Post Holiday Mancat Excess Everything
It’s Merlin here recounting one of the weirdest holiday seasons and certainly the warmest on record. The full moon madness peaking on Christmas eve and spilling beyond Christmas Day into Boxing Day, frayed our tempers and moods blacker than a clowder of Grumpy Cats. That’s not entirely true. There were bright spots like our Secret Santa parcel, not that I got to see it. Odin hogged it in a most Scrooge-like fashion and suffered the consequences of his greediness. More about that in a second. With so many friends on and offline feeling sad, grieving, lonely, ill or injured (more than one friend hospitalized) this was not the year to party and swing from the chandeliers. The operative word was kindness and doing less without the guilt.
That said, Layla was leaky-eyed with worry and stress about me and everything but hugely relieved the worst is over. She’s going out to dinner with friends tonight for a relaxed zero expectation evening. No gifts, no drama. The best gift possible happened on Christmas Eve and Day. It was 72 degrees in New York! The angels were smiling fur sure. Warm enough for the hammock. Warm enough for a garden stroll that pleased me to no end. Odin ran up and down 22 trees. I even climbed up the stairs all by myself. Now, that doesn’t mean all was hunkydory peachykeen. I’m guzzling water faster than Marilyn Monroe sucked back champagne cocktails and peeing more. My litter box is more miss than hit but I do try my darndest. I’m on antibiotics as the vet says, “Forever.” It’s no picnic and you know how I love my picnics, but it’s as good as it gets for my last Christmas.
There’s all kinds of videos and photos floating about on Instagram of me but my mom is forever confusing her android and iPhone settings trying to make everything square and somehow nothing looks the way it’s supposed to by the time it ends up here 🙁 Duplicates pop up on Twitter, HD off and all she wants for Christmas is to sleep for a year or master Instagram. She has gorgeous nature shots of fog, if you like that kind of thing on Instagram and a holiday gift “7 Life Lessons” at her Boomer Muse blog. Might be a hidden treasure for ya.

Oh yeah, we’re ready to ring in the new year and say sayonara to 2015 but it was pretty darn great in many ways. A mixed blessing you might say. After all, I’m still here, right? Who knows, my dad thinks I’m going to make it to 22. That’s a stretch but strange things do happen like a dandelion blooming at Christmas. That’s a first.
Now on to the Odin episode which is embarrassing to Layla because she’s always harping about holiday cat safety. It’s our third year participating in the Secret Santa exchange with our fellow cat bloggers. This year our parcel arrived from Florida, but there was no card or ID of any kind. Talk about a real secret Santa!
Layla emailed the organizer who was crazy busy and then a friend, Caren from Cat Chat and Cody who pinpointed the Santa by a process of elimination. Yippee, it was the Florida Fur Kids. Odin, who can be boorish as a Viking pillaging the North Pole was only interested in the contents of the parcel. Each of the dozen items were individually wrapped and Odin wasted no time absconding with one in his mouth (video on Instagram). Layla unwrapped the carefully curated collection of catnip toys, container of fishy flakes, and cardboard scratcher with the idea of donating them the shelter. They need them more than we do. The adorable, green fuzzy soft “mancat cave bag” was a magnet for Odin so we figured he could keep it. It lined the bottom of the perfectly-sized postal box for Odin. And we all know every cat considers a good cardboard box better than catnip. Thanks a bunch Allie, Ellie and Raz and their thoughtful human.
Layla opened up the treat container and gave Odin a few of the fine, fishy flakes most cats go bonkers for. A bonus gift was a pretty notepad organizer thingy for Layla which she is always in desperate need of since she has a horrible habit of scribbling on bits of envelopes even though she has a gazillion notebooks and calendars.
Being a sensible mom most of the time, Layla placed all the toys and treats in the box high up in the laundry closet and closed the door. Later that day, much later, the normally high energy Odin was nowhere to be seen.
He’d somehow pried the door open, squeezed inside the gift-filled and catnip saturated box. He poked his head out from the gift wrap with the classic “I can’t believe I ate the whole thing” expression.
Layla was immediately suspicious. This was no ordinary catnip buzz. Had he chewed on any ribbon, a sharp piece of plastic or what not? In a panic, Layla pulled the stuffed box with Odin, who felt suddenly five pounds heavier and prayed they didn’t have to rush to an after hours emergency clinic in the middle of a stressful day. She checked his vitals, nothing alarming except sluggishness and then she found it. The container of fishy flakes had been chewed open and about a third of the container gorged on. At least we now know what Odin’s binge limits are. The toys and treats were removed to a safe location. The catnip/flake fest combo effect lasted until dinner and no, he did not have dessert!
The following day, I found Odin snoozing happily in the empty box happy and no worse for wear. There was no one to blame but the human. She was harried and didn’t place the box in any of the usual safe places. Life and learn. Never underestimate the cleverness of a cat.
Do you have an nutty holiday story? Do tell!

I like what you fellows are now up to. Such clever effort and reporting! Keep up the very good work friends, I have you to our canon scan utility blog.
Sweet Purrfections
We’re sorry you didn’t get a response from us, but we didn’t receive your email. Our email has been acting a little wacky lately. We’re glad you found out your package came from the Florida Furkids. Their mom is a pretty special lady to us.
It’s been a strange holiday season, for sure, dear friends. Merlin, we’re glad you’re still here, buddy. We hope your dad’s right about you making it to 22! Paws crossed.
Odin, don’t scare your mom (and us) like that. Sheesh!
Connie Marie
Happy Times around the holidays! We too had warm foggy temperatures, now 6 inches of snow and ice!! Boxe are such fun Odin, glad you’re feeling better.
Merlin, me thinks someone should stop saying this is the last one of your holidays! Nothing is impossible for you! Plus I’m on antibiotics too and drinking a lot. It’s a great sign you still try for the litter box. Power of Positive thinking, enjoy the day!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Yes, to positive thoughts every day 🙂
Merlin as long as Mondays come, please stay. Yeah antibiotics blow, been on them for a week myself . Havent had any litterbox misses but boy when ya gotta go you gotta go, I applaud you getting close as you can!
Odin you are naughty. I hope Santa doesnt read what you did as next year you might get a box of coal Glad youre OK
Wasnt warm here, we had a very white Christmas, and now it is snowing maybe up to 10 inches. Its nice you all had a nice outing!
Happy Holidays to you, one and all.
I am loving Layla’s fog pictures, kind of melancholy , but I love them and get to see them on faceboook.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Oh, this is the first I’ve heard of a white xmas, not so good about antibiotics. Thanks about the fog pics. They’re my faves and more not posted yet.
Melissa & Mudpie
Prove your dad right, Merlin!!!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Duly noted dear furriends.
Harvey, Marjorie and the Dash Kitten Crew
Oh my goodness Odin! what a little er ‘piggy’ but well, it IS christmas!
MErLIN – still rocking and still walking the garden. Wow I think your temperature is amazing. Dad said it was C23 in New York on Christmas Day OH MY CAT That’s amazing!!!
Have a good, no make that THE BEST EVER 2016!!!!
All our love and deepest respect for Merlin,
Marjorie and the Dash Kitten bunch
Layla Morgan Wilde
Must be catching your summer weather! The piggy is in the box again and YES to 2016 as best year EVER!
Seville at Nerissa's Life
Weird Christmas weather, you say? Same here. Green Christmas. Very mild. Snowstorm yesterday but really, it wasn’t so bad. Nothing like last year, at all, and we’re all praying it stays that way.
But on to the important stuff like… that box! Oohhh.. That’s an EXCELLENT box. Bet you’re gonna have lots of comfy naps in that box and wonderful dreams. PURRfect box, to be sure.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Must be record breaking in Canada too! Yes, Odin is in the box right meow.
Deziz World
Glad everypawdy’s alright. Sorry yous not get to keep any of it. Guess Odin didn’t want everything donated. MOL Have a gweat day.
Luv ya’
Dezi and Lexi
Layla Morgan Wilde
Darlene it was funny after the scare was and as you know, some cats are adept at opening doors. That’s incredibly thoughtful of you to think Merlin will be here next year.
Glad you are okay, Merlin. You were more stuffed than a Christmas turkey!
The Florida Furkids
Yikes Odin….we’re sorry you weren’t feeling well….Mom has to hide all treats here so we don’t open them ourselves and overdo it!!
Merlin, we’re happy you had a nice Christmas….we’re hoping your Dad is right!
The Florida Furkids
Layla Morgan Wilde
thanks so much for all the goodies!
Deb Barnes - Zee and Zoey
We learned our lesson from last year – presents for the cats remain in the garage until Christmas morning – they no longer go under the tree on Christmas Eve with the rest of our gifts! It’s just a wiser and safer decision for all! Glad Odin is okay!
Layla Morgan Wilde
yes, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Odin is back to his normal nutty self 🙂
da tabbies o trout towne
dood…round heer….ya can never haz two manee fish flakes…ore scalez…ore dinnerz…ore fish ….peeriod !!!!
Brian Frum
We’re thrilled to see you Merlin, we always are pal. Odin, what were you thinking dude? We’re glad you’re okay though.
Skeeter and Izzy
Merlin, we are so happy that you had yet another warm, wonderful day outside. We too have some dandylions in bloom! We send you purrs of love.
Odin, you are on Santa’s naughty list all ready!!! You are such a typical little boy!!!!
We are so glad that you didn’t have any dire consequences from your little nono.
We send purrs & prayers to all
Skeeter and Izzy & The Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo & the Angels >^..^^..^<~
The Island Cats
We’re glad that Odin is okay…although stuffed. That’s something Wally woulda done. Now the mom makes sure all our presents are kept where we can’t get to them when she’s not around.
Sometimes Cats Herd You
Odin, that’s a Secret Paws story that will be retold for years to come! Treats and toys we aren’t allowed to have are stored in our spare room closet which is literally barred so we can’t enter it. The best we can do is try to sneak in and get locked inside with the goodies, and the humans count kitty noses after closing it up so that we can’t even do that… spoilsports.
The Swiss Cats
That’s a scary story ! You pigged out, Odin : we’re glad nothing worse than digestive drowsiness happened ! We enjoy every moment with you, Merlin, and we’ll be very happy to see you in 2016 ! Purrs
OMC, what a Secret Paws story! Our treats got hidden away somewhere secret that frustratingly still hasn’t been found by either me or Binga! Merlin, there is nothing more I’d love to do than ring in 2016 with you!
Darlene Arden, C.A.B.C.
Well, that was scary! I hope Odin has learned his limits but I somehow suspect he hasn’t. Nor has he learned to share. LOL I’m glad nothing serious happened. And I feel sure that Merlin will be here for another Christmas!
Happy Holidays to you and those you love!