Caturday Funny Furry Valentine
The loud sound you may hear is the collective purr of loved cats this Caturday as we present a love letter to you and a Funny, Furry Valentine.
Our good friend Chase Holiday, the creative cat lady behind FurBall Fables made a special video for V Day.
It’s not the usual comic antics of her kitty crew but includes real cat lovers with their cats. It’s touching because we can all relate to that bond. It doesn’t matter if you’re single or married. It’s not about being a crazy cat lady. My husband is more of a crazy cat lady than I’ll ever be. Cat love when bestowed on a human is earned and not necessarily forever. Mistreat a cat and you won’t see faithful puppy dog wags. Cats are extremely discerning and when they love you, you’ll know. If you know that kind of love, lucky you! May you enjoy your funny, furry Valentine this weekend.
A recent poll shows 28% of people are planning to buy a Valentine gift for their dogs, and only 17% for their cats. Whaaaat? And dog owners will spend $25 on dogs compared to $21 for cats.
Estimated spending is expected to reach $753.87 million dollars ($489.48 million on dogs and $264.39 million on cats). That a whole lotta pet love. Cat toys and treats are nice but I love the idea of giving yourself a gift too. There is nothing more lasting and meaningful than a pet portrait AND YOU COULD WIN ONE. Today is the last day to enter our giveaway. You can also enter by leaving a comment at our giveaway post.
Tell us in the comments who your special Valentine is. If you don’t have one, we hope a kitty cupid strikes. Sometimes kitty love is as brief as snuggles while volunteering at shelter.
We feel lucky having amazing readers, friends and being apart of a global cat community. Be sure to stop by on Monday, on Valentine’s Day eve for more LOVE and a funny furry Valentine.
Layla, Clyde, Domino, Domino, Odin, Nou Nou and forever Merlin.

Annie Anderson
I think the difference between the amount one could spend on dogs and cats is because cats are less attracted to toys or decorations haha. They want to look cool all the time.
Skeeter And Izzy
That was the most touching, wonderful Valentine video EVER!!!!!!
Thank you for sharing it with us.
I am blessed to have many, many kitty valentines in my life and I love them all with all of my heart furever!
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo & the Angels >^..^^..^<~
We don’t get special Valentine’s Day gifts, but we are grateful that our mom and dad give us lots of love every day of the year. 🙂
Gracie and Zoe
Layla Morgan Wilde
that’s the best gift ever xoxox
Connie Marie
The video was the sweetest one I’ve ever seen?
Layla Morgan Wilde
It’s pretty sweet. I wish something like that would get millions of views.
Connie Marie
My kitties think Valentine’s Day comes once a month when Fed Ex arrives with our Chewy.com boxes!!
Layla Morgan Wilde
The Swiss Cats
What a sweet video ! We don’t get special gifts on Valentine’s Day, but we get the gift of love every day ! Purrs
Layla Morgan Wilde
Lots of love to you xoxo
Deb Barnes - Zee and Zoey
Very sweet video! I don’t buy my cats Valentine gifts, but I do shower them with love each and every day! Purrs from Deb and the Zee/Zoey gang
Layla Morgan Wilde
Love and attention is the best gift xo
that’s a fabulous gift… and it’s furever when all treats are disgested, all toys destroyed and after all flowers became catnip…
My sprcial valentine is Goro & Niko, of course! It’s an unconditional, forever love!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Lots of love at your house xoxox
The Island Cats
Wait, humans should spend more money their cats than dogs! 🙂
Layla Morgan Wilde
Agreed 100%!
Andy, Tater and Shelly
The video was beautiful. We get treets for Valentines Day. Our Dad helps us pick out a Valentines Day card for Mom and Mom helps us pick out a Valentines card for Dad. Our Grandma sends us Valentines too. We are lucky kitties to have a family that loves us so much.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Aw, that’s wonderful to hear xoxo
These cat valentines are so adorable.
My special valentine is Cheddar, of course. Kristina’s is Mao.
Ched is sleeping on the bed now while I watch Dances With Wolves, for the 20th time.
<3 <3 <3
Happy Purr Furr Valentine's Day.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Happy Purr Furr V Day to you. Oh, and now we know your favorite! I’ve never seen that film. It’s that good?
Ellen Pilch
I just get some treats for the cats, but they get those all the time from their Grammie so it isn’t very special.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Your kitty crew are pretty spoiled 🙂
My human does not buy us Valentine’s Day gifts… but she did pick up a couple of new dresses for me last time she went to the pet store!
Layla Morgan Wilde
I’d count those as love gifts 🙂