Caturday Art Blog Hop, Pisces Cats and Wild Cats
Find out if your cat is a dreamer or schemer. If you or your cat is a Pisces, you’ll enjoy our latest kitty astrology at If you’re not sure, you’ll find out
Astro-Kitty Pisces Zodiac
I love making feline art and every saturday, there’s blog hop for fellow artistic types at a blog called Athena Cat Goddess Caturday Art Blog Hop
The temperature thawed and like all good cat moms, I have eyes in the back of my head. I had a feeling to look out the bathroom window overlooking the wild part of our garden. Odin never ventures far but I like to keep tabs on him. Sure enough there was a mama deer and her doe dressed in their heavy winter furs. Mama was stamping the snow by the pond. Something alarmed her. I looked more closely and there’s Odin sitting on a dead log still as a stone. By the time I got outside, mama and baby fled.
A very excited Odin demonstrated his daring moves on a withered pine tree his chest plumped with pride. “See mom, I kept you safe from the big monster.”
He’s the most skilled tree climber I’ve ever seen but scaling the dead pine tree took nimble maneuvering. I was worried about the sharp needles but cats have climbed every kind of terrain for thousands of years. He zipped back and forth to show off, but more gingerly. He’s not a complete fool.
“See, mom, I am the best, taking care of introooders.”
“Thank-you. Now how about you show me how handsome you are and jump on top the birch tree stump?”
“Okay, then. I am a handsome boy, right?”
“Right. Get inside. That’s enough adventure for one day.”
What kind of adventure are you up to this weekend?

Odin you are one handsome moggie x
Well, with mom and dad recovering from a terrible cold, our adventures were certainly not quite as exciting as Odin’s. Zoey chased a fly through the house, though! 😉
Judy & C.A.T.S
Odin is an adventurous kitty. Our mom loves watching the deer, they are so beautiful and graceful. Your pictures are gorgeous. Love, Cali, Andy, Tater and Shelly (C.A.T.S)
Odin does look very handsome sat on the tree stump. Quite an adventure. The deer stay at the bottom of our fields and are very timid so no close encounters for Flynn.
Wow, that is quite the encounter for Odin! Our weekend will not be adventurous like his, that’s for sure! Love the pics of him and the deer and your art entry is gorgeous. Our Neytiri is a Pisces cat.
Layla Morgan Wilde (Cat Wisdom 101)
Great to hear Neytiri is a Pisces and thanks.
Cathy Keisha
I love your art any day of the week. That Odin is always up to something.
Layla Morgan Wilde (Cat Wisdom 101)
Thanks CK! We have fresh art and Odin has fresh adventures just about every day :-0
Katnip Lounge
Sad to say, my crowd would have beat feets to the door if a deer came up to them…buncha pussies!
Truffles doesn’t have any exciting outdoor activities either!
So glad you’re joining the Caturday Art Hop…it’s become my favorite day of the week!
Such a wonderful day out Odin!
Sue Brandes
Odin is such a beautiful cat. What an exciting adventure. Enjoy your weekend.
Kwee Cats
Wow, you guys sure got a lot going on! That hunting for intruders looks pretty fun. We like your photo Art 🙂
We LOVE all your art! And Pisces is marvelous! Odin scared the deers? Our deers are so used to the cats, they ignore them. Me watched Jo-Jo stalking one the other day and it turned around and sniffed her!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks and we loved your art! Oh those brave Canuck deer, eh?
Layla Morgan Wilde
Ha, more like big bad boy ;-0
Skeeter and Izzy
Love the Pieces cat pic! Izzy is a “deer slayer” too. One evening there were three at our back fence and she stalked and charged them like any Great cat would have done on the plains or in the jungle!
We love Odin’s daring side,he is so handsome!
Luvs Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig and Peanut and Romeo >^..^<
Layla Morgan Wilde
Izzy is braver than Odin! He always hides and had never charged.
Just doing what mancats do. I’m always amused by how proud they are of their accomplishments. My Louis has been insufferable since he caught a (very) small mouse.
Layla Morgan Wilde
It’s what drives them 🙂
Caren Gittleman
Love the Pisces Cat picture! Gorgeous! Sorry to not see you as a finalist on the Nose to Nose Awards, you should have been.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks! No need to be sorry when you find out why ;-0
Sometimes, Cats Herd You
What a brave boy you are, Odin! We aren’t afraid of the deer, either, but they aren’t ever on the same side of the glass as we are.
Odin is such a mighty kitty! Great job ensuring safety by keeping introorders away! He looks so handsome and happy on the tree. Have a fun weekend!!
easy rider
Odin I bet you even could climb on the moon and I wish I could climb on trees too. And I never saw a deer as close as you. Have a great caturday
Layla Morgan Wilde
Odin would wish that. Maybe he could teach to climb a tree?
Viki Worden
Odin is a very handsome fellow. I love the pictures. I love the way you capture the kitties and nature.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Odin says, thank mew!
Love those blue eyes!
Gorgeous artwork and photos 🙂
Purrs xx
Athena and Marie
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks so much for hosting the blog hop!
Ms. Phoebe's Mum
Odin is such a true mancat, I adore his proud tree climbing skills. My boy Kaspars is much like Odin, being a former feral and true outdoorsmancat at heart. We had sun today for the first time in weeks and he celebrated by finding and delivering a small gardener snakie to the back door– meeyowling with pride. Thankfully my assistant is not a snakie phobic who goes in to hysterics at the sight of one like me, and was able to take it gently from him and set it free outside the edge of the backyard fence. I love mancats, but not always their mancat activities! *still shaking 18 hrs later*
Layla Morgan Wilde
WOW, what a way to celebrate. Go Kaspars!
Well, being an indoor-only kitty, I am not having any adventures quite as fun as Odin had!
Pawesome Cats
Love that Pisces cat – his dreamy blue eyes are reminiscent of pools of water… beautiful! And Odin is very clever with his tree climbing…my indoor cats only know the cat tree. Happy Caturday!
Oh that Odin is a proud boy and he has every right to be proud. He is such a good little boy, climbing trees, watching out for the deer (well…)