Cat In the Hat Day & Dancing Cats Book #Giveaway
We’re combining Saturday and Sunday this week into one big happy dance! We love all our new readers. We love comments. It’s how you can enter our book giveaway but you must scroll almost all the way to the bottom to where the comment box lives.
Tomorrow is Dr. Seuss Day. I think most of us grew up reading The Cat in The Hat and other wacky and wonderful stories from Theodor Geisel. Check out how you can celebrate Dr. Seuss and the love of reading by visiting Dr. Seuss Day Do you have a favorite Dr. Seuss book?
Odin was channeling his inner Cat In The Hat at our weekly newsletter. It’s separate from this blog and you can subscribe to it via email. See the white box in our footer.
Please send purrs to Merlin who is going to the vet today for a urine culture to be sure the UTI is gone. We’ll update you on Monday. He always has his paws on the next best book.
Another blast from the past is coming from one of our favorite cat book publishers, Chronicle Books who are re-issuing the 15th anniversary edition of classic best-seller Dancing with Cats by Burton Silver and Heather Busch the creators of Why Cats Paint
It won’t be available to purchase until mid March but we’re having a giveaway for three copies
To enter our Dancing With Cats giveaway, simply leave a comment before 11:59PM ET, March 15, 2014. For extra chances to win, social media share this post telling us in a separate email where you shared. The three winners will be announced by email. They also have a cute new video to go with the book.
Other cat book news:
We’re excited about a new book of poetry from Francesco Marciuliano, best-selling author of I Could Pee on This coming this fall called, I Knead My Mommy: And Other Poems By Kittens. It’s bound to be another best-seller.
The winner of our CatDance giveaway is J.Chan. Congratulations! Please look for an email from Cat Wisdom101.

how do i grow my facebook group
i was just thinking what a wonderful page this is how do i grow my facebook group
Julie Richards
I wish my cat Charlie could also dance or maybe his (Charlie) also wishing that I could dance with him.
Heather and Ellie Mae
Ellie and I are so glad to hear that Merlin is doing well. We are a day behind in blog reading. Would love to have this book. We love the “Why Cats paint” book.
Ellie sends purrs and regards to Odin.
And not to leave Domino out, I wish him a happy day!
Thank you for the opportunity to win the cat dancing book!
Cynthia Southern
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Cynthia Southern
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Cynthia Southern
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Cynthia Southern
I love these pictures of Odin and the wonderful Dr, Seuss quote. All cats always stand out as they are unique critters and one isn’t the same as another. This is a great book giveaway. I am entering.
We have some Dancing Cats stationery cards, and just loved the video.
Big purrs and prayers and love for Merlin. How did everything go?
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Purrs of healing headed Merlin’s way! And that book looks just adorable 🙂
My Three Moggies
Sending Merlin prayers. Dancing with Cats looks like a great book. 🙂
Deb Barnes - Zee and Zoey
We love a day that celebrates cats, reading, rhymes, and fun! Happy Dr. Seuss Day – Purrs from the Zee and Zoey Gang!
Special purrs for Merlin…
Connie Marie
Odin is a Great Cat in the Hat!
Many Purrs,Prayers,Hugs and Love to Merlin.
He is the best!!
Brian Frum
That was fun! I am the cat in the hat!!! Purrs and prayers to you Sir Merlin.
Angel AbbyGrace
Tweeted!!! 🙂
Angel AbbyGrace
Purring for Merlin!
Sue Brandes
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Sue Brandes
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Sue Brandes
Sending Merlin prayers. Loved Dr Seuss books. Dancing with Cats looks like a great book. Great trailer for it.
Wishing Merlin all the best xx. You know Dr Seuss never crossed my radar growing up!! I was a Winnie the Pooh kid 🙂
Cathy Keisha
I pinned it in Contests.
Cathy Keisha
Sending both healing purrz and positive purrz to Merlin on his vet visit. That video was fun so please enter me.
Hope Merlin’s vet visit will be a positive one. 🙂
Oh Merlin! We is sending many many purrayers and good health wishes! And wes doing our Happy Dance too!
This year me has written a poem to celebrate Seuss Day, Yous can sees it tomorrow!
Sweet Purrfections
We’re purring everything is fine with Merlin.,
Amy Jarratt
Good Luck to Merlin & thanks for the giveaway
Sending lots of purrs for Merlin’s vet appointment to go well.
Fur Everywhere
We have not read that book yet, but we’d love to!
We hope Merlin’s vet appointment goes well and that the test comes back clean 🙂
Skeeter and Izzy
We send out BIG BIG BIG PURRS and PRAYERS for our dear friend and brother cat Merlin. We want you well big guy!!!
Dr. Seuss has always been a fave of ours.
Lots of people are just now discovering all the wonderful things that cats are all about!
You are having so many fantastic and varied giveaways….never a dull moment there!
Luvs and Happy Caturday to All,
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig and Peanut and Romeo >^..^<
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks a bunch. We had a good vet visit which we’ll blog about on Monday.
The Swiss Cats
Good luck Merlin, paws are crossed for you here ! Purrs
easy rider
I cross my paws for you Merlin, I hope all goes well. I like Dr. Seuss my favorite book is The Grinch (what else LOL)
Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal
Sending (((purrs))) to Merlin ♡♥♡
Wooo Hooo cool pictures on cat’s and humans dancing together !
Me would LOVE to win one of the copy’s !
I’m sending lots of purrs Merlin’s way! We have the original version of this book!
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I would love to learn how to dance with my cats, I have 4 of them so should be very fit after dancing with them all!
Cary Hillman
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Cary Hillman
Feel better sweet Merlin. Thanks for sharing you cats and your love for them, Layla. 🙂
Nancy Blue Moon
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Purrs and peace and prayers to Merlin. I’m sure he’ll come out just purringly purrfect.
Holy ballerinas and caterinas! Git your dancing paws on and strap on a tutu. That is the most amazing set of photos I have seen.
Loooove why cats paint.
I have to continue work on my cat book. One of 4 MSS. (the others are Kat but not cat-based.)
Layla Morgan Wilde
You’re working on a cat book??? Email me.
Nancy Blue Moon
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Nancy Blue Moon
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Nancy Blue Moon
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Nancy Blue Moon
Good luck sweet Merlin..I hope all is better with you..I would love to win this book Layla! Thanks for the chance!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks Nancy for your good wishes for Merlin.