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#MeowMonday Mancats

If you love cats, sharing makes us purrrr :-)

Domino cat scent of spring

Recognize the nose? It’s me Domino of course and my sniffer says spring is coming! The snow is melting and I luxuriated on the porch for most of the weekend. Oh, the sun felt heavenly until the woman with the blonde hair and black box rudely interrupted my sun slumber. The nerve! She claims I’m so photogenic, whatever that means. Do you think so? I’m just a old former feral, rough around the edges kinda mancat.

domino cat sun porch

Domino-sun puddle cat

Yeah right, until I’ve had enough and it’s time to get away from her. Happy #MeowMonday! Are you enjoying the extra light?

domino cat -snow
















Meanwhile indoors…

Merlin cat in bed #meowmonday













Oh what a delightful weekend I had snuggled under the covers with my mom pampering me hand and foot. We had breakfast and lunch in bed, some deluxe sun time on the porch and Layla was pleased every time I used the litter box without mishap! My test results confirmed the nasty UTI is history. Now all we need to get rid of is that snow!

I love skin on skin contact and nestling behind the knees under the duvet is the cat’s meow. Happy #MewMonday!

Merlin cat & Layla













Hey all you peeps, it’s me ODIN, the wild nature boy. Well, I’ve got news for you. You may have seen me climb trees like Tarzan but I have a sophisticated side to me. You could say I’m a cultured artiste even. Okay, maybe I don’t know how to play the piano like Nora the piano cat yet…but give me time. Now, where are those keys?

Odin the cat with piano




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