national cat herders day

How To Celebrate National Cat Herders Day

If you love cats, sharing makes us purrrr :-)

Hey there, fellow feline enthusiasts and adventurous souls! Today is no ordinary day; it’s the one and only National Cat Herders Day! Yes, you heard it right ā€“ a day dedicated to those brave souls who feel like they’re herding cats in their everyday life. Whether you’re managing a bustling household, a team at work, or simply navigating the chaos of existence, this day is for you!

Imagine this: wrangling a bunch of energetic, mischievous cats, all with a mind of their own, and then you’ve got a picture of what this day symbolizes. It’s about celebrating the art of managing the unmanageable, embracing the whirlwind, and finding humor in the midst of mayhem.

So, what’s the deal with herding cats, you ask? Well, if you’ve ever tried to corral a handful of playful kitties, you know it’s a bit like juggling while riding a unicycle ā€“ entertaining, challenging, and at times, utterly hilarious!

I first blogged about National Cat Herders Day 10 years ago, I thought it was a joke but less so now. We are living in challenging times and I’m all for acknowledging hard work. It’s no accident that the holiday fall smack in the middle of December and the holiday season. And Mercury is in Retrograde until January 1.

To celebrate I whipped up some shareable graphics and invite you to have some fun..

cat herders day



National Cat Herders Day isn’t just about cat owners; it’s a nod to anyone who’s ever felt like they’re trying to accomplish the impossible. From project managers dealing with ever-changing deadlines to parents handling the unpredictable antics of their children, we’re all cat herders in our own unique way.

The beauty of this day lies in its acceptance of the chaotic nature of life. Instead of fighting the madness, why not embrace it? Throw your hands up in the air, laugh at the absurdity, and find solace in the fact that you’re not alone in this wild ride.



How can one celebrate this magnificent day, you wonder? Well, let your creativity roam free! Embrace the madness by watching videos of cats being their quirky selves, share your favorite cat memes with friends and colleagues, or even better, pamper your own feline friends with some extra treats and cuddles.

And remember, on National Cat Herders Day, it’s perfectly okay if your plans go awry or if things seem a bit chaotic ā€“ that’s the whole point! So, take a deep breath, channel your inner cat whisperer, and revel in the beauty of the untamed, unpredictable, and utterly lovable chaos that surrounds us.

Happy herding, everyone! Cheers to the cat herders who turn chaos into a work of art like this šŸ˜‰


December 15-cat herders day


To wrap up: Remember cats can’t be herded! That’s why we love them and are inspired by them.


  1. Cat-tastic Entertainment: Dive into the endless realm of cat videos! Watch those delightful furballs in action, showcasing their playful antics. Share these videos with friends and colleagues to spread the joy of feline humor.
  2. Meme Magic: Delight your social circles with hilarious cat memes! Whether it’s a grumpy cat or a majestic feline demanding attention, these memes are sure to bring smiles and laughter.
  3. Pamper Your Purr-fect Companions: Treat your own feline friends with extra love and affection. Shower them with their favorite treats, indulge in extended cuddle sessions, or perhaps spoil them with new toys. Remember nothing beats stress like cuddling, playing with and petting a cat.
  4. Embrace the Chaos: Take a moment to acknowledge and appreciate life’s unpredictable nature. Reflect on situations where you’ve mastered the art of navigating the seemingly unmanageable – it might just feel like herding cats!


cat herders day


Remember, on National Cat Herders Day, chaos isn’t the enemy; it’s the canvas upon which we paint our victories. So, chuckle at the absurdity, revel in the unpredictability, and tip your imaginary hat to those who make the impossible seem achievable.

Celebrate this day with zest, humor, and an appreciation for life’s beautiful, chaotic symphony! Here’s to the cat herders – the everyday heroes of life’s delightful mayhem!

Share this with someone who would appreciate it.


Layla and my assistants Odin and Otto who make every day a breeze.


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