Cat Lady Flashback Friday #FF
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For Flashback Friday we’re going way back to the late ’80s when I was a young thing hanging out with some cats in the 1000-year-old ghost town Bussana Vecchia, Italy. Where ever I’ve traveled cats find me and it was inevitable I ended up making my living working with cats. Some things never change. Cats have always been part of my life and always will be.
If you’re in the NYC area, I’d love to meet you tomorrow (email me!) at the legendary Algonquin Hotel, famous for the literary round table and Matilda the resident cat. This year the fundraiser benefits the Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals an umbrella group of over 150 shelters and rescue groups. Tickets are limited and only $40.00 includes entertainment, raffles and a wine tasting. RSVP Alice at 212 419-9197. Best of all, Tara the Hero cat the cat who saved a little boy from a dog attack is flying in from California as a special guest! Check out our post about the Matilda event from last year.
Thank-you to everyone who left birthday messages, comments, cards, emails and for sharing our adoption post. Cat lovers are the best!
Thank-you also to all the new subscribers. Please note: subscribing to Cat Wisdom 101 does not include our weekly original Cat Photo Quote. It’s a blog in itself where I do some of my most creative work every Friday. I’ve had so much of my artwork stolen online, I rarely share these but I’m rethinking maybe more people would enjoy seeing them. If you’d like to subscribe via email, please enter it in the white box at the foot of the page. One last thing, I’d love a vote to help the shelter cats I work with. VOTE Cat Wisdom 101.

Kitties Blue
What a terrific photo. Bet it brings back many great memories for you. Thanks for sharing. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
Katnip Lounge
A life surrounded by cats is one well lived.
Oh I love your flash back photo! I wish I could be in NY. I hope you’ll have a great time!
Angel AbbyGrace
Hope you have a great time tomorrow at Matilda’s party!
What a great photo of you with those Italian kitties! Have fun with Matilda tomorrow. We sure wish we were able to join you for the festivities!
Mary McNeil
Once again I have received no email from Cat Wisdom for a couple of weeks. What’s up?
Sally Swanson
subscribe me to cat photo quote! Thanks!
Austin Towers
I can’t remember if we wished you a happy birthday?? The Staff has been a bit “diverted” this week!!! Anyway we wish all good things in this coming year. Oh and BTW I would give four paws up for a tuxie adoption special!! Tuxies rule – when there are no Tiggers around!! Lol
Nerissa's Life
Awww… Wish we were closer ’cause I’d love to visit, for sure. Oh wait a minute…
Nissy #Niss4Senate – tell the PM, today.
Chris Davis
Very cool photo! Wish I could join you tomorrow in my home town. Have a piece of NY pizza for me, ok?
You know how much I would love to be there with you!
Cathy Keisha
TW so wishes she wasn’t busy and could make Matida’s party. It would be wonderful to meet up with you.
Me too! We’ll meet up one of these days.
da tabbies o trout towne
doodz….hope yur mom haza fun fun time two morrow !! happee week oh end two all N heerz ta lemon sole & lake trout ♥
Awww look at you! Covered in cats, as expected. 🙂
Sue Brandes
Wish I could go too. Have a wonderful time. Love your flashback photo.
Melissa & Truffles
I SO wish I could be there 🙂
That Matilda is one class act fur sure!
The Island Cats
The mom wishes she was in NYC. What a great event!
Skeeter and Izzy
We hope the pawty is fab! Have a great time for all of us that can’t be there.
Happy Birthday again.
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig and Peanut and Romeo >^..^<
What a great party that would be………I’d love to be there believe me…….I do hope you’ve had a wonderful birthday week – love that photo of you “back then” Layla.
Special hugs………………Pam and Sam
My human REALLY wishes she could be at Matilda’s party! But alas, she is on the wrong coast.