Meowloween Halloween Caturday
Happy Meowloween Halloween! I hope this finds you and your kitties safely enjoying the fun and treats. What a festive, fun but wild week. Thank-you and welcome to our new subscribers!
In case you missed our big news, scroll down for the highlights.
The week began with some hocus pocus at Mondays With Merlin our resident wizard. He is the poster boy for crying wolf. Every time he’s at death’s door, he rallies, forcing us to eat some crow. We couldn’t wait for our scheduled mobile vet visit in November I whisked him a feline specialist on Monday morning. Two kinds of antibiotics later, he’s bounced back a hair but his days of pulling rabbits out of his hat are over. The test results were a mixed bag. Some good, some bad and as always it’s tricky finding the balance of treatment with determining quality of life.
Merlin is loving his new prescription food and does not need any appetite stimulant. His gait is more tottery than ever but he is mobile and enjoying limited garden time (his fave). In lieu of the hot sun, we’ve set up a heater with a soft pillow for his fragile old bones in a sunny bathroom which is a hit. So for now, he’s having more good days than bad days. Our vet feels he has a little more quality time left but hey, he’s already used up more than nine lives so it’s all good. Thank-you for all your kind comments and messages.
Our biggest news of the week and year, is the announcement of our new venture and brand extension.
Cat Wisdom 101 is launching a series of cruises geared for pet lovers. The first one is Cat Film Fest at Sea, the first cat film/video/art/pop culture cruise in the Caribbean. We set sail just in time for Halloween 2016! Find out more at Cat Film Fest at Sea.
For a breath of fresh air, we have a fab giveaway for a kit of 4 eco-friendly pet odor and stain remover products from Skout’s Honor. There will be 3 winners, but hurry to enter. This giveaway ends in 3 days! Click now on the link to enter Skout’s Honor Giveaway.
If you didn’t get enough Halloween treats for your cats, get some for free by simply posting a pic of your cat. You’re invited to join the Acatemy at Meow Mix. We’ve joined for their fun and factual info. Check out our post about it
We can’t wait to see all your Halloween pics. Thanks for posting your gorgeous black cat photos. Post your pics on our Cat Wisdom 101 Facebook page. Instructions at the top.
Happy Meowloween Halloween from Layla, Merlin, Domino, Odin and Nou Nou. Yeah, we’re channeling our ancient Egyptian ancestors. We’ll be posting other Howleween pics on social and at our other blog Boomer Muse

Katie Isabella
I betcha you had a Happy Meowoween! I did. I was sleeping’! Mom was trying to force a hat on my lovely head. Nope. Ain’t gonna happen.
Deziz World
Dat’s gweat news ’bout Merlin. Weez sendin’ purrayers. Have a blest day.
Luv ya’
Dezi and Lexi
Happy Meowloween, dear friends! What an exciting week, with Merlin the “Energizer” right at the top of the list of great things. 🙂
Cathy Keisha
Happy Halloween guys! I certainly demand to be worship far and near. Keep on keeping on, Merlin.
Skeeter and Izzy
Happy Meowloween!!!
We are glad that our dear friend Merlin is still having good days. We purr for many many more.
The vet said that Peanut has a potential virus and 3 shots and a bottle of pills later we will see.She does seem to feel a bit better this evening.
Luvs to all!
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo & the Angels >^..^^..^<~
Layla Morgan Wilde
We’re sending magic Merlin purrs to Peanut.
Cynthia Southern
Happy Halloween! I am glad Merlin keeps hanging in there.
Cats of Wildcat Woods
Happy Halloween and congrats on the new cruise line!
The Island Cats
Happy Meowloween!
Ellen Pilch
Praying for many more good days. I am happy to hear Merlin likes his new food.
Oh I love your Halloween graphics. So cute! I bet you are all enjoying tons of fun and treats today 🙂 Happy Halloween!
The Florida Furkids
We’re still sending purrs to Merlin.
Happy Halloween!
The Florida Furkids
Happy Halloween to all of you and Merlin, thanks for being in my costume contest! You looked spooktacular! Also congrats again on all the GOOD news…..we have paws crossed for all of it AND POTP on its’ way to Merlin whose tenacity is mind-boggling!
Love, Sammy and Mom Pam
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks Sammy, it’s always fun and Merlin is truly a Magus.
Caren Gittleman
YAY MERLIN!!!! That cat IS MAGICAL!!!!!!
Deb Barnes
A Happy and Spooktacular Halloween from the Zee & Zoey gang!
easy rider
Oh I know all cats are always gods… sadly some humans furgot that. Happy Howl-O-Ween!
Happy Halloween, guys! Lexy and I are goddesses for sure. We accept nothing less.
Brian Frum
Happy Halloween everyone! Keep proving them wrong Merlin!!!!!!!
…you mean we AREN’T worshipped as gods anymore? When did that happen?