It’s easy to feel grateful when life is going well, but what about feeling gratitude when life sucks?
During challenging time, it can be tough to feel thankful, especially on Thanksgiving. But even in the darkest times gratitude can be nurtured, allowing us to connect with something deeper beyond our circumstances.
Here’s a simple guide to cultivate gratitude when it seems elusive, but first a personal story.
Yesterday, on a cold, dark and stormy night, traffic in Manhattan nothing moved except blaring horns and tempers. I was feeling carsick with vertigo in the Uber, exhausted from insomnia since new cat Otto arrived, saddened with the news that my oldest friend since age 5, a breast cancer warrior is in palliative care, and a bunch of other stuff you don’t want to know. Oh, and weird new formatting spacing issues. And I’m supposed to write about gratitude?
This is OTRB Merlin and Domino. I miss them but grateful for sharing their lives with me.
I must admit I felt grateful getting home in one piece. Our driver stayed calm during the awful, long drive home. Home, safe and comfortable, unlike millions of others around the world.
I poured myself a glass of wine, swapped the filthy city vibe clothes for cozy jammies and nestled under a blankie on the sofa. Best of all? Otto was so happy to see me swishing his tail and head bonking me. Ah, little whiffs of gratitude opens in my heart. Okay, I can do this. Gratitude is like riding a bicycle. Once you’ve felt it you can ride that feeling again.
As I searched old Thanksgiving posts, gratitude welled up in me. Oh, my cat ears, there’s some good stuff I’d forgotten about like Cats Talking Turkey On Thanksgiving
Search Gratitude or Thanksgiving and more will pop up!
Here are ways to cultivate gratitude, even life sucks and there doesn’t seem to be anything to be thankful for:
1. *Embrace the Gift of Perspective:* Shift your lens of perception. In the depths of despair, find solace in the simple yet profound blessings that often go unnoticed—the gift of breath, the beat of a heart, the warmth of the sun. Understand that gratitude doesn’t always arise from abundance but can sprout from acknowledging life’s simplest treasures. Hello, cats!
2. *Practice Mindful Awareness:* Engage in mindfulness practices to anchor yourself in the present moment breath by breath. Oh, I’m actually breathing. Oh, I’m alive. Observe the flow of thoughts and emotions without judgment. Through mindfulness, you can unearth moments of stillness amidst chaos, where gratitude for the present moment can blossom. When thoughts arise that make you feel worse, swat them away like a fly and return to the present moment and breath.
3. *Reflect on Resilience:* Consider the resilience within you. Damn, we are all survivors of something. Reflect upon past challenges and adversities you’ve overcome. Recognize the strength and fortitude that resides within, allowing gratitude to surface for your resilience and perseverance.
4. *Seek the Silver Linings:* Despite the darkest clouds, there might be silver linings awaiting discovery. They can be tiny like a friendly driver. Look for lessons hidden within adversity, moments of growth, or opportunities for empathy and compassion. Even amidst struggles, there might be unexpected blessings or connections waiting to be acknowledged.
5. *Connect with Others:* Share your experiences with trusted friends, family, or spiritual mentors. I’m doing that with you right now. Opening up can help lighten the burden and allow others to offer support and alternative perspectives, fostering gratitude for the presence of loving souls in your life. Humor goes a long way too. And as the holiday season kicks into high gear, it’s okay to say no.
6. **Gratitude Practice Rituals:** Establish rituals that cultivate gratitude. Self-care for me a big one. It’s whatever brings you joy. Walking in nature. Noticing the wildlife and trees. Cooking a delicious meal. The classic is keeping a gratitude journal, where each day you jot down even the smallest moments of joy or instances of resilience. I go on and off that practice but always to something like I like picking a tarot or oracle card. Lighting candles is so nice as the days get shorter. Incense and smudging the ick energy way is great way to access thankfulness before any prayers, affirmations, or meditation focused on gratitude, invoking a sense of spiritual connection.
7. **Serve Others:** Channel your energy towards serving others, even in small ways. Volunteer, lend an empathetic ear, or extend kindness to someone in need. By contributing positively to another’s life, you might find a deeper sense of purpose and gratitude.
Remember, gratitude doesn’t deny the existence of challenges; rather, it’s a testament to the resilience of the human spirit to find light amidst darkness. It’s a spiritual practice that transcends circumstances, grounding us in humility, acceptance, and the interconnectedness of all.
This Thanksgiving, storms or no storms, may you uncover the seeds of gratitude that lie within. Stay curious as a cat. Allow the seeds to bloom and illuminate the path ahead, guiding you toward peace, resilience, and a deeper spiritual connection.
Layla, this is BY FAR my favorite Thankgiving post I have seen…EVER. You are right, there is ALWAYS something to be thankful for. I love how you shared ideas of what people can do to feel thankfulness when it is hard to. I am deeply, deeply sorry to learn about your childhood friend…….we will talk soon! Sending much love today and always! xoxo
We SO need to remind ourselvesoto stop, listen and be mindful. We are all so lucky in our different ways, even as we face challenges that we struggle with.
Please give Otto and Odin a gentle hug (or acceptable kitty equivalent) from me.
I am so thankful for my Astor-kitty who brings endless joy into my life and I am thankful for my family and support systems and for my performance skill and the happiness my gigs bring to myself and my audiences.
Search Amazing Amy Yoga if you are curious.
Blessings and Purrs, Amazing Amy: Eccentric Yoga Dance Entertainer in NYC
I am always grateful for hte beautiful mi]usic I get to listenn to, wjhaenver I want/need! Listening to a mass form the late 18th century right now. Gorgeous! (Cherubini)
I will be at my work tomorrow, heklping seniors enjoy their day, then we’ll have our own thankful day of gathering on Friday. No ‘Black Friday’ greediness for me/us.
Sorry about your good friend…I am so thankful for every new day, being a cancer survivor myself 2006/7)…
And in our Thankfulness we pray for those under strife or other unfortunate circumstances. In our city there will also be free meals for those who wish tocome for them…in several venues!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
Otto has quickly endeared himself to his new family, feline and human!
Cat and Dog Chat With Caren
Layla, this is BY FAR my favorite Thankgiving post I have seen…EVER. You are right, there is ALWAYS something to be thankful for. I love how you shared ideas of what people can do to feel thankfulness when it is hard to. I am deeply, deeply sorry to learn about your childhood friend…….we will talk soon! Sending much love today and always! xoxo
Layla Morgan Wilde
Caren, thanks and thank you for being a true friend xoxo
Marjorie and Toulouse
PS We miss Merlin. He truly spoke through you.
Marjorie and Toulouse
Best Thanksgiving Post Ever.
We SO need to remind ourselvesoto stop, listen and be mindful. We are all so lucky in our different ways, even as we face challenges that we struggle with.
Please give Otto and Odin a gentle hug (or acceptable kitty equivalent) from me.
Layla Wilde
Aw, Marjorie, thanks so much! Much appreciated xo
We’re very sorry to hear about your friend, Layla.
Thank you for the reminder that it is possible to cultivate gratitude even when things are rough. We are grateful for you and your friendship. XO
Layla Wilde
Thanks for your kind works and much gratitude always xo
Layla Morgan Wilde
Many thanks! I so appreciate you xo
The Swiss Cats
We’re sorry for your friend. What a beautiful post, such an important reminder to keep a grateful state of mind. Happy Thanksgiving ! Purrs
Layla Wilde
Thanks and merci bien mes amie xo
easy rider
we are so sorry… and this time sad news hurt extra hard… hugs to you and hugs for your friend… and for Otto…
Layla Wilde
Thanks and merci mes amies xo
Amy Harlib
Many prayers for healing for your friend!
I am so thankful for my Astor-kitty who brings endless joy into my life and I am thankful for my family and support systems and for my performance skill and the happiness my gigs bring to myself and my audiences.
Search Amazing Amy Yoga if you are curious.
Blessings and Purrs,
Amazing Amy: Eccentric Yoga Dance Entertainer in NYC
Layla Wilde
Thank you, Amy and Astor. It’s a beautiful day in the city for you xo
Ellen J Pilch
I am sorry about your friend. XO
Ingrid Rickmar
I am always grateful for hte beautiful mi]usic I get to listenn to, wjhaenver I want/need! Listening to a mass form the late 18th century right now. Gorgeous! (Cherubini)
I will be at my work tomorrow, heklping seniors enjoy their day, then we’ll have our own thankful day of gathering on Friday. No ‘Black Friday’ greediness for me/us.
Sorry about your good friend…I am so thankful for every new day, being a cancer survivor myself 2006/7)…
And in our Thankfulness we pray for those under strife or other unfortunate circumstances. In our city there will also be free meals for those who wish tocome for them…in several venues!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
Otto has quickly endeared himself to his new family, feline and human!
Layla Wilde
Ingrid, thank you for your beautiful comment💖
The Florida Furkids
Purrfect message!
Layla Wilde
Thanks and happy Thanksgiving xo
Brian's Home Blog
Such a very important message. Gratitude should always be at the top of the list. Happy Thanksgiving Layla!
Layla Wilde
Much love and gratitude to you and your crew xo