It’s World Cat Day!
August 8 is World Cat Day.
It was founded in 2002 by the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) and other animal rights groups. Cats are more popular than ever with a growing population. There are currently over half a billion cats in the world. Not all have happy pampered lives like most of our cats. How are you celebrating and how can we make cats’ lives better worldwide? Better lives begin by saving lives. Spay/neuter. Adopt/foster. This is an updated graphic for 2017.
Last night I attended a fundraiser in honor of Matilda the resident cat at the Algonguin Hotel to benefit for Bideawee, the oldest no-kill shelter in the U.S.
Bideawee had a mini-mobile adoption van with a half dozen adorable cats. By the time they left one cat was adopted, the cutest kitten I’ve seen in ages. To be honest there were some exceptional looking cats If you don’t believe me, click and see some of others.
Whenever I see pairs of siblings like these tabbies, I always hope someone adopts both.

Karen Jo
Happy World Cat Day! I really hope that those two tabbies get adopted together. I hate to see bonded kitties separated.
Happy World Cat Day! My 3 kitties are happy to know this! 🙂
Happy World Cat Day to you.
I do hope the tabby siblings get adopted together. It is so sad when birth family have to be parted.
Cats of wildcat woods
Hoping for lots of adoptions. Happy World Cat Day!
Cats of wildcat woods
Sue Brandes
Happy World Cat Day! I hope a lot of kitties get adopted.
Happy World Cat Day, Layla! I sure hope those bonded kitties will be adopted together.
Adoption is the very best option!
I hope those two can stay together. It’s a tough choice for a shelter that I wouldn’t want to make… Should you keep them together, possibly caged and waiting for more weeks or months; or allow them to be adopted separately when someone just wants one cat.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Maggie, as shelter volunteer you know this scenario well. It’s always a tough call.
Caren Gittleman
Happy Happy World Cat Day! Lovely graphic!
da tabbies o trout towne
a happee werld cat day bak two ewe doods N we hope everee kitteh out ther finds a for evers home like rite now…. sew they can sell a brate happee werld cat day two !!~~~~~~~~
ched and mao, a bonded pair of brothers, heartily agree.
The mother had two sets of twins – i.e., two orange boys and two tuxedos.
The shelter split them up into two pairs of orange and black brothers. All four kittens and the mom were adopted.
This was 11 and 1/2 years go, so i hope all are still doing well. The mother was only a year older than her boys.
All were found in a backyard woodpile in a home in Ashland. The little kitties were just 8 weeks.
The shelter took them in and at four months, advertised their adoption. We came when the boys were five months.
They were living in a foster home at the time.
The mother was a pretty tabby; the other two boys had already been adopted.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks for sharing. I didn’t know their mom and two sets of twins.
Sam and Pam
I agree…..when you see “already bonded” kittens or cats together, it seems cruel to separate them when they’re probably already a bit traumatized. Hope they found a forever home…..and HAPPY WORLD CAT DAY!
Hugs, Pam and Sam
Happy World Cat Day 🙂
Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal
Me too hope the tabbies will be adopted as a pair !
Happy World Cat Day! And I purr for these kitties to find homes!
easy rider
I hope the same, it’s better to adopt both – changings aren’t easy for anipals and to get separated is hard . Have a wonderful world cat day.