mancat monday radish cat- and merlin
Cats,  Holistic cat care,  Man Cat Mondays,  Mondays With Merlin,  Shelter Cats

Mancat Monday With Radish

If you love cats, sharing makes us purrrr :-)

mancat monday radish cat- and merlin


















Merlin here with another Mancat Monday with a new mancat. Yes, there’s another cat in the house and what a madhouse it’s been since our mom, Layla got back from the Blogpaws conference in Nashville.

Talk about ups and and downs. Sometimes being blind has its advantages but I can can smell and hear just fine. The new mancat Radish (what kind of cray cray name is that!) is a sick, old ginger boy as skinny as me and as talkative as me. He bounced back from his last legs at the shelter but he’s not out of the woods. He’s not eating much and the peeps started to syringe feed him. Ugh, I went through that last year and it was no fun. Ditto the sub-q fluids.

It’s too soon to say if he will recover (he’s badly jaundiced) so they are giving him the full coddling “whatever he wants” treatment now. He slept in the armchair in the bedroom for most of the night again and all us cats accepted him as if he’d always been there. Okay, I had a minor bout of peevishness when I overheard the peeps cooing, good boy!

Yesterday was the perfect June day, sunny and warm with the sweet scent of honeysuckle. I live for weather like this and lounged on the picnic blankie in bliss. Radish, who could barely walk on Friday, let alone navigate stairs, slowly made his way downstairs hellbent on going out. He’s walking a bit faster but still tortoise slow and in no danger of dashing off. He sniffed the air and settled for a sun bath with Layla on a towel near me.

mancat monday radish cat-sunbath


















He enjoyed the fresh air, earth and sun as much as I do. He also liked lying under a bush and on the driveway just like me! I think we could have been good friends had he arrived a few years ago but we’re both getting ready for the great beyond. I won’t take bets on who is going first or when. Every day I wake up is bonus especially in the summer.

mancat monday Odin













Odin made an appearance to say a respectful hello, but frankly all he cares about is hunting. Radish and Nou Nou had a deep discussion about shelter life, freedom and the joys of the natural world. After Gris Gris died Domino’s compassion as a helper cat deepened and he kept a watchful eye on both us old boys.

mancat monday radish cat


















Radish is also smart like me. He understands everything. It’s kind of spooky. He let Layla know when he wanted to go back inside and managed to climb up the stairs by himself. Layla found him lounging on her bathrobe on the floor of her dressing room. She still hasn’t unpacked and there are clothes everywhere. Radish didn’t care about the mess and later napped on my old love seat with my old teddy bears, piggy and lamb where my sister Coco used to lounge. I no longer go there but all our new cats make it a pilgrimage nap spot.

mancat monday radish cat
Radish draped himself around a teddy bear.















After a wonderful day and hopeful turn for the better, things got worse. Dr. G. our mobile vet will be stopping by for a visit and we’ll go from there. Radish’s life hangs in the balance and there’s no way to sugarcoat it. Even Nou Nou our kitty queen is very concerned. She took an instant like to the old boy. Continued prayers welcome. If you missed the latest posts about Radish, click here and here

Radish cat and Nou Nou-angel quote
Nou Nou watching Radish sleep


  • leslie

    Radish is looking handsome and regal and happy to be out of the shelter. Thank you for all you are doing for him!

  • Cherry City Kitties

    Sending love and light to all in your home.

    pee ess: Dear Domino… try not to have sads for Radish, though we know the sads come from your deeply compassionate heart. Remember instead how joyful it must be to his old soul to spend whatever time he has left in a warm, comfortable home, with the best of care and watchful helpers like you to shower him with love. Living our lives in those circumstances is probably the best thing we could ever experience. Just keep sending him your special kind of love, it is truly a wonderful thing.

  • ellen

    Merlin meezers are wise and your words were kind about Radish. Lets hope you both have many more days laying in the summers sun. It’s a whole lot like basking in love and your peeps love you.

  • Dezi and Lexi

    Well weez so glad everypawdy is gettin’ along so well. Weez hate dat poor Radish is duin’ so poorly and weez sendin’ purrayers to you all.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi

  • Skeeter And Izzy

    We send continued PURRS and Prayers for and to Radish and all of you. No matter the outcome he has known love and the joy and peace that it brings. If it is time for him to continue on his journey then so be it but it will be different for him now because he knows what it feels like to be loved without condition nor restraint.Peace be with you all and guide you on this journey.
    Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Roeo >^..^<

    • Layla Morgan Wilde

      It was touch and go this morning but he rallied this afternoon. The syringe feeding and subq are making the difference. So grateful for all the purrs and prayers from one exhausted kitty mom đŸ™‚

      • Skeeter And Izzy

        BIG HUGS and all the energy we can send you! You guys are so very kind.
        Skeeter and Izzy and The Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo >^..^<

  • maggie

    Wishing hoping and praying for more sunny days.
    I’m so glad to hear that Radish is accepted by the other cats.
    His time with you sounds very sweet.

  • da tabbies o trout towne

    dood…..we gotta mega purrz ramped on high …..we got St Francis sending blessings faster N ever…..if ya haz even de slightest bit oh fite left…..give it all ya got & we will all bee rite heer ta fite long side ya…..♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

  • Kathryn

    The posted started mostly happy and upbeat, but the brevity of the last part has me very very very worried. I was rooting and am still rooting for Radish and really sending such warm hopes his way. I think he can make it. I really do.

  • Dorothy

    Today’s chapter of your story reminds me that no matter how long it takes, we all know when we arrive home. I’m so thankful that everyone recognizes Radish and has welcomed him home in their own ways. I know taking Radish on was both scary and overwhelming, especially since you need to provide Merlin with as much of yourself as possible right now, so thank you for recognizing Radish and bringing him home. I believe that he’s come home now for a reason and I believe that reason will has and will touch you deeply. Just remember, while you are caring for the needs of others to allow them to give their gift to you. It might be easier to close yourself off during such a giant transition but I think, if you can remain open, you will be gifted with an awesome truth. I wish you and your family blessings of peace.and joy.

  • Nerissa's Life

    You have a new brother! Oh my, I read this post and it brought tears of joy to my eyes. And to the peep’s, too. You have a new brother and he’s obviously so in need of the love and care only such a wonderful family as yours can give. So lovely. PURRS.


  • Caren Gittleman

    Oh Merlin, thank you for this update. At first Mom was smiling and was thinking that, yes, a miracle WOULD happen…she is still praying that it will. You are all so kind to give Radish so much love right now…….he feels it for sure, as you all know. Sending much love and many, many prayers!

  • The Swiss Cats

    We’re glad to see that Radish is surrounded by love, and that he loves his forever home and his family. Carpe diem, and enjoy each day with Layla, Merlin, Odin, Domino, and Nou Nou, buddy ! Purrs

  • Sammy

    I love how the other cats have rallied ’round Radish and welcomed him; sensing he needs as much love as he can gobble up along with whatever he can eat……we’re hoping the vet visit doesn’t bring dire news but we all know that when our time comes, we must answer the call of the Bridge. As I’ve said, no matter what, his end days – regardless of how many – are worlds better for the love and compassionate care from you……………………..

    Hugs, Pam

  • Ellen Pilch

    Poor Radish. It is sweet how the other kitties took right to him. He obviously loves you a;ready wanting to be on your robe. I am praying for a miracle so he can have more time to enjoy your love.

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