Mourning The Loss of Celebrity Black Cat Cole. Exclusive Photos
Millions of CAM fans are mourning the loss of an extraordinary cat. Cole of Cole and Marmalade fame has joined the pantheon of other celebrity cats in kitty heaven.
You can bet they will usher him in with a playful high five. The sad truth is the first wave of celebrity cats of the past decade is dwindling. And now Cole, the brightest star will now twinkle from the heavens. He joins a stellar crew from Grumpy Cat, Lil Bub, Colonel Meow, Homer the Blind Cat Street Cat Bob, Oskar The Blind Cat Punchy Sparkle Cat Sir Thomas Trueheart and so many others. Oh to be a fly on the wall of that welcoming committee.
I created a unique visual memorial in his honor. His leaving during Black Cat Awareness Month makes it extra poignant. Cole was the star cat of the dozens of black cats featured in my book Black Cats Tell All: True Tales And Inspiring Images. His story was the first and the longest. It’s still too raw to write about my complicated relationship with CAM. Here’s the first page of his story.
A fun part of the book are the purrsonality profiles. Cole’s profile may add insights you might not have known.
Every celebrity cat I’ve had the pleasure to meet or work with professionally leaves a mark. In recent years my list of celebrity cat memorials is growing to the point where I’m thinking is this really the end of an era? Is Cole my Rubicon, the proverbial line in the sand? I don’t know but I’m feeling it might be time time to dust off my old pet loss book project.
When our own cats die it’s a personal loss but when a famous cat dies, many fans experience the collective loss as if it were their own cat. There is a measure of comfort in community. We can read heart-warming comments, watch old videos and wait for their legacy to take shape.The upside of social media from Facebook, Instagram to Tik Tok is nothing is ever lost online. There are archives of images, videos, screensavers and gifs to peruse, reminisce and feel their feline immortality, if only for a moment.
With a huge archive of photos and videos Cole touched millions of lives in ways it’s hard to fathom. The outpouring of fan love and support within 24 hours of his death exploded on every platform. I can’t imagine what Chris and Jess are feeling seeing hundreds of thousands of likes and comments. What I know for sure is #CAMFam love is like no other and will continue.
It looks like Cole’s legacy is already beginning as a black cat adoption advocate. He recently won America’s Favorite Pet Contest and will be featured on the cover of Catster. Yay, another black cat cover! It’s a win for black cat awareness.
Also cheering on Cole at the Rainbow bridge will be many black cats authors from my book to greet Cole including my house panther Clyde. Sadly since the book was published in October 2017 about a dozen of the 100 black cats featured have passed. Every October during Black Cat Awareness Month I dread to find out who will be next. While I knew Cole battled cancer since last year, I didn’t expect he’d be the next to go. His black face turned gray with wisdom sprinkles, shaved patches dotted his body from cancer treatments and yet he remained playfully stoic until the end.

From the very beginning in the viral kitten video to the end of his nine years, Cole packed in nine lives. He rolled with every life change with ease and grace. Okay and humor as the willing participant of a life well documented. There were multiple cross country moves from California to Florida, then Illinois and finally back to Florida. He welcomed his new fur brother Marmalade with open paws. He was a good pal when Marm recovered from cancer. He accepted two new kittens into his domain with an open heart. Love was his middle name but his heart belonged to daddy. The rest as they say is history.
I interviewed Chris Poole for Catster Magazine in 2015 Take a nostalgic look back at the early days of Cole and Marmalade With social media blowing up the concept of celebrity cats was inevitable. From there, I consulted with Chris about the CAM brand and cat behavior for several years until he acquired a business partner.
We partnered with topics close to our hearts like Breast Cancer Awareness Month Who knew back then how meaningful it would be now.
This was a campaign we did in 2014.
There is much more I could say about Cole but for now it’s my wish and prayer that his memory be a blessing. May Chris and Jess find peace and wisdom as they grieve, and may Marmalade find comfort with fursibs and who knows, perhaps a new furbro in the future.

Cathy west beasley
I just watched all of coles videos again and tears will not stop I have 2 kitties ,Denzell ,a Russian Blue mix I got from a farm in Cambridge wis, he is the most beloved baby I have ever owned he was 5 weeks when we got him ,born on my birthday Sept 24 , he is 6 now and I do not think I’d be sane without him he came into my life 2 years after I lost my mom I was 2 years clean n sober ,happy to report ,still clean, 11 years now we rescued our Delylah when Denzel was 2 she’s 4 now and a beautiful tabby I do not know how I’ll be able to stand another loss after my mom’s death, I’m 56 now and I pray every day that these 2 are allowed to grow old with me, in all reality I know kitties can live 10 to 25 years so I’m praying for the latter , I’m so sorry for coles passing he was the most beautiful boy
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks Cathy.I felt the same way about my soul cat Merlin, worried I’d never survive his death. He lived 21 years and his loss was easier than I thought possible. Enjoy every day with your precious cats.
So sad. I was very fond of Cole.
I hope the CAM fam take comfort in how many people loved him too
Bev, true not only the huge outpouring of support but the impact on shelter adoption rates (hopefully)
ellen beck
Cole , you and many other black cats given a voice have made a difference in the world that survives you. You gave your star power to help others. We all mourn your passing but know you will be given a hero’s welcome at Rainbow Bridge. Say hello, and churr softly at those we remember…..
Great tribute Layla, sad yet beautiful.
Ellen, thanks so much and perhaps Punchy was there too. So much water under the bridge. I can’t believe it’s been 4 years since the book came out! xoxo
Skeeter and Izzy
For every season there is a reason…….
Hugs and purrs to Coles family . Cole was a big purrsonality fur sure. We know and share the pain of loss. We know that our fur babies came to greet Cole!
Luvs from the heart…
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang and the Angels >^..^^..^<~
Oh yes, I love the idea of an army of black cats in solidarity xox
Linda Moren Abuelghanam (aka TexasPK)
I am definitely going to buy the book now. I loved Cole.
Question. Did you happen to mention another personality full black kitty — Sylvester the Talking Cat — also known from the “Mean Kitty Song”. Another very tragic passing.
I loved my black kitty — Scruffy. He was my heart. I had him for only about 10 years but loved him deeply.
Black kitties are indeed special.❤️
Thanks and for mentioning the talking kitty. I didn’t know.
hugs to you and to the people of famous cole…
Heartbreaking. It is like we all lost a little piece of our hearts.
Truly. We never know the impact of loss until it happens. xox
I hate to saym butr II didn’t know thiis wonderful kitty, nir hs furmily…my loss,and now I won’t have a chance to meet Cole…though I expect the welcoming lineup he passed through on his way to all the wonderful catnip meadows was lined with the six of my meezers who reside there now…
RIP, Cole, We know how very much you will be missed…but cherished forever.
We were very, very sad about Cole too.
Catherine Heckel
I have several Cole & Marmalade t-shirts which I will wear with sorrow but also much pride in his life & the many black cats that have gotten furever homes because of him. My heart goes out to Chris & Jess, Marm & the two girls. The Rainbow Bridge connects here & the heavens.
Brian Frum
It’s always so sad and even though we didn’t know Cole our heart aches for his family.
Sue Brandes
Was very sad to hear of his passing.
Bev green
Oh my the sad news keeps on coming..so sad Cole has flown to the bridge..yet what a legacy he leaves..fly free house panther fly free..
Bev x
Jean Jones
Having my own beautiful, big, black & sleek panther of my own now, plus the my smaller & definitely more annoying furry panther, I mourn this loss of Cole with everyone else.
I always hate to see any cat walk over that Rainbow Bridge, but I think, at times, it may be better for feline friends, family & others instead of a long drawn out passing.
May Cole’s family find some peace in knowing they do not grieve alone. They are most certainly not alone in mourning for their wonderful Ambassador of y Cat Life.
Jean, on WV
Thanks so much Jean! I agree it’s easier to grieve with like-minded support.
Amy Harlib
Very sad news – followed Cole and Marmalade for many years and will continue to follow Marmalade and the other 2 kitties but sure will miss that beautiful black kitty now at the Rainbow Bridge Heaven.
Sincere Condolences,
Amy and all black fluffy Astor Kitty (3 years old) in NYC.
Amy, thanks! Hello to Astor Kitty and for supporting the cause🐈⬛
Marjorie Dawson
Losing him was a blow He has been a part of so many lives but YES the advocacy of black cats will go on and each magazine cover is win. each adoption is a WIN.
We can do this with hoe and Cole in our hearts.
Thanks so much Marjorie! Cole’s advocacy will continue and he led the way for the next wave of black celebrity cats on Instagram 🙌🐈⬛
Sandee, thanks for letting me know.
Ellen Pilch
This is such sad news. Cole was loved by all.
This was a big loss for the cat world. (((Hugs)))
Well said. I’ve seen several tribute to this kitty.
Have a fabulous day and week. ♥