Prettiest Faces For Black Cat Awareness Month
Hello October! It means Black Cat Awareness Month is here and we’re ready to celebrate. It’s Clyde and as a 19-year-old black cat, it’s fitting that I be your guide.
It’s also International Black Cat Awareness Month and we are global, baby! Scroll down for an update with my fur bros. Comments are wonky and may or may not post. If so, post a comment on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or Instagram and please share the black cat love across social!
Did you know we created the holiday and it’s taken on a life of its own? We’re most delighted with the attention on Instagram and the huge uptick in black cat awareness. Black cat lovers adore photographing their house panthers indoors and outdoors. We’re disproving the myth that black cats don’t photograph well. Balderdash I say. After all, I contributed to a book filled with fab black cat photos.
Some humans think all black cats look the same. Me thinks that smacks of racism and I aim to prove ’em wrong. Well darlings, to kick off the month long festivities, I’d like to share some of my favorite faces from our amazing Instagram community Black Cats of IG
Dare I say that I think our furry tribe is exceptionally beautiful? What do you think?
Its was so difficult to choose so we narrowed it down to those who post photos and tagging us with our #blackcatstellall hashtag. I suggest you do the same if you’d like to be featured.
In no particular order, we begin with a natty member of the Black Cat Mafia. Shhhh, they are also featured in our book Black Cats Tell All: True Tales and Inspiring Images. If you’d like to be as dapper, check out their purrfect bowties at their Etsy shop @versuspetproducts
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The alluring window-loving Gigsy Kit.@gigsykit
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Pretty in purple. One of my favorite pantherettes is Elvira from @blackcats_of_the_summit
Some black cats look gender neutral but others are distinctly feminine while other are so mancatish.
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The dashing Ronan @living.with.ronan is still a kitten but so boyish.
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Just because a cat is male doesn’t mean they have to be macho. Our friend, the fruit-loving Horst (also in our book) is a good example of not being afraid to express his feminine side or sense of humor.
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The always elegant Leopold always strikes a purrfect pose in Budapest. A fave feline in our book @kata.ivan
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What we love about all the cats in our book and community is the global diversity. Kinnie, a distinguished mancat rocks Amsterdam. Those cheeks!@instavankinnie
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Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I think being different is beautiful like Doby who is a wobbly cat (Cerebellar Hypoplasia) and a cleft nose @dobythehousecat
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Canadian brothers Oscar and Felix @oscar_x_felix are a delightful duo, handsome too.
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The”black dude” named Smokey Robinson hails from Finland is what I call a pretty boy. Oh those whiskers! @tuipe65102
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Our delightful dozen this week ends with the extra dishy Duffy from @squishdelish in Seattle.
Would you like us to share another panther purrfect bunch next week?
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Meanwhile at our house I’ve been hanging out with Odin and Domino. We’re chummy but not exactly cuddle buddies.
I was surprised when Domino started napping near my bed recently.
We even like having dinner together. He’s very polite and never eats from my dining area but I have barged into his area.
Listen to my brother Odin. He’s a pretty smart dude even if he’s not black. See you soon!
Love and black cat kisses,

Skeeter and Izzy
We are lovers of the Chat Noir as well!!! We actually have a new black boy that has started coming to dinner. He is long and lanky now in part due to lack of regular meals and being an intact male….the meal thing has changed and the intact thing will change in the near future also. I have named him Crow. It suits him in many ways.
Happy Black Cat Awareness Month to all!!
Anyone that thinks any cat of any color looks the same as another has to blind but even the blind know they look different!
Luvs to All
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang >^..^<
Layla Morgan Wilde
What wonderful news about your new black cat Crow! Funny how they find us with perfect timing.
da tabbies o trout towne
whitefish wavez guyz frum all oh uz heer in de land o trout !! hope yur dayz a happee one N de month even happee urr ~~~
😉 ♥♥
Layla Morgan Wilde
Many thanks dear tabbies xo
Erin the Cat
I have to say I can’t choose between any of those super fine felines. And always amazes us that people can still be so biased. Thank goodness that the tide is changing and for the better, thanks to great PR and Black Cats tell all.
Month-long Black Cat purrs
Layla Morgan Wilde
Many thanks dear friends for your love and support xo
Eastside Cats
I LURV black cats; we have three! I see that I need to up my game, by getting some better lighting for my photos; these images from IG are so terrific!e
Layla Morgan Wilde
Your three are wonderful. Have fun exploring new ways of photographing them. xo
all your tribe is Gorgeous,xx Speedy and Rachel
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thank you, we think so too 🙂 Much love to you and Speedy xo