Siamese-foster-cat-ling ling-portrait
Cat Saturday

Cat Saturday: Special Report

If you love cats, sharing makes us purrrr :-)

Layla is taking a break from non-stop cat wrangling, care-taking and other things called life. She has generously allowed me, Ling Ling, a mere foster girl to report on the latest events here. This is not accident. I didn’t pull any strings or Dragon Lady hissy fits. In fact, I’ve had what they call in therapy, a breakthrough. My aggressive behavior which got me kicked out of my last foster home has lessened thanks to the love and the proper attention I needed to feel secure. Bullies are fearful and I now I feel more love than fear.

Cat Wisdom 101 reporter Ling Ling

The humans no longer lock me up at night and have new jobs like: chief lap-warmer to the catman human while watching TV and assistant editor next to Layla’s clickety-clack thing called a keyboard. She won’t let me touch the mouse though. Who cares, it doesn’t taste good anyway. I play with Odin and in the most gallant of gestures, he offered me his prized toy, the squirrel bird aka a Hartz Chirp ‘n Chase. Sigh. He really does love me.

But, cat behavior miracles don’t happen overnight. I still feel bitchy about Gris Gris and did chase him up the stairs once but look ma, no claws and only a micro hiss. Now, that old blind boy, Merlin who is the big cheese won’t let me forget it for a minute. We finally had a truce and I let him roam my digs on the third floor. It’s only fair since that used to be his favorite spot before I arrived on the scene. He’s started up his God-awful yodeling called nocturnal vocalization. Hey, I’m Siamese too but I’ve never been that loud. Might be time for Dr. G to pay a visit. Here’s the latest pic of the mean meezer geezer.


The humans keep going on how amazing it is to massage Domino, the outdoor feral who didn’t allow anyone to touch him for seven years! Is he nuts? It feels so good. They’re also thrilled he’s made a complete recovery from being ill much of the summer from a nasty abscess. Now everyone is wondering if Domino will come inside this winter. He pokes his head inside but fear is his enemy too.

The most exciting thing that happened this week was the arrival of a new cat who is hidden and quarantined like I was when I arrived with a upper respiratory infection. Odin, who is the most curious cat and maybe smartest cat

Odin Googles himself

I’ve ever met, snuck in and got a good look before Layla yelled and scooted him out. Odin said he’s very exotic looking. Well, I had to see for myself and I snuck in for a nano-second. Damn, those humans must have eyes in the back of their heads! Then last night, Gris Gris, Mr. Quicksilver himself, slipped in and got an extra long look. He’s quite impressed with this handsome boy called a Bengal, and now I have five boys to choose from as my beau, unless of course I get adopted by a new human. They would have to be pretty special for me to want to leave, but anything is possible. I am worried about the Bengal who if still sneezing and snorfuling. You can read more about the foundling at yesterday’s post. Please send some purrs for him.


Gris Gris ticks me off because he’s so cool and mysterious and reminds me of another cat from my past. He fancies himself a philosopher of sorts.


The only thing I miss out on are the outdoor walks with the humans and sun bathing on the porch. It’s what the others live for. I’m happy sunning on the windowsill where I can keep an eye on everything outside. I’ll let the latest pics tell the rest of the story. Cats play fight in similar stances to real fighting but the ear positions are more relaxed and claws are sheathed as seen here. Odin may appear submissive but they tumble and reverse roles as if training for the World Wide Wrestling Feline Division. Odin would do it all day if the humans and Gris Gris didn’t act as referees. They are best buds and if anyone can convince Domino to come inside this winter, Odin can, but what will the others say?

cats-play-wrestlingcats-playing-cuteDoes your cat have a best friend?


  • Oui Oui

    Wow Ling Ling, we are so proud of you! Maybe you have found your home and the beans just don’t know it. What do you think? We will keep purring for you and BB – he is such a handsome mancat. Maybe you will be friends when he is feeling better. The Mom laughed when she read your report cause your house sounds like ours. You couldn’t have a better mom and we hope she can purrswede everyone to come in for the winter,

  • caren gittleman

    Ling Ling you did an amazing job! I am hoping that you don’t get adopted (sorry) because I think you are thriving under Layla’s care and that makes everyone so happy!

    The Bengal kitty is just beautiful and Cody and I are sending purrs that he is feeling well soon!

    Thank you Ling Ling for doing such a wonderful job this Saturday!

  • Deb Barnes - Zee and Zoey

    Miss Ling Ling, you are a wise old soul and it was a pleasure having you report the week’s events for us. It seems that everyone is becoming a bit more settled and comfortable with their respective roles in the house. I am happy to see that Odin continues to be the peace-maker and Ling Ling is right, if anyone will get Domino indoors, it will be Odin!

    Great picture of BB! From the front shot, he is the spitting image of my Zoey, with her perpetual scowl!

  • Katnip Lounge

    Ling Ling, we are so happy you are loved and happy now! Our Meezer is a love bug too, and our Mommy has to give her special rubbins every day–she yells and yells and yells until it happens! We have a couple good buddies here, Sweet Pea and Rupert cuddle and bathe (and rassel!), Johnny and Scout play, and CC and Rupert are bedtime buddies. Also, there’s a lot of playing between Grayce, May Ling, and Salem!
    We have our paws crossed that Domino will come in soon, and for Bengal Boy.

  • Pam Kimmell

    What a great update on the state of cathood in your home Layla. Seems all is well with everyone and it’s nice Ling Ling is putting her two cents in from the third floor! The bengal boy is beautiful…looks like you have a new addition to the crew if his humans don’t surface. Happy weekend to all.

    Pam (and Sam)

  • MoMo

    Coming back to check on how the newbie is doing. My rather dense SS is still trying to remember who’s who in your household. Methinks she is getting senile. Never fear, she will sort it out one day. We are furriends with quite a few multi-kitty household. After a few visits she would be fine.

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