October Cat Holidays
October Cat Holidays 2016.
October is special month this year with much to celebrate and be aware of.
On personal note: Our dear Merlin’s birthday was posted today at the CatBlogosphere. It’s actually on Oct. 2 and he’ll no doubt blog about at Mondays With Merlin about it if he’s still alive. Knowing him, he’ll probably blog not matter what.
We’re excited to share an entire month of black cat-related events and posts. We will celebrate Black Cat Day on Oct 27 but one day is not enough. Our Black Cats Tell All community group on Facebook will host giveaways and other fun for our inaugural Black Cat Awareness Month. A major event for October, 2017 is planned.
This year, share black cat photos, funny videos and positive stories at our Facebook pages, other groups across all social media and bloggers. We will be very active on Instagram with many of our BCTA contributors. Tag us #catwisdom101 or #blackcatstellall so we can share or like yours. Together we can raise awareness and shelter adoption rates. Yes, black are amazing and adoptable. There no better time than October, the Halloween month to find endless teachable moments and less evil looking cat decor.
We have BCTA tribe members from all over the world and it’s fitting since our book, Black Cats Tell All: True Tales and Inspiring Images mushroomed into a global melting pot of over 70 amazing black cats. The BCTA nonprofit project is taking on a life of its own with a small delay in publication. The cover design is stunning. Stay tuned!
We’re not posting more than twice a week this month but you won’t want to miss our “feel good” Feral Cat Day post on Oct. 16. I volunteer as a TNR expert at the Feral Friends Network of Alley Cat Allies. All I’m going to say is: expect the unexpected.
- Black Cat Awareness Month (International)
- International Pet Fashion Month
- National Pet Wellness Month
- National Animal Safety & Protection Month
- Pet Breast Cancer Awareness Month Infographic
World Animal Day
October 4
National Pet Obesity Awareness Day
October 7
National Veterinary Technician Week
October 16-22
October 16 National Feral Cat Day (Alley Cat Allies) This was changed in 2017 to Global Cat Day.
October 27 National Black Cat Day (UK)
October 29 National Cat Day
October 31 Halloween
Let me know if you have anything special planned for any of the holidays.

Elaine Hutzelman
Hoping your birthday was heavenly-a bit belated- you precious baby now out of pain and starting a new life.
Thank you for sharing with us all those nice activities!!!October will be full with so much fun!!!
Happy belated birthday!
Black cats totally rock. We are so happy that BCTA and your book are going so well!
The Swiss Cats
Happy Birthday dear Merlin ! We’re glad BCTA is growing like this, Layla did a pawsome job ! Purrs
Thank you for this! Spreading awareness is good. And hey, its Halloween!
Happy birthday tomorrow to sweet angel Merlin. There are so many cat holidays in October!
Our Niko’s birthday is coming this month, too 🙂
Parsley is so excited, this is his most favourite month of the year and the book is coming out soon! WOOO HOOO!!!
Have a great week guys!
Basil & Co xox
Sometimes Cats Herd You
Thanks for the list! These always help with inpurrration.
Ellen Pilch
Thank you for doing so much to promote black cat adoptions.
The Island Cats
Thanks for posting these holidays. We can’t wait to see all the black cats gracing your book.
I am glad to hear that everything is going so well.
caren gittleman
Thanks for the comprehensive and important reminder!!!! We noted everything and shared!
October is a good month!!!
da tabbies o trout towne
we will be postin R post two R awesum pal St Francis…. ♥♥♥
I’m glad your black cat community and book are going so well! Black cats are awesome!
skeeter and Izzy
Black Cats Rule!!!!
Actually, All Cats Rule!
We wish we had time for Facebook etc. but alas tending to another colony of 9 plus my own crew that has now grown to 8 plus subbing in for another caregiver for two colonies of 3 and 8 takes most of my time before and after work MOL!
We love it!
Happy Birthday a bit early Merlin!
We luvs you all
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo & the Angels >^..^^..^<~
Layla Morgan Wilde
Tending to two colonies is awesome!!! Thank you and big purrrrrrs xoxox
Great to know all the special cat days in October. Thank you!
Wow. BCTA is doing so well! You’ve done a tremendous service for BC and all cats.
What an incredible feat, Layla.
In just 6 years? (2010 was your start with CatWisdom, I think?)
You’ve done so much. So very much.
Mao, our black/white tux, says Hi. (Akshully, he says Mao.)
Cheddar squeaks in joy for you and hopes that someday, ginger / marmalade cats will have a day.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks, were growing bit by bit 🙂 You’ve known us since Cat Saturday days at Boomer Muse back to 2008? but Cat Wisdom since 2011. Big purry hello to Mao and Cheds xo
easy rider
wow what a busy month for all feline friends… there are so much fabulous events… and I specially hope (apart from snitching the halloween treats this year)that october brings a lot of homes for kitties in need..
Layla Morgan Wilde
Not just cats but dogs too 🙂 xox