, I feed her and give her cash treats..she’s no where in the house and I’m super worried she might’ve for hit …a cat like her can’t be replaced!
Layla Morgan Wilde
I’m so sorry to hear about your cat. Follow the tips best you can and follow your gut. If you do find her, she will likely be pregnant so please urge your parents to spay/neuter any pets. It saves lives. If you need other resources in your area for a low cost vet clinic etc. let me know. You may be young but you care enough to become a responsible pet guardian. Good luck
I know how you feel everything you have said relates to me I really miss my cat and no it can’t be replaced and my cat has been missing for 4 months and I’m still not going to give up looking for it I love it more than anything in my life.
My beloved cat accidentally rolled down the back car window and jumped out. I’ve had her since Hurricane Katrina. I’m SO DEPRESSED that I can hardly breathe. And it’s so cold outside. I just don’t know what to do.
Good job
Good post, keep
I noticed my cat on the windowsill in the bathroom, looking out into the outside world with the window rolled up and fresh air filtering in. This was around 12 or 1 p.m. She hadn’t been out in about 4 or 5 months, due to cold weather/old age(she’s around 11 now). So, I thought i’d take her out, so she could stretch her legs. Attempt 1: failed. Attempt 2: Success. I came out with her, just to make sure. She seemed pretty happy. I followed her for a few minutes, then watched as she jumped the fence into a neighbor’s yard. It was fine, since she used to do that all the time. She hid around under their car for a while. I opened a cat door into the garage and then propped the indoor garage door open so she could get in.
She still hasn’t come in yet.
My little brother was crying a while ago.
It’s 6:30 p.m.
Should I be worried? She was used to the outdoors, but i’m scared she won’t know what to do since it’s been a while without her making scent markings. Part of me says she’ll be fine and she’ll only want to make sure other cats know she’s back, and that she knows her way around the neighborhood, but the other part says she got in trouble with a new neighbor’s dog or something. Should I be worried, or not?
Put her litter box outside and watch for her. You may have to go grab her. But she probably con e home . But tuna attracts cats .put a bowl of tuna out . Cats love tuna. And if not put cat fiid out and watch for her she may cone back faster that way. You can also put her blanket or sonething she lays on. Her box and or chair just outside . She may not go to fare. even a piece of a blanket your ik d shirt that hasnt got washed they that smells like you. . I wiped,sonecgaur off yge pikkiw,my xat sleeps on putv ut iutside. Around the place,she was listi in. I was tokd it helps . But put the Dirty litter box outside . And the tuna. Water. She may cone for it asap.
Elizabeth Yuster
Without funds, it’s hard to put out an ‘Alert’ for my missing 4yr old Manx, ‘Shortcut’. I have his brothers too. He is a large, friendly, athletic tailess Manx, and he’s come home recently w/o his expensive leather collar & Tags. I put another collar & up to date Rabies tag, plus the tag of a deceased cat, but with Shortcuts address. He returned 3 days later-the tags had been removed from the leather collar. Twice. Now, he hasn’t returned at all, despite my hunting. If he was taken, i just want to know that he’s happy; my Vet was suspicious that his pedigree & Unique looks make him a potential victim of a ‘catnapping’, 2 B sold to anyone wanting a purebred Manx. i’m so sad.
Spencerville, MD 20868 January 10, 2017
[i knew this would be a horrible year, as well as the 3 thereafter,
Layla Morgan Wilde
There is plenty you can do for free as suggested. This is a curious case because if someone wanted to catnap him, he’d be gone but he returned several times with missing items. I’ve seen cats remove all kinds of collars so it’s possible no one removed it. I don’t know how long he’d worn the collar, was it a breakaway, had he always worn it. Has he gone roaming or missing before. How long has he been gone? Keep looking in unlikely locations. Is there any construction going on nearby? Woods with predators? Does he climb trees? It’s a good time of the year to see high up in tree branches. Btw, how do you know this will be a horrible year? This is such a long old, thread, I rarely reply but I’m a black cat advocate wring a book about them and this is an interesting case. Let me know what happens and good luck.
I took my cat to the vet yesterday for shots and to be fixed…as I entered the front door, the worthless plastic pet taxi bottom came detached and my cat ran away. I am heartbroken as are my pitbull and german shepherd, they think my cat is their baby. The place he ran away from is 13 miles from my home in rural Texas. He is an outdoor cat, so I am praying to Yeshua that He guides my little buddy home safely.
The exact same thing just happened to me 2 days ago. I am supporting a colony of kittens since birth and they are now 8 months old. During my second the trip the boy kitten got loose and ran to the woods. I was just gaining his trust before this. I brought his sister back for an hour and hung out by the woods but he didn’t come. The vet has a trap out with the wet food he has eaten 2x a day ever since momma cat pushed them away. We live about 15 miles away and he isn’t chipped or had his shots or fixed…that was all gonna happen that day. I don’t know what to do. I call the vet daily and they said they haven’t trapped him yet. I asked how long do they leave out the trap and the girl said she didn’t know. I am going to go there again today and hang out with some tuna, blanket that smells like his sisters and some treaters he started meowing. I know dogs and I am new to cats so I am trying to understand how to get him to come back to me. I feel horrible. I just wanted to give them a good outdoor free life and I messed his up instead.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Don’t give up. Cover the trap with a towel and just keep the one side open. Smelly tuna or KFC chicken (no bones) works well.
Roberta L Reid
same thing happened to me 3 days ago. My nouse is now missing 10 miles from home. I keep going back looking for her and calling her no Mouse in Newport SC I will pray your cat returns also.
My cat is missing for last one and half month , though this information is useful I m not sure if its valid in our crowded locality in India.Is there any site where I will get the information suitable in Indian atmosphere ?
Will he come when he was of 1 month I buy it he is very cute.days go on he is of 1 year but when he is of 1 year 1 months I came to my home and bring ice cream he thought he is giving me ice cream at the garden I don’t know that the gate is open . When he see a cat he move outside 30 minutes later go to see him he was not there but when I saw that open door I understood that he went out I go out from my house I see him he was running for that ugly cat i was following him but he jumped to my neighbours house IT was night and we think at morning when he will hungry he will definitely come back but he didn’t he was missing from 4 days my cat name is pintu
My father took my cat out and left her at a far place. It was 5 am morning time. I didn’t knew this n when I woke up at 10;00 am I started calling her but she didn’t replied.. I started looking for her in neighbourhood n all roads near our house all day till 11:00 pm.
At night I found my cat’s hair in my father’s car and I figured that he has left my cat out as he hate her .
Now I’m going tomorrow with my brother n check that place .. I’m so afraid. What if we didn’t find her there. I pray from core of my heart that we find her inshAllah.
I think my cat is in pain and/or very sick and I can’t find her so I can take her to the vet! Any suggestions, will she come back or are they like dogs and go to be alone when dying… I can’t eat or so crying randomly!
We Are in the same boat my dear my Cat displaced and cannot see her since June 3 it hurts me and i kept on looking for her i cNnot see her shes an outdoor cat.. pls dont lose hope
I hope your cat comes back and pray they are all safe wherever they are. I had someone watching my cat in the next town and it got out and I think they did not call me right away to where I could have called it back and I think a week went by before they said anything. This was July 2 and my heart is breaking every day. I have gone out for 3 weeks looking and asking around with pictures and postings. If I do not let this go, it will break my heart. But somehow I cannot give up. I need my cat to come to me wherever he is. My precious one, I miss you so much.
I took my Cats to my Moms and they have a dog well my older cat nina loves the dog and plays with him while my younger cat Sabshton hates him and hides in my mothers house all the time we call him the disappearing cat but we allways had the doggie door in well I locked the cats in bathroom so sabshton would potty and eat and drink and I took the doggie door out , stupid mistake … and when I opend the door to the bathroom I spaced on the doggie door , sabshton never went near the doggie door but I cant find him anywere I have tried shakeing the food bag rattleing his toys everything….I think he went out the doggie door … has this happened …is it natural I mean would he go out ugh help me please im panicking so bad
Hi I rescued two male cats in October 2015. We kept them in a shed on their own (it was very big and they had lots of running space) and we let every few days and I would follow them wherever they went and then take them in. We let them out 4 days ago without me following them and only 1 has came back. It had cuts on its ear, neck and shoulder. Every time I go into the shed it stops meowing but when I leave it starts again. It’s on it own in the shed and I feel bad for it.
Also I think the other one might be dead. Around my house there is a big yard full of stuff old lorrys parts for cars etc. There is 3 Rottweiler dogs but they can’t go down the full way of the yard. I’m really worried about both cats. I live in Ireland btw. What should I do?
Hi, Kailey-Can you take the cat that meows into the house. I think it is calling to you. Does it have to stay out there? I hope it is well.
We lost our cat one month today, the house hasnt been the same!
He Jumped into our next doors white van and took a ride 1.5miles from home. When they opened the van doors the ran out. We havnt seen him since, we have put up posters and searched the area with no luck.
His an outdoor cat, we live in the city, what are the chances he finds his way home? Any advice on how to track him down?
I am so sad our poor little cat named buddy went missing Wednesday may 4th. I had to take my daughter to the hospital Tuesday afternoon from being sick. His first birthday was on Thursday may 5th and my daughter was devistated to come home from the hospital to find her cat missing. We live in the county with lots of woods. We have searched day and night calling his name”buddy” but haven’t had any luck. He always comes to his name and especially when we shake his treat container. For some reason I can’t give up on him I feel he’s out there but exhausted from not having any luck. Please bring our buddy home safe. Do you have any suggestions for me?
Layla Morgan Wilde
If there aren’t nearby houses, chances are he didn’t wander far. If something spooked him and he ran up a tree to escape, he might be afraid to come down. When searching with a flashlight, look up high into tree branches. Don’t give up. Cats can survive for months or longer especially if there is food and water.
This is crazy first off my boyfriends boyfriend birthday is may 8th, n I see that date in your post, we also have a missing very precious cat name buddy*, see, I’m in a nursing home right now for the past 4 months, and my boyfriend had emergency surgery on his gallbladder, had complications and ended up in icu, almost bled,out and died, and our landlord decided to take it a pond him self to enter our apartment which is very much illegal without 24 hour written notice, and both our kittens were feed and taken care of, anyhow he decided when he was drunk that night to enter our premises and throw them both on the street in the freezing cold with no food or water, to this date we have found the one kitten, but only because he had never be outside ever, he was petrified,n screaming ,n our precious buddy on the other hand has now been missing for weeks, to date. I hope your buddy comes home also ours was the last thing given to my boyfriend before his mother passed this year, so this has been very difficult, other than the pure fact than we just want him home!
Bryan Dass
has anything come of this? so sorry 2 hear – please update us
I read a lot of posts on here…but there is no advice for finding baby kittens. We had an entire litter disappear this past Mon morning. It is so sad bcs they were only 12 days old. 🙁
The mama is a feral cat that started trusting us abt a yr ago. We have been feeding her and 6 other ferals outside in the morning and evening almost every day. She is one of two that actually allow us to pick them up and hold them.
She became pregnant and then on April 13th followed me into my house. I am not allowed to have pets inside the house I rent bcs I could get evicted. I followed her out to the little cat bed I put out on my front porch….her water broke…she hopped in and proceeded to have 4 beautiful healthy babies. One light colored, one dark grey with white paws, one solid black and one a calico like the mamma (we call her buddy).
I know you are not supposed to touch the kittens but I had to bcs she is a long hair and they could not find her nipples. She let me lift the fur and position the babies on her so they could nurse….it wss beautiful.
Everything was fine but 2 days later we noticed the babies and Buddy were not in the bed. My boyfriend found them moved into s tight spot in the bottom corner of.our brick flower bed in front of a small palm tree and rose bush with thorns. They were so small and the bed is abt a foot deep we could barely see the mother when she sat down.
We dared not touch them or move them but kept an eye on them and kept putting food and water out for Buddy.
They were doing wonderfully. At 10 days they had allmost doubled in size, the light colored one had already opened its eyes and they anothet were all crawling.
On the 11th day we fed mama buddy and the other cat outside at 9pm, Mama buddy then hopped in the flower bed and was licking, feeding and warming them as usual (she is a great mama and we found out from a neighbor this I’d not her first litter). We have one roommate who came home at 10:30 pm and sd they were fine.
Next morning on Mon April 25th at 7am we walked out to feed the cats and leave for work and they were gone! All 4 kitten! Mama buddy came running to us from the side of the house to be fed but the kittens had disappeared.
My boyfriend figured Buddy had moved them again and searched the entire yard around the house in every corner and under every bush…Nothing.
The saddest part is tat Buddy has been rubbing up against our legs and staying in front of the house. She won’t eat much at all and kerps stating into the flower bed and then at us and meowing as if searching for jer babies. We have searched all over, asked neigjbors, posted on craigs list, cslled shelters, listened for meows etc….we even watched Buddy’s every move…but can’t findthem. It’s like they vanishedcinto thin air!
I have been filled with grief and the worst part is that Buddy’s mammary glands are engulfed with the milk the babies need so badly and she seems so sad!
We can’t imagine what happened between 11pm and 7am that night….
It’s awful! There is no carnage and no trace of them anywhere.I feel so responsible and if I could have taken them In I would have from the start. I have never been a cat owner….It’s been 5 days…I am so sad and don’t know what else to do or how to help Buddy. 🙁 Any advice would be helpful! Thanks!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Pam what a sad and awful story. I rarely respond to comments in this very old post but wanted to say how sorry I am at your loss. Mother cats generally do not abandon thie kittens but they are vulnerable to many predators and even other cats. It’s possible they were killed a distance a way. If they were moved to another location, could another person have found them? If they weren’t found, there is little chance at this point they are alive. The only good part is you have a chance to save the mother from more misery by getting her to a vet and spayed. If you can’t, there are TNR groups to help. Try contacting your local shelter or
my cat is also missing from 4 days I know he will come back I am very upset
My cat whent missibg too. And i know for a fact they can come homevmonths,later. Because our cat did i just figured he was gine. He been gine months and tg e brither ecen linger. Tg en abiyt 3 mintg s,later owe came home and there he was in myvdiir step crying about starved to death. But he has had it with roaming and we couldn’t can pist that cat out tg e door. I figure ge got stuck up in a tree abd couldn’t down. Tg at was,what he normalky did. And my other cat wgen missing he was gone ali ng tine wgen to walk iver by tg e school track . In tgecway to tge carcgoing hone guess who we found yeap! our cat Smokey.. i wouldnt give up he maybe out there. They maybe coming home by can’t get in the house. Keep watchibg for him or her. Sineone took my xat dropped her dump g er. I was crying and my mother wentvab d looked out the door . Said ok you can stop crying there she is in the back yard. .yes,I am sure,she was dumped. And not close to home. About a 1/2 mile. I think.
I have lost my full black cat called flora! i miss her so much she has been gone for five months and i hope she is not dead , she was a very smart cat : (
Help ! My one year old fixed male Bengal has been missing since Friday night! His name is Navarre! I have tons of pictures 931-980-1760
My cat named rococo has been gone about one or two weeks I miss him I hope he’s ok .he has thick hair. Brown eyes he comes if you say here kitty kitty kitty he is orange with white on him please help me find him .??? if you have seen him call 8126531930
I’ve had my cat, socks for about 2 years… found him with his mom under our porch one day,he was always there even when playing or doing hwork online…he had a chair next to me slept on my bed…we found a kitten recently and then one day he left as usual at night,he hasn’t come back for about 3-weeks to a month and I’ve been worrying he may of gotten jealous nd my parents said look for him …what can I do
I lost my beloved cat lily this morning and i cant find any trace of her anywhere. there is a lot of predatory animals in the area which makes me nervous. i really hope we can find her. i hope thet B.B. finds his way home, thanks for the advice!
Hi there, my indoor only cat Belle has gone missing, Somebody left a window open and she went outside around 1:00 am in the middle of the night. We have searched high/low for her for 3 days now & cannot find any hint or trace of her. At night we hear coyotes off in the distance and I am scared this is why we are not finding her. How can I determine she was not eaten by one? Family is devastated and we would do anything to have her back, no expense spared!
Did you ever find your cat? I’m sorry sorry you lost her. 🙁
Les Hilton
G’day all.
We’re a long way from America or Canada but at least here in Australia we almost speak the same Language. {Just a Little better, due to our English background}…
My Wife & I are Cat lovers, we have a Young Russian Blue and a Moggie of indeterminate heritage.
A couple of Months ago a strange Cat started to appear each time we were feeding our Two Cats, Morning and Night and we joked that We’d been adopted by a Neighbour’s Cat.
Eventually, I managed to read the engraving on his Tag and there was a Mobile Phone number which I immediately rang.
Chris, The Guy that answered explained that his Family used to live just across the Court, from our House and Ten Weeks ago the Cat [WITZEL]. had gone missing.
My youngest Daughter visited today to meet up with My Wife and one of our other Daughters to find a Wedding Dress. Youngest Daughter is a Veterinary Nurse and as soon as she saw Witzel, she said “He’s a Bengal” & I want to take him home!.
She spoke with Chris, who was yet to pick-up Witzel. Asking if he’d agree for her to take him home. Chris, sensibly, acknowledged that she lived too far away from where We live, and that Witzel is just like a Homing Pigeon and would attempt a highly perilous Journey, across many Roads and Highways, just to get back to his familiar territory.
So there you go!. Ten weeks missing but in safe hands.
I’ll post more updates to this happy story, once we know, what’s happening.
Kind regards. Les.. from Melbourne… Sunny Australia….
BSR Ranganath
Did anybody see my cat.His name is Bingo.He is One year old.He is white and orange spots on him.His eyes colour is yellow like a a lion.He will be wearing a black neck tie and he is a street cat.Please inform if found him.He will be in Banglore in India.If found him I will tell all the details about our house.
Please find him
BSR Ranganath
Have any body seen my lost cat.His name is Bingo.He is white and he has brown spots on him.He will be wearing a black neck tie.His eyes colour is yellow like a lion and he is a street cat.Please tell me if found him.And only in India Banglore
Last Sunday nite my 6 year old cat, Guntai went out and didn’t come home until today, Thursday. He has no collar to identify him. He’s a country cat and most cat in my place has no collar. I am so very sad. I raised him since small and he can actually understand me…instead of meowing i will talk to him and he’ll know what I am saying. i am sure many out there will say the same of their loved one. I picture Guntai to have a long long life and now he’s nowhere to be found. where i live we don’t have any animal shelter and the animal awareness like in your country is something to be envied. I dearly hope that God will protect and guide Guntai home. I pray that he is not hurt. I love you Guntai. I tell you that many times. Please come home.
Nancy Ian
before 4 days my cat went out and didnt return, before she went alot of times and always she camed back but this time she didnt!!! 🙁 since four days im waiting her pls help
OMG – I was searching for something entirely different when I chanced upon this page and read the very good advise here. Then I saw the photo and I nearly fainted. That looks like my Tarzan!!! He went missing from our home in Granbury, TX just before the full moon in September 2011. Where was this cat found??? Is he my Tar-cat? Could it be??? I can’t tell from this blog where this article originated, but that cat looks exactly like my baby. Oh, I have missed him!
BTW – He was micro chipped and should have my info if it’s him.
Thank you! I just found my cat after she escaped yesterday morning. I’m shocked the coyotes didn’t get to her first. I’ve been searching non-stop and finally in the dark saw two eyes reflect the light from the flashlight. I thought it was probably a skunk, but it was her! She’s 10 years old, has always been an indoors only cat, has no hunting skills (can’t even kill a bug indoors), and is scared of almost everything. She definitely used at least one life, probably several. She’s very hungry and has some burrs, but otherwise appears none the worse for the adventure 🙂
Ugi went missing last July during that nasty summer. He couldn’t take it indoors apparently. I saw him nearly 24 hours after he escaped, but he bolted from me, after moving in my direction. Probably his way of showing he didn’t want to be indoors. He has nasal polyps it seems and that makes his breathing difficult. Anyway by the grace of God I got him back 34 days later! Skin and bones, patches of hair missing. Was found at least 10 miles from where he jumped ship.
Ugi went missing again yesterday. Do I need anymore? Everyone around me said his returning was a miracle. I, although a believer, am a bit more skeptical. But I need another one of Jesus’ miracles now. I can’t take the thought of losing him after all we’ve been through. Too much. And forget all that psychic nonsense. It’ll accomplish nothing, and perhaps even hurt you. Trust in God.
Good heavens, it seems that most of the contributors to this thread have a series of issues they need to resolve. First, attempts to contact a missing cat via psychic means is at best harmless nonsense, and no doubt makes the human feel marvellous. The idea that some non-existant supernatural entity called a god – choose any number of names fron history – will help, is equally laughable, but again harmless nonsense, if it makes the human (like the cat, a member of an animal species) feel better.
Cats do leave or get lost. Some friends of mine moved with their 3 mongrel cats and the younger one was appalled at the new home, and when they were let out after about 3 weeks for the first time, he left, end-of-story. They ‘found’ him about 2 months later sat on the large gate-post of a farm about 20kms away. He had taken to living in a barn and the owners thought he didn’t look feral so they took him in. The cat completely ignored my friends, so they left him there. And because both of them work and have children, they didn’t have the luxury of wandering aimlessly around the area trying to find the cat, they had other thngs in their life that were more important.
Yes cats are great, they are incredibly athletic, beautiful killing machines, a genetic masterpiece, but they aren’t human children, as many people on this site seem to believe.
Charles – Thanks for enlightening us with your opinions.
youre a dick charles. I love my cat more than anything., just because these people are expressing their love for a cat doesnt mean they should love them any less just because they are not of human flesh.
No no, Charles was simply making a retort to Chris, that saying psychic is nonsense, but saying to trust in God, is as nonsensical as it gets. “Your magic is imaginary and mine will destroy it”.
If you believe it works, then it probably does. At the very least, it might provide you with the drive to continue looking.
This article really gave me a start when I saw the photo as our 6 year old Bengal cat disappeared on a beautiful spring day just a month ago and he looks almost identical to BB. I have done all things suggested here but no sightings or word despite all our efforts. The rest of my family has been able to move on, but I still dream of him every night. I also find myself imagining the many terrible things that could have happened to him and find the lack of closure very difficult. I had another cat that went missing years ago but found him at a shelter in a neighbouring town after 2 months so I never want to lose hope—-but your estimate of only 2% of lost cats being found is discouraging. All our efforts to keep him an indoor cat failed due to his exceptional determination to get out on a regular basis. Our other cat has become much more affectionate since he’s been gone as she clearly misses him too. Thanks for all the posts, it was comforting to read that others have had similar difficulties dealing with loss of their pet.
Layla Morgan Wilde
I’m so sorry to hear about your Bengal boy. They are very athletic and feel he jumped somewhere high and really wanted to stretch. Keep looking. Someone may have found him as I did and either wants to keep him or hasn’t seen your lost posters. If you’re dreaming about him means there’s a deep connection and you can communicate while awake and ask how he is and what’s around him. Email me for more info.
kevin gish
hey i let my cat outside while i went to go buy cat food…..for him…. i’ve let him out in the past but this time it’s like he’s disappeared…… i even gave him a bath yesterday, first time he’d let me… now i originally found him abandoned……but now i’m crazy to find him as as i had asked god in the past to bring me love and appeared this cat…..and i’ve let him outside before but now, i can’t find him and he hasen’t shown up….. what should i do…i have a deep caring for this cat and don’t want to lose it………i actually love this cat……please help me………..also god if your listening please help me!
any ideas would help…
My heart is breaking tonight. One week ago tonight my precious ran out the door and disappeared into the night. Since then I’ve spent almost every moment looking putting up posters offering a hundred dollar reward and generally annoying every neighbor. I look at them all with suspicion. I appreciate your 10 tips. What do you think of psychic help? Sounds pretty crazy, but that’s what I am. When I close my eyes I see him in my dreams.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Any news? Just saw this. Psychic sometimes can help. Gina Gershon wrote a book about her cat who went missing for 3 months. She saw a psychic and did get her cat back.
Nothing. I’ve combed every inch of the woods, searching for what I hope not to find. Walked all nearby highways and plastered the area with posters offering a reward. Wish I knew whether to stop or keep on…. Thanks for asking. Advice?
How would one go about connecting with a psychic that has a good track record of finding lost pets? Sounds pretty crazy but I’m out of ideas.
my cat is missing.her name is izzy.if you live is Bronx New York you will have luck!plz reply!
My cat (of nearly 4years) She’s missing. It’s been 3 days of her disappearance. A local male cat continuously came to intimate with her for 4 days and she was trying to escape from him. Early in the morning she meowed me to open the door as usual, I did and then she didn’t return. My parents believes someone took her away but she’ve got collar so I guess that’s not true. I can’t give up. I did all I can.. Tomorrow m going to spiritual powered person to know about her whereabouts (though its superstitious I don’t want to leave any chance to get her back. I can do nothing but weep! 🙁
Layla Morgan Wilde
Is your cat spayed. If she’s not she’s likely pregnant and will turn up. Please let me know the outcome and good luck.
Hey I don’t know what to do, My cat has gone missing now for 2 weeks. Sh’es ran away before and came back, but not this time. WE recently got a puppy….which I think is the cause…..and I’ve put up posters and talked to eall my neighbors. She’s 8 years old now and a manx……any tips? please….anything….any tip of something to do….
Thank you!! This article helped me find our lost cat. You made me two kids very happy!
Omg I wrote before about losing my cat and today I found him stuck in the wall outside. We smashed it up for 2 hours. We are still not sure if he is injured but tomorrow he has a vet appointment. I hope he is ok
Layla Morgan Wilde
Yay, this is wonderful news. Please give me an update after he’s been at the vet.
I know how you feel. My cat Snowy has been missing for 2 days. I know that’s not a lot but it still hurts. I really hope he comes back. My cousins cat Whiskars died in a car crash 3 months ago. Him and my cat were really close.
Hello…just hoping for some advice as I’m freaking out. I just brought a 7 year old male ragdoll home from the RSPCA only four days ago. His previous owners were very neglectful and he had a long term double ear infection and flea infestation. He’s getting better but still not 100%. Apparently his previous owners kept him outside and didn’t really let him in, but of course I have kept him inside since bringing him home. He’s friendly but cautious and a very gentle boy. My fiancé opened the door and he bolted out and now we can’t find him, and I’m afraid that he doesn’t know us well enough to come back. In fact I’m sure he wouldn’t know where our house is and doesn’t consider it his home yet. I’ve looked all over our yard and some of the neighbors (it’s rather late at night so I didn’t go into everyone’s yard.) I’ve put his litter outside as well as some of his wet food, which he loves, to hopefully let him know where to come. Can you suggest anything else? I’m worried sick.
Hi again, not sure if you read your comments but just thought I’d post to let you know that I’ve found him. He was next door hiding and I opened a tin of salmon and that brought him running back!
Layla Morgan Wilde
This is the best news! Thanks for letting me know. May I suggest training him to learn to come, sit, stay? Also he may be a good candidate for leash training to give him a safe taste of the outdoors.
I can’t tell you how happy, relieved, and thankful I was when I found him! I’m glad I found your website!! I will definitely start working on some training with him and I know he loves the outdoors so a lead/leash would be a great, safe option. I’ll have to read up on training a cat! Thanks again, Sarah
Ahh this may clarify, I forgot most people have actual doors that lead to their basement. Mine are on hinges and swing unfortunately. I live across the street from a naval stadium which they are holding a game today. I’m worried about all these people and noise.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks for clarifying. keep looking in places where he may have gotten trapped i.e. neighbors sheds, garages, under porches etc. Cats can squeeze into the smallest and unlikeliest places when scared.
I’m keeping the others locked in the bedroom since they discovered the window was broken as well and I’m scared I may have yet another missing cat if they go through it. I did a few sessions of going around and calling for him last night (7,9,11,1,3) with no luck. I don’t think he’s likely to meow back to my calls, but maybe hunger would change that. Thanks for the advise and here’s hoping he returns home soon!
Hi there! Wednesday evening (11-13) when I returned home I was looking for one of my kitties when I noticed the basement window had broken. Since then I cannot find him anywhere. I have posted some flyers, talked with my immediate neighbors,visted the animal shelter each day, sent out an amber alert on I’m very worried because he has only gotten out once before, I noticed immediately and found him hiding under the ac unit. He’s neutered, very skittish, about 6 years old. Currently I have my other cats locked in a bedroom so that I can leave the broken window open in hopes that he may renter. Is that a good idea? Is there anything else I can do to try and find him? He has to be starving and freezing, I’m worried sick. Thank you
Layla Morgan Wilde
Hi Alison, since he’s done this before and if there are no sharp edges on the window, I’d keep it open but continue your search the basement and in the immediate area ( a few blocks) call loudly. I don’t think he’s wandered far. Not clear why the others need to be in the bedroom if the basement window is open? Let me know when he returns.
My indoor cat Gus was let outside last night after a friend came for a visit. He’s my one and only son, so loveable and we have a great bond. Immediately after reading your post I tried several of your ideas. It’s now after dark and I’ll give it another try for 5 minutes before bed. Thanks for the encouragement! I was also wondering if it’s possible we take our other cat outside and try for him to lead us to him if that would work or not?
Layla Morgan Wilde
Charlene, unless your other cat is leash-trained, I’d say no. Keeping calling loudly and look in every direction, up trees, down in crevices, everywhere. Look at his photo, focus on it and tune in, ask him what’s around him, a description of the location. Wait and see what pop up in your head. Tell Gus to stay calm and you’re trying to find him.
mareli macfarlane
I feel a lot better knowing there is people out there knowing how I’m feeling. My little girl Katrina went missing 3 weeks ago and I am absolutely devestated. We’ve been together for 10 years and I’m so saddened by her sudden dissapearance, just can’t understand it. I’ve put up posters, Ive done the old clothes thing, I’ve searched every corner of our neighbourhood. Will she come home by herself after all this time? She is incredibly shy and nervous and I cant imagine her allowing anybody to just pick her up and taking her out of her area. What am I gonna try next??? i refuse to give up hope!!!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Don’t give up. Cats return or are found months, sometimes years later. Keep canvassing the neighborhood, knocking on doors, asking if anyone has see her. Ask to check under porches, garages places where she might be stuck, look up tall tree branches. Don’t be shy about calling her name loudly, for 5 minutes a a time esp. near dusk and night. My sense is she’s not traveled far. Older females rarely do. Check every shelter esp kill shelters/vet clinics. Someone may have taken her in. Someone may have seen something. Email me privately and let me know other details, what was going on before she disappeared, her health etc.
On Saturday around 5pm, my cat miley went missing. My uncle was over at my house, & miley got spooked and took off. He’s an indoor/outdoor cat.. So we didn’t think much of it until he never showed up the next morning. We started to get worried, we called for him all over the neighborhood, looked in backyards, looked in trees, put flyers up everywhere, we even go to the pound everyday… Miley is microchipped as well. We put food outside & his used litter box but still no sign. It’s day 5 that my baby has been missing and it’s taking a toll on me… He was just neutered about 2 weeks ago.. He’s such a sweet loving cat and he seemed to LOVE his home. I just don’t know why he won’t come back. We had a neighbor call us saying they spotted our cat in the nearby woods and I got there ASAP but I didn’t see him. It was such a heart breaking moment. I don’t know what else to do. I’m slowly giving up.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Kaley, don’t give up. I know how hard it is. Having a positive sighting is a good sign. Did you try setting a have -a- heart trap with food? Keep calling his name a lot from your home to the woods. Don’t be embarrased if someone hears you, just do five minutes at a time. Listen for sounds or movement. Dusk toward night is good. Bring a flashlight. Look up trees to high branches. That’s where mine was. Let me know what happens.
My cat Romeo is a big car whose crate broke while walking to my car at my apartment complex. He’s been missing for 4 days now. I have looked every where. Neighbors have looked and I ask all the time if anyone has seen him. He’s been spotted by people but I go to where he’s been spotted and I never see him. I’m feeling discouraged. I actively look everyday and even pulled an all nighter looking for him. Still no luck. I have flyers everywhere.
My cat has been missing for almost 3 months. She is an indoor cat, and this is her first time outside. I have made extensive contacts. But, now I’m concerned—she escaped about a month and a half after I moved, and you mentioned to extend my search to my old neighbor, I moved from out of state, and impossible to do. Why would you advise this?
Layla Morgan Wilde (Cat Wisdom
I’m sorry to hear about your cat but happy you have not given up. Re: old neighborhood. if you can’t return, is there a neighbor or friend (perhaps a nearby school. Kids love helping) who can put up flyers? Send an updated flyer to your old vet, Animal Control, all the other local vets and shelters. If you are open to it, call an animal communicator. Keep me posted.
My cat of 18 years Peanut went missing 2 nights ago and I’m a mess over it. I plan on trying some of these tips because I refuse to give up on her. Thank you.
great advice. my stella ran out an open door yesterday morning and i spent the whole day calling for her throughout the neighborhood. i was doubtful but i placed her litter box, food bowl and my smelly sweater outside at dusk. i also turned all the porch lights on and called for her every hour after dark. my husband thought it was useless but on the 4th time, she ran straight to me! she got lots of petting and i got lots of little licklicks!! so happy and thankful for the ideas.
Great advice! One of my shyest cats was running to the door to greet me one evening as I was coming in, and she kept running until she was outside. She freaked out, running around screaming. I paniced and chased her..that was a mistake. It made her more scared..then she disappeared. I looked all night with no luck. I looked our my window at 5am the next morning and saw her creeping by the house,meowing. I ran out and got her..I feel very lucky she came back home.
It doesnt surprise me BB is not afraid at all or concerned he is lost. We have a Bengal at the shelter where I volunteer and she is the friendliest cat ever..she loves all visitors. She had 5 little kids all over her last weekend and it did not bother her at all!
Oui Oui
Very good advice. I haven’t lost any kitties, one of the many reasons mine stay indoors. But, I know how easy it is for them to slip out doors, too. We get rotocalls from online lost pet searchers. Don’t forget to use the power of the internet! I was adopted by a well cared for cat who for his own reasons wanted a new home. I never understood why someone didn’t come looking for him. But I couldn’t find the owners either.
That is terrific advice. I have one disappear and never come back. I had one disappear and came back after three month. I nearly fainted when I saw her. Did you put an ad in the paper about BB?? He could have escaped out of a car that was out of town or in another town. The Bengal rescues is a good idea to contact.
He sure is gorgeous.
Wendy Christensen
Looking everywhere INDOORS is a very good point. Cats can slither into the darndest places (like behind drawers).
BB is SO handsome. I can’t imagine that someone isn’t frantically looking for him.
Julia Williams
This is such a great post. I don’t think I have experienced a greater pain than when my beloved cat disappeared. I didn’t stop looking for her for many, many years, and only when it became obvious that she couldn’t still be alive (because so many years had passed), only then did I give up the hope that she would come home.
Julia, it’s the worst feeling in the world. The only way I got over it was to adopt another cat.
Very scary thought, but really great advice! Happy Weekend to you!
Random Felines
We couldn’t agree more. We now are fostering a kitten that maybe “lost”….but after doing all the right things, no one has come forward to claim him. We are all microchipped and almost all of us wear collars….(some cats have figured out how to get them off). Thanks for the good advice. Have you contacted Bengal breeders in your area??? They might have an idea.
Deb Barnes - Zee and Zoey
I wish you well as you continue to not only mend BB back to health, but to find his owners. As you know, I am quite partial to the Bengal breed. If he indeed does become cat-mate #6, you will find your life will change dramatically (in a good way). While all cats have their own special charms and qualities, the Bengal is particularly special – extremely intelligent, athletic, loving, and talkative. Great advice on looking for a missing kitty and you know this is one story I want you to keep us updated on!!
caren gittleman
thank you. this is something that not enough of us (including myself) think of.
someone must be just crazy with heartache about that Bengal beauty or sadly in this economy people who can no longer afford to care for their pets are letting them go. THAT I cannot comprehend for the life of me. I feel #6 will become a reality
Milo and Alfie
What a wonderful helpful post. I hope we never lose Milo and Alfie ~ but it’s important to know these things and you gave some tips we had not heard before (mobile phone pic and showing pedestrians the pic). Thank you ~ we will copy the page.
Jan (the mom) xx
Purrs from Milo and Alfie xx
Ingrid King
What a beautiful boy!
I can’t imagine the heartbreak of having a cat go missing. I still remember the 15 minutes or so one day when I couldn’t find Allegra. Rationally, I knew she couldn’t have gotten out, but as time went by, my fear escalated into panic. She was sitting inside the kitchen cabinet the whole time, wondering what all the fuss was about.
Good advice! I hope BB finds a place where he can settle and be loved, that is if it’s not his old home or yours. He’s a handsome looking fella!
This is very helpful I wish SS had it when my son went missing many years ago. We spent days looking for him, putting out posters around the neighbourhood, calling the shelters and we are still sad at losing him because he had been with us since birth.
Prancer Pie
Thanks fur stopping by our blog! This is a pawsome post. Things every cat owner should know and do! Can’t imagine sum one not wanting to find the beautiful bengal kitty! Keep us posted! Purrs.