Mondays With Merlin,  Reviews & interviews

Summer & Fall Cat Book Favorites

If you love cats, sharing makes us purrrr :-)

cat book favorites

Summer & Fall Cat Book Favorites by Merlin.


Can you believe it’s almost September and stacks of cat books languished, unread and unreviewed? Clearly, the human is remiss in her duties and foisting the job to me. In the name of Bast and all that is holy, will I ever be able to retire? Forgive my impertinence, but things aren’t always heavenly in kitty heaven.

And I lied. It’s not true about the books being unread. We read everything worth reading. That means books that don’t grab our attention in the flick of a mouse tail, go on the B list. B for Buried. They lay in wait under other books. Some re-surface while others get a second shout-out just because.


One book I reviewed in April Homer The Ninth Life Of A Blind Wonder Cat holds special appeal for my mom, Layla. She re-read it after my one-way ticket to Summerland and enjoyed it even more than the first time. Dear Homer passed away in August, 2014 and it feels like yesterday that we created a tribute.

The garden has early hints of fall with the loud chirp of cicadas as a farewell to summer song. It’s perfect weather for reading in the hammock or anywhere outdoors before winter. Then, it’s the curled up cozy time by the fire, in bed or comfy chair. Our dear friends down under are seeing the first signs of spring. No matter where you live in the world, it’s always a good time to read.

Our small curated selection has something for everyone. Art books, funny cat photos, memoirs, cat training, a children’s book and oops, even a dog book, oh my!

We’re big fans of cat memoirs and our summer fave is To Catch A Cat: How Three Stray Kittens Rescued Me by Heather Green. Beautifully written and engaging, the story is about a journalist’s journey to find unexpected love and a deeper sense of self by rescuing feral cats in New Jersey with her boyfriend.


Catlantis by Anna Starobinets and illustrated by Andrzej Klimowski and translated from Russians is for kids 8-12 but so charming, we fell under its spell. It’s a wild tale of a time-travelling orange cat named Baguette who must restore their nine lives to all the cats into world in order to marry his love, Purriana. Publisher: NYR Children’s Collection (September 13, 2016).

Layla is especially excited about The Trainable Cat: A Practical Guide to Making Life Happier for You and Your Cat, the new book, out Sept.13th from the author of Cat Sense, John Bradshaw, foundation director of the Anthrozoology Institute at the University of Bristol. To learn more, read our Cat Sense author Q & A.

This time, Bradshaw teams up with Sarah Ellis, a feline behavior specialist with the charity International Cat Care in England. Can cats be trained? Absolutely! Layla gobbled up The Trainable Cat, calling it a game changer in cat behavior.

If you’ve never watched the BBC series with Bradshaw and Ellis and their fascinating research into cat behavior, here’s a treat.

Chronicle Books always has the purrfect gift for every cat lover. Since Black Cats Tell All, our book about black cats coming out this fall, we’re delighted to see All Black Cats Are Not Alike will be released on Sept. 20. One of our book contributors, Penelope Kitten of Marcy Very Much is one of the cats featured.

The authors, Amy Goldwasser and Peter Arkle are illustrators who originally crowdfunded their stylish book of 50 crowd-sourced illustrations of real cats on Kickstarter. The popular campaign caught the attention of Chronicle Books who offered a publishing deal. And, it’s true: every one of the black cats looks unique. We’re beyond thrilled black cats are getting their moment in the sun.








Cats On Instagram and Dogs on Instagram Hundreds of adorable pet photos curated from Instagram. ‘Nuff said. You know what we’d choose. How about you?


Thanks for reading! We won’t be blogging much this week. Our book is in final edits. More news soon! See you next week. until then, We do post photos on Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest every day. You can see some thumbnails in our sidebar.





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