Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Catnip

We usually grow catnip from seed and this year we let it grow wild, but the season is over. Our boys will be enjoying dried catnip all winter. This infographic from www.catnipsum.com and compliments of infographiczone.com is everything you ever wanted to know about catnip. We thinks it’s the cat’s meow and all four of us enjoy the herb, both fresh and dried. Even old, blind Merlin still enjoys his ‘nip. Do your cats enjoy catnip and do they have a favorite kind?

I have always loved catnip. It makes me ecstatic, and then it gives me the munchies. It never had any effect on Eric though. Mum bought seeds a couple of years ago and they grew like mad. The packet said Napeta Cataria but they had mauve flowers instead of white, and they did nothing for me at all, not fresh or dried. The butterflies love them though.
Devoted to Willow
I knew in addition to Catnip that Catmint is pawsome, but I did not know about all these other nip plants. What coolness to know more about the Nip.
Skeeter and Izzy
This was super cool info! We didn’t know there were so many kinds of nip………….ewwwwwwwwwwwww smell the colors….MOL
Luvs skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Peanut and Twig >^%^< Nippy Time Eyes
The Creative Cat
It’s also a common native plant over most of North America and parts of Europe and Asia–I find it in the fields and even empty lots all over the place around me. Glad the outdoor kitties can indulge too!
Nerissa's Life
Thank you so much for sharin’ this.
One can NEVER know too much about the nip. Never. NEVER, I say. Never. Nip… the best thing since sliced bread. BETTER, in fact. Way, WAY better.
Layla Morgan Wilde
LOL way better than sliced bread.
da tabbies o trout towne
eye haz never liked catnip……call me crazed coz eye guess eye am…but eye due knot like dried or fresh leaf~~~
I didn’t know it was good for repelling mosquitos. Maybe mom will grow fresh nip for us so she can use it as bug repellent.
Traveling Cats
Super cute infographic. And I learned many things I didn’t know yet.
easy rider
That’s interesting, I had no clue that every cat can react different. Like people. But at the end cats are smarter than peeps because they know when they’ve had enough :o)
Austin Towers
250 kinds of catnip!!!!! Heaven!! very informative post. Thanks. Will get on to the human to get planting 🙂
The Island Cats
We love that graphic! We even learned some things about nip we didn’t know!
Tillie and Georgia
Pawsome info!
We need to get Mom back into growing it for us.
Fresh catnip is pawsome and fresh dried is too 🙂
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Treasure,Tiger, JJ and Julie
This was an awesome infographic! I will pass it along to my human.
mollie and alfie
We have never grown nip, gonna give it a go 🙂 xxoxx
Mollie and Alfie
d'Artagnan Rumblepurr
We love nip, but not as much as we love Silvervine!!
Katie and Glogirly
Based on Waffles’ behavior, I’m suspect he’s got his own private stash.
; ) Katie