Summer safety guide for cats
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Summertime Feel Good Caturday

If you love cats, sharing makes us purrrr :-)

We have a Summertime Feel Good Caturday with New & Mews. We’ve moved on from the unpleasant news of our lost Pettie Award nominations. It was a difficult decision to either boycott the awards or accept our nomination for Best Designed Blog with the chance of donating $1000 to the shelter I work closely with The New Rochelle Humane Society. As you may know, we blog about our shelter volunteer experiences every Wednesday and campaign to help the dozens of cats rescued from a hoarder get ready for adoption.

Thank-you for the overwhelming support left in your comments yesterday. They mean the world to us. I won’t be asking you to vote daily but I do want to thank each and every one of you who nominated Cat Wisdom 101 in multiple categories. These awards are a supposedly a popularity contest based on numbers of votes so if you’d like us to win, you know what to do. Voting goes on daily until August 14. Vote here for us for Best Designed Blog and while you’re there, if you feel like it, you can vote for the other categories of cat and dog blogs.

Petties Finalist 2014 Best Designed Blog

Thank-you for being our loyal fans and friends. You’re the best!

NRHS-foster cats collage-PSA


Our NEW Holistic Summer Guide For Happy Cats is available for reading at

Summer safety guide for cats

After a rough week, we won’t be doing any book reviews tomorrow. Merlin and I enjoy catnaps at all hours and believe or not, I do read books that don’t contain cats. Loved the quirky, funny and eye-brow raising true and not so true journey of filmmaker John Waters hitchhiking across the U.S. It’s currently on the NY Times bestseller list and not for Auntie Prudish.Layla Morgan Wilde-Carsick-John Waters


  • Cynthia Southern

    Sorry about the snafu regarding the Pettie award nomination categories. You deserved to be nominated for all and win them all of course. I will be voting for your blog as best designed blog. That is so nice that you will donate your proceeds if you win to the New Rochelle Humane Society. Good luck!

  • Sometimes, Cats Herd You

    After the big mess of the nominations, you’re doing the best thing possible… just like a cat would when something upsets his dignity, pull it together and walk the walk anyhow. That trait has gotten cats through so much through the centuries, and it has gotten me through plenty of messes, too. Your hard work deserved to be nominated, and we’ll be crossing our paws for a win for you and those deserving kitties at the New Rochelle Humane Society.
    (P.S. We’ve heard about that book, and it sounds like just the right thing to read while cuddled up with a kitty or two!)

  • Sparkle

    Congratulations on being a finalist… although the whole mess the Petties made with the first list has really soured things for a lot of bloggers and their readers. Good luck and who knows? Maybe you will win after all!

  • Angel AbbyGrace

    Hope you are feeling better and like Nissy says best to make lemonade outta those lemons. Nearly all of (we know) who are nominated are donating their money to their rescues, so it’s a win for them which is truly a good win. We hope that in the end good will overcome the bad in this and some needy cats will be helped.

  • Skeeter and Izzy

    Take a break, breathe, relax, purr, stretch, feel better and move on…………….the way of the Cat.
    Our only issue is always for the health,safety, and well being of animals and when things start to interfere with that then there is a problem………..politics often does just that. We know that everyone would like to have money for their shelters and we wish each shelter and their fur babies luck simply for that. We know first hand the greatness of that kind of need.
    United we stand for the animals alone! Politics be damned!!!!
    Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig and Peanut and Romeo >^..^<

      • Skeeter and Izzy

        still no sign of my baby. I continue to expand the search area. I walk alot and call . I just pray that he is ok and I can find him and bring him home.
        Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig and Peanut and Romeo >^..^<

  • Nerissa's Life

    Good for you, Layla! You took those ol’ lemons and you’re turning ’em into lemonade.

    What happened wasn’t the fault of any bloggers. It’s a big ‘ol mess and we can’t change that fact. We can, however, make the best of it and hope to be better cats and peeps on the other side.

    My purrs are with you and so, by the way, are my votes.


    PS. Here’s a bag of sugar to go with those lemons. I tried makin’ mine without it and let me tell you… the look on Peep #1’s face when she tried it? The scariest MO– — — USES! I ever did see. purrs

  • Church Cat Tom

    Can’t wait to read Carsick myself–hope you’re enjoying it between naps! đŸ™‚

    The best of luck to you and all the contestants for raising awareness and the $1000 will be such a benefit to the love and care of homeless furriends.

  • Ms. Phoebe's Mum

    No worries if you need to take breaks, I understand completely when it comes to chronic fatigue. You also have no need to worry whether either of your blogs are relevant and/or wide read and enjoyed– there ARE long time fans and new ones who recognize your talents and appreciate the knowledge you share. No big award guarantees this and the true award is the reward of knowing that you have made a difference in educating others about important facts/advice about their furry family members, entertained someone after a difficult day, inspired someone to get involved, and shared a heartwarming story that made someone feel good inside about themselves and the world. I for one can attest you are worthy of this reward, for reading your posts over the past few years has done all that for me.

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