The Loudest Snoring Cat, Caturday News & Art
We couldn’t believe our ears when we heard this cat. It’s no surprise this video is going viral. Snoring in cats as in humans can indicate underlying health issues. Apparently the obese cat was rescued at a whopping 31 pounds but is on a diet to get down to a healthy weight. That’s something to purr about!
We hope the rest of our Caturday post isn’t a snore.
We’re Saturday cat art blog hop at our friends at Athena Cat Goddess and in the mood for green. Odin, our model muse is fed up with icy white landscapes and dreaming of greenery.
Read our latest interview at Good News For Pets
Our favorite recipe for homemade organic chicken treats.
Could this be the music your cat likes best?
We have good news about this older shelter cat
Our mancat Monday was Dr. Seuss madcap fun
If you haven’t entered to our giveaway for a chance to win a copy of the awesome book about rescued cats, just leave a comment at our Rescued post and it counts as an entry.
Do you believe every cat is a masterpiece?

Yikes, that kitty needs a breathe right strip or something! We loved your interview, Layal!
Austin Towers
That does sound a bit asthmatic! Love the green Odin! 🙂
Abby snored and it could be heard in another room, but it wasn’t obesity.She may have been a little round but not much. I so miss that sound. I have a video of her snoring and I do watch the old videos sometime. I never shot that much video preferring to capture still moments… and try to remember with my own memories.
What a lovely graphic for CAturday Art.
Cathy Keisha
HEH! I’m ready for some green but not as ready as the peeps. We actually had a vet who told us that cat snores were actually wheezing from asthma.
Katnip Lounge
Miss Salem and Grayce both snore…our “largest” and thinnest cats!
The Island Cats
Sometimes I snore but not as loud as that cat. Mine is more like heavy breathing. ~Wally
Maxwell, Faraday & Allie
LOL at Summer’s comment! None of us snore over here – or at least we won’t cop to it….
Wow! And Mommy thinks mes snores loud!!! What a gorgeous picture of Odin…,definitely magical! And two pictures of my love Merlin! Extra kisses for yous my love.
Skeeter and Izzy
Poor baby! We hope the diet goes well and helps alieviate the problem.
FYI this post didn’t come to our email.
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo >^..^<
My Gizmo snores (and is rather plump)–but nothing like this.
Odin looks fabulous. Spring becomes him.
The Swiss Cats
OMC ! We hope people and cats around him had good earplugs ! Purrs
That is some serious snoring!!!
That’ safe beautiful art image of Odin! I hope spring is coming soon 🙂
That’s quite a snore! Sam snored very loudly back before we knew he had thyroid issues…..he’s lost some weight due to that and now RARELY snores and never as loud as he used to! We’re thinking SPRING…….now if it would just think of US, all would be well……
Hugs, Pam and Sam
Deb Barnes - Zee and Zoey
Beautiful picture of Odin and we enjoyed reading your interview!
That kitty needs a C-Pap machine!