Mondays With Merlin: Wizard Cats Class
Quick Update: Merlin here and yes, I’m still alive. A nasty UTI flared up and I was whisked to the vet this morning. I’m on two kinds of antibiotics and will know test results tomorrow. I’m very wobbly, but the vet said my heart is strong and did not suggest euthanasia at this time. Everything is being done for my comfort, but I’m not a happy camper. We’ve entered the most horrible of guessing games any pet owner faces: Choosing euthanasia too soon or not soon enough. Right now, I’m not ready to go but I’m one step closer. Much love and thanks for your purrs of understanding.
Well, sit yourself down, Wizard 101 class has begun and you don’t want to late like Odin. Your professor emeritus is yours truly, Merlin, chief wizard on life # 9.3. You get extra points for showing up tomorrow for Layla’s big announcement. No, she didn’t win the lottery or retiring to Tahiti but it could be just as fun.
Some of you may be getting ready for Halloween or as we pagan cats like to call it Samhain or witch’s New Year. Lesson #1. Maybe you’re decorating with pumpkins. That’s a good thing. You can cook pumpkin, freeze into ice cube trays, defrost and mix a tsp. into your cat’s wet food for extra fiber. It’s helpful for constipation. If you’re not drinking enough ( and don’t mean niptinis) add 1 tb. of hot water or more into the mix if you like lots of gravy.
Apparently, October is also “Tockoberfest” the time for cats to show off their buttocks or ‘tocks. I’m too old and skinny for that but Odin will oblige. No wonder he’s always late for class.
The wonderful thing about getting older is experience. Nothing surprises me anymore but I did raise an eyebrow whiskers (yes, cats have secondary whiskers above their eyes) whn I heard about Domino and Nou Nou. They get along but aren’t chummy chummy. Domino is getting older and enjoying the heating pad in the living room and Layla couldn’t believe her eyes. Domino and Nou Nou were squeezed all cozy on the pad, Nou Nou had a recent severe bout of constipation and a huge positive shift in personality.
She’s gotten much more affectionate, sleeping with Layla and Odin. For a few days when she wasn’t feeling well, Odin nestled his head on her side to comfort her. He’s ever done that before. She’s always loved him and felt miffed when all summer he ignored her to go hunting. They’re playing more again and she likes to lay on top of the covers over me. I’m not crazy about it but it’s sweet. Actually everyone is acting different and extra nice to me and each other.They must know something. A changing of the guard. Well, I did mention that once I helped Layla find her new path, my work was done.
By the time you read this I may be gone. After a lovely week, I’ve taken a turn and going to the vet first thing in the morning. It’s time. If not today, then soon. No worries, your lessons will continue.

Angel Ms. Phoebe's Family
My sweet boy, I don’t know what I will do not having your wisdom to learn every Monday after you make your journey. I have come to adore you so, yet I know this time comes in everyone’s life and you have had a long and wonderful one. I know your Layla will know when it is time and you will travel in peace and with love, then be embraced by love and restored health as Gris Gris, Coco, and many loved ones greet you. You are a true wizard Merlin, whose magic and wisdom will live on in all who have had the privilege to get to know you. Enjoy this time dear boy, you deserve all the love you are receiving. Our thoughts and love are with you.
The Swiss Cats
Merin, we’re reading your post on our Tuesday evening only. You’re right, you’re one step closer. After a long happy life, you have to face it : should I stay or should I go ? We don’t want you suffering. Please be clear with Layla and your dad if it’s time to go for you, or if you still have some good peaceful days to spend with them, and make them feel your love. Purrs and love to you and your family.
Skeeter And Izzy
we are so glad to hear some good news. We purrs and prays that you get better! We know that it is a struggle for you and that your peeps will do what is right when the time comes. We would have that time never come if we could but alas it comes for us all eventually.
Tons of Luvs ,Purrs and Prayers dear friend.
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo & The Angels
Fur Everywhere
Merlin, please hang in there if you can. Please tell your peeps to listen to you with their hearts. It is very hard to do in times like these, but the humans need to listen to you so they know when it is your time to go.
I did NOT want to hear Jewel when she told me it was her time. She started to drop hints a couple of weeks before she really crashed. A couple of days before her time, Carmine started telling me it was time, too. Maybe your housemate kitty friends can help your peeps the way Carmine did with me.
It is a VERY hard decision to make. I believe your mom is intuitive enough to hear you when you talk to her. Please let her know that I am around if she wants to talk. *hugs* and love for you all <3
Cynthia Southern
Aww Merlin, We are all praying and purring for your recovery. We are sorry you are sick with a UTI. Purrs to you and Layla.
Merlin my Love, You knows that there will always bes Nellie kisses for yous no mater which side of the bridge yous on!
Hope the UTI is not causing too much trouble.
Your Nellie Bellie
My heart breaks for both you and Merlin.
Right now, at this very moment, you don’t have to make “that decision”. Take a deep breath and focus your energy on taking care of sweet Merlin and giving the meds a chance to work. A nasty UTI can knock even the youngest and healthiest kitty down.
Prayers for you both…
Merlin, we are sending lots of love,purrs, and healing energy. Our hearts are breaking for you and for Layla.
Merlin you arent ready to go you still have a bit more time to watch over Layla and make sure the changing of the guard as you put it goes smoothly.
Nou Nou had a recent severe bout of constipation and a huge positive shift in personality. <—— perhaps a bit of constipation cured her ill nature one never knows.
If by chance you do have to go, know you were loved by many. You so remind me of my Tan'na an old old meezer too. To love and be loved is the ultimate goal, you have achieved that, and more.
Layla,,,,,,,, my heart is with you.
Oh no, Merlin…..we are sending you purrs and prayers to you, and all your family. We love you xoxo
Harvey Button
Merlin, most respected of cats, please tell Layla when you feel your time has come to move on. The humans need all the help we can give them at times like these.
Ave et Vale Merlin, should your time be near. We want you to stay forever – you know that, but the voice and the choice is your own.
Harvey and Marjorie
The Florida Furkids
We’re sending loads of purrs and prayers to Merlin.
The Florida Furkids
Cathy Keisha
So glad you’re still with us but hope when you’re ready, you’ll give the peeps notice that they can’t deny.
Deziz World
Weez so sowry. Weez be sendin’ lots of purrayers, hugs and kitty kisses.
Luv ya’
Dezi and Lexi
Ellen Pilch
Merlin, I pray it is not time yet.
Oh Merlin you gave us a terrible fright. I am glad the Vet trip went well. WE want things to be as they always are. That is a human being for you. Be well for now. Just for now. Everyday is now.
Caren Gittleman
Oh Merlin, my heart is breaking……….I am so sad and shocked, even with your being old I am shocked. I am sending many, many prayers to you and your Mom and am sending much love. My heart is just broken.
Sally Swanson
Thank you for your wisdom, Merlin! I learned something new today! Tocktoberfest is a new one on this old person! Please know that you are loved very much, Merlin, as is the rest of your family, human or cat! Purrs & hugs! I hope you can feel them!
da tabbies o trout towne
dood….ya noe…when ya dee side its time for life 10, St Francis will bee bye yur side; sew yur knot afraid……de beauty of heaven iz…..everee thing…..we due knot wanna start gettin sad….we will sign off for now ~~~~~ ♥♥♥♥♥
I’m sending purrs to you and your human, Merlin. I know you have the wisdom to know when it’s time to leave, but when that happens, we will all miss you terribly.
Thinking of you dear Merlin, with love and gratitude.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks kindly, dearest ones. I’m back from the vet and alive. I’ll update the blog post asap.
It sounds as if your work there may be finished. We’re sad to read this but rejoice in the wonderful years you’ve had in a home filled with love.
Brian Frum
Oh Merlin, nothing makes me sadder than to read this. I am happy though because we are friends and your Mom is such a dear sweet lady and we love her to pieces. We will all look after her. Your wisdom will be with us forever, as will your love for life. Hugs from all of us.
The Island Cats
Oh no, Merlin! We’re sorry that your time is coming close. We send you lots of love and purrs…and hope that your journey is peaceful.
Loved Odin, Domino and Nou Nou and the decorating.
Oh! Noes!
You will be missed. I hope it isn’t….. already…. past tense.
I can’t take sudden events……………
Velcro, Inky, Toots and Vicky
We send you warm wishes and may purrs. Travel save on your upcoming journey when your time comes.
easy rider
that was great to be close to NouNou, Odin. I bet healing purrs are a wonderful treatment. Merlin you are always there with me and you are in my heart and in my thoughts…
Sweet Merlin,
You will be missed. Go in peace, knowing you were truly loved….
Peace. You are loved.
Sue Brandes
If it’s time may your journey be a peaceful one sweet boy. Sending purrs and lots of love.
Bev Green
Sweet Merlin if Father time has come to take you with him on a journey Layla cannot make with you ..then go with love and know that all you are will be here with her..may you drift in peace and beauty when the time is right..and may Layla feel your love with her…we send our love..we offer our comfort and we are purring for you all .Love Fozziemum ???
Skeeter and Izzy
Dearest Merlin, if it is time then go with peace and grace and love. We send you all the love and purrs we have. Take them with you whenever your time comes. You have lived full and happy and loved thru it all. Bless you our dear friend, bless you.
With all our heart and love and comfort,
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo & The Angels