5 Reasons Why My Cat Is My Valentine
Why My Cat Is My Valentine by Layla Morgan Wilde
Valentine’s Day is a special time of year for many people, a time to show their love and affection for their significant other. However, for some, their significant other is not a human but a feline friend. If that’s you, you’re in good company.
Cat lovers have a unique and deep bond with their cats that transcends the typical human-pet relationship, and that’s why some choose cats as their Valentine, and I’m one of them. I’m no crazy cat lady but happily married to a crazy cat man! I’m not ashamed that my cat is my Valentine and here’s why.
I went a bit overboard creating kitty Valentines so I’m including a few more. If you haven’t seen my Valentine art collection (free to share) check out Free Valentines Purrfect For Cat Lovers or Sweet Valentine’s Day Poems & Limericks
Our cat family has ebbed and flowed in recent years from 1 to 6 but averaging 4. Sadly, we are down to one cat, our charming one-eyed Odin. Naturally he is my Valentine and here are 5 reasons your cat(s) could be too.
Here are my top 5 reasons why my cat is my Valentine.
1: First and foremost, cats are low maintenance compared to dogs and other pets
Unlike dogs, cats are independent creatures that do not require daily walks or regular exercise. As much as I love dogs, this is a deal breaker for me. I love that Odin can explore the outdoors alone wearing his GPS collar. Sometimes we go on walks together but I don’t have to up early to walk him. I’d rather spend time cuddling with a cat on the couch or simply enjoying each other’s company.
Cats are clean animals that groom themselves regularly, so there is less need for messy baths or grooming appointments (excluding long-haired breeds). A healthy cat smells good. Odin smells amazing. I dislike “doggy odor” and cats are ideal pet for people who want a low-maintenance, easy-to-care-for companion.
2: Cats Make You Happy
Cats are affectionate creatures that enjoy human company. Even less cuddly cats are known for bringing joy. I’ve known many cats in my life and every single one was a treasure. Cats are known for their soft purring, gentle nuzzling, entertaining curiosity and playful antics, which bring joy and happiness by simply being themselves. Frankly, I love the idiosyncratic weirdness of cats. Cats are selective who they choose to love and when a cat chooses you, that connection is special.
Cat owners often find that their cats are their constant companions, following them around the house and snuggling up with them at night. This level of affection and companionship is unique to cats. Sure dogs do the loyalty thing but it’s never a given with cats. Odin tends to follow my husband around because he feeds him but that’s not the only reason. If it was he wouldn’t to hang out with me. I’d like to think Odin is egalitarian and loves both of us equally but who knows?
Odin is the boss and rules my heart. Do you have a boss cat too?
3: Cats Are Clever
Another reason cats and specifically Odin is my Valentine is intelligence. Cats are incredibly smart creatures capable of learning tricks, playing games and playing tricks on us. Granted, some of my cats were smarter than others but even neurologically challenged cats like my Nou Nou proved quite brilliant. Cats are also known for their independence, which allows them to entertain themselves. They need alone time and playtime. This intelligence and independence combo makes it a no-brainer for me. I never know what Odin is going to do next and I like being kept on my toes.
4: Cats Are Scientifically Therapeutic
They say it’s relaxing simply to gaze at a sleeping cat and it’s true. The act of petting a cat can lower blood pressure, reduce stress and anxiety, and promote a sense of calm. This is especially important for cat lovers who may have busy and stressful lives, as spending time with their feline friend can provide them with much-needed relaxation and peace of mind. There is a relatively new science called anthrozoology that studies relationships between pets and people. Yup, who needs chocolate when you can have a furry Valentine?
5: Cats Are Full of Purrsonality
Every cat in the world is unique and I believe purrfect. Odin may not be classically perfect but he’s purrfect. I played with some AI portraits and while fun, I prefer him just the way he is.
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. Sorry, there are too many to count.
I never get tired of watching Odin sleep, stretch into yoga poses, climb trees, navigate narrow spaces, methodically knead biscuits by the dozen or talking, excuse me, meowing at me. After 12 years, I’m still fascinated by his one big, green eye, the white polka dot tip of his striped tail and his solid, muscular body befitting any body builder. I love that he’s always seeking out new experiences and adventures indoors and outdoors. I love everything about him even cleaning the dirt in his sweet pink nose.
All cats have a mysterious nature making a part of them unknowable. How can we resist their mischievous nature, which adds a touch of humor to our lives. This personality, combined with their affectionate nature, makes cats a beloved and cherished companion for cat lovers. It’s nothing new. I’ve posted about vintage cat art for many years. Here’s my latest one.
There are many more reasons why cat lovers choose cats as their Valentines. Probably as many reasons as there are cats. I believe there is a lid for every pot or the right cat for every person They are low maintenance, affectionate, intelligent, therapeutic, and have a unique and charming personality. For cat lovers, their feline friend is more than just a pet; they are a constant companion, a source of joy and happiness, and a reminder of the love and affection that exists in the world.
So, on this Valentine’s Day, let us celebrate the special bond between cat lovers and their feline friends, and the love and joy that they bring into our lives. I know I will be doing that with Odin.
I hope your Valentine’s Day is purrfect!
xo, Layla and Odin

Minko was my ‘boss’, and my Valentine, too. Pipo, well, he was more of a Daddy’s cat, LOL! Toki was the dog, MJF’s Valentine, believe that or not, MJF greived a lot after Toki became an angel…Minko loved him, too…biut they were not nearly as bonded…
Minko, and Pipo were both ‘gotted’ on Feb 14th, 2005; and Groucho also was gottted shorly before Valentine’s Day in 1988…he was the first kitty in our married life, and the first kitty, ever, for me!
Amy Harlib
Astor-kitty is my precious feline Valentine!
Brian Frum
Those are all really adorable!
Layla Wilde
Yes! I hope you enjoy tons of Valentine kitty love🐈⬛💕💕
Skeeter and Izzy
Happy Valentine’s Day to all Cats and Cat Lovers !
No better Valentine that a beautiful, sweet ,wonderful Kitty!
Luvs Hugs and Kitty Kisses
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang and the Angels >^..^^..^<~