Mondays With Merlin: Green Hope Farm Feline Love
Mondays With Merlin: Green Hope Farm Feline Love
Greetings dear ones, on a frosty New York Monday with a long overdue love letter to a very special place called Green Hope Farm.
We discovered the magical place last year which crafts the finest healing flower essences we’ve experienced at an idyllic farm in New Hampshire. It’s our secret sauce for all kinds of healing. It may be too woo woo for some of you and if so, keep an open mind.
The essences have eased physical and emotional healing for all of us over the past year, the same way our garden and the first violets of spring always bring joy for a winter weary soul.
Last winter as I edged closer to the great beyond, Layla sought out the comfort of essences called Transition and Grief & Loss. Animals feel loss and grieve their companions whether with two or four legs. They also are aware of the shifting energies of a companion in deep decline. Layla figured why not ease any anticipatory grief and so we did. It was the gentlest grieving ever and we are grateful for our flower healers.
Flower essences are very diluted essence of a flower or other botanical This is how they are made It’s subtle but powerful vibrational medicine. I doesn’t get more simple. A few drops directly into the mouth or into glass of water. We have essences in our water bowls and Layla sips water throughout the day with several essences.They can be used directly on the skin or fur, in a bath or spritzed in the air. It’s an ancient art and Green Hope Farm is old-fashioned with an old hippie vibe.
The first time Layla found their website she couldn’t find the checkout cart because there wasn’t one. Orders were placed and shipped with an invoice requesting payment by check. No payment in advance? No credit cards? It felt like returning to another era. A simpler time of trust, of doing business on a handshake. Green Hope Farm and their gorgeous website does take credit card payments in advance now but their personal attention and handwritten notes continue.
The first time Layla opened up an order, she cried from the beauty and love of bursting from the box. If only all commerce could be less Amazon and more soulful.
Our most recent order was largely for our new feline family member, Clyde. He arrived over a week ago. You can read about it here. He adjusted quickly and seamlessly but it turns out he is more ill than we’d expected. He appears much younger than an old boy turning 17 in January and we knew he has stage 2 kidney disease but we didn’t know he also has pancreatitis. It become a double whammy for Layla to learn new protocols, diet, supplements and then Clyde stopped eating, but drank more water than I ever did with end stage kidney disease.
It’s not going to be an easy road ahead but Clyde is a real magic cat who clearly will be teaching lessons the humans need to learn. He’s also, dare I say, as loving, smart and amazing as me?
Thank Bast for a swift delivery and almost instantly Clyde seemed less agitated and within a day he was eating again. Mind you it’s shades of the old 24/7 coddling routine I received. What can I say, my folks are committed or maybe they should be committed. Seriously, we are all grateful for the improvement. What’s worrisome is Clyde’s rear leg weakness. It’s common with his condition and extra potassium is needed. And so another adventure has begun…
While Layla opened the parcel from Green Hope Farms on the bed, Clyde appeared out of no where very curious about these little boxes and bottles.
It’s as if he knew this is healing stuff. Here’s a quick clip of Clyde grooving with the essences and postcards that were included. He’s one mellow fellow. Funny too.
None of us know what lies ahead but we like having hope and some Green Hope Farms on hand to ease the way.
The website has a such a diverse offering of flower essences for humans and Animal Wellness it’s impossible to list them all. My suggestion is to put on your intuitive hat and poke around to a section that resonates, read the description, look at the photo of the flower and ask yourself: does my body, mind or spirit need this. If you’re not sure, help is available from the lovely Green Hope Farm staff.
Flower Essences are beautiful road maps for your healing journey. They are not chemical and can be used with any other treatment safely. I’d love to know if you have used flower essences of any brand and what you experienced.
Have a magical week of peace, love and purrs,

MrJackFreckles/Pipo & Minko
Wow! We thought the only flower essences that were usefur were the Bach Remedies…which we have always onhand here…for peeps and furs alike. And we ofttimes use homeopathic remedies, too.
So glad those are your go to when needed, and yes they sure do look lovely and love filled. That helps them work too, doesn’t it?!
Maybe there might be something to help our Minko with his (non)eating issues. He has IBD, and is very easily stressed out. At one time we thought he had pancreatitis, but not sure. Everything else seems good so far…just this mystery of not wanting to eat, though he will eat catnip and grass…and sometimes a kibble or two, or maybe a teeny piece of cooked unseasoned meat.
Have a wonderful week, and we will be adding our purrs for Clyde.
Deb Barnes - Zee and Zoey
Welcome to your lovely Clyde and Thanksgiving blessings from all of us at Zee and Zoey’s!
Marjorie and the Dash Kitten Crew
We used Bach Flower remedies on Little ‘Un when she was old, it was said to help and it did seem to lift an opression from her and she brightened a lot.
Woowoo it may be, or not. But we use oracle cards here and aromatherapy so we think they ust be doing something,
Layla Morgan Wilde
Bach was the original flower essence inventor on a commercial level and their Rescue Remedy is a classic. Woo woo is wonderful is our book. If it works it works 🙂
Purrs to Clyde. I’m sorry he has not just kidney disease but also pancreatitis. Lovely to see him getting curious and checking out the package 🙂
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks so much. He’s having a good day and we like to take it one day at a time xo
Skeeter and Izzy
We don’t call her “Mother Nature” for nothing! There are many things in this world that we have to explore to find the things that work. We just have to approach things with a pure heart and open mind and the answers come to us.
Green Hope Farms sounds like they take this approach to what they do….so refreshing in this day and time!
We hope these help our dear new friend Clyde and you on this new journey.
Thank you Merlin for staying with us and helping Clyde on his journey.Purrs and prayers of love and healing to you all.
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo & the Angels >^..^^..^<~
Layla Morgan Wilde
We love our Mother and since posting Clyde is calmer and peeing a little less than Niagara Falls. Much love to you and yours for T’Day xo
Melissa and Mudpie
Mudpie takes Spirit Essences Easy Breather and homeopathic drops each day for her asthma. She still coughs but there has definitely been an improvement. I’d be very interested to see how these differ.
Layla Morgan Wilde
In your case, it’s difficult to know which product is helping with the asthma. I’ve used different brands of flower essences and Green Hope Farm is by far the best. I love their ethos, the land, their integrity. They don’t have to advertise or market aggressively.
We are so glad the flower essences are helping Clyde. Especially so that he is eating again. We know being in a real home, and one that is so full of love, is the best place for him to be. Thank you again (and again) for loving him so much, and so well. <3
Layla Morgan Wilde
They aren’t a magic bullet but every bit of comfort helps and love of course 🙂
Sometimes Cats Herd You
We have been offline and didn’t get to say concatulations on the arrival of Clyde. Your experience with the people at Green Hope Farm sounds lovely, and we hope that the essences help him feel better.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks so much! I know it’s been a crazy time with you and purring for calm soon.
The Island Cats
Given that Wally is now struggling with pancreatitis, we would be interested in what you are using with Clyde.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Oh right! This is timely. We must discuss.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Yes, there are a few choices for mama xox
These flower essences sound really, really lovely!
Layla Morgan Wilde
I can’t recall if you’ve ever worked with flower essences. They have one for show cats.
I have never heard of this, but with an open mind, if it works, use it. So much of what you offer is pure love. I am sorry to hear Clyde is a bit more ill than anticipated, but he is in the place he was meant to be.
Merlin, you are a wise old soul keep your paws crossed for this old fella to remain healthy for as long as he can, he is beauty too.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Pure love is the best healer:-) We’re purring for the best outcome for all concerned.
I’m sorry Clyde also has pancreatitis. But I know he will be much healthier and happier with you and not at the shelter.
I’ll check out Green Hope Farm. Spirit Essences didn’t help our shy Mickey Mouser. He’s wearing a calming collar now and that isn’t helping either. Maybe it’s time to try something else.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Maggie, I’ll email you. And a real home will give Clyde a better chance for healing.
Merlin, you’re beautiful. So beautiful.
Clyde, you’re so beautiful.
Layla, you’re wonderful to have beautiful, beautiful cats, whether spirit cats or still in physical existence.
<3 <3 <3
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks, it’s all good 🙂
Colehaus Cats
Beautiful! We will visit the Green Hope Essences site. We hope these will help handsome Clyde. Sending lots of purrs!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks and enjoy! xoxo
We used Spirit Essences to help Mistletoe feel safer and more confident when she first came home and we also used them when out Tiger Kitty was dealing with displaced aggression and attacking his feline family. During that time we used the Spirit Essences to help calm Tiger and to relieve the anxiety of the rest of the feline family. I don’t pretend to understand it but there is no doubt in my mind that they work.
We welcome Clyde home and are sending good thoughts and energy to you all as you start this journey.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Dorothy thanks for your feedback. I glad Spirit Essences worked for you. They didn’t work for us but flower essences are ephemeral in nature. It’s difficult to explain how they work except they either do or they don’t.
Thanks so much for your kind words and thoughts xox
easy rider
I love this kind of flower power… and maybe it will help the mama too to see some (a lot) things more relaxed?