Cat Wisdom 101 Cats Celebrate Two Gemini Birthdays
Oh my Cod! How did this happen? Every parent at some point wonder how their kids grow up so fast. They same holds true for cat parents. Both Odin and Nou Nou are senior cats now at ages 11 and 9. I don’t know their exact birthdates but the shelter guesstimates are early June so I celebrate around June 1-3. In any case, they are such obvious Geminis Quirky, high strung, lightening fast and infinitely curious. Odin is more adventurous than Nou Nou but much weirder.
It feels like yesterday that Odin celebrated his first birthday right here at this blog. In fact, this week coincides with our Cat Wisdom 101 10th blogoversary! See our special anniversary post soon (probably Monday). We’ve come a very long way since.
Nou Nou’s first birthday here was her second. She is still a princess.
I had plans to have a cute birthday party but they weren’t haven’t it. Nothing. Not even close. Well, a party hat on Odin for a ten second photo shoot. He preferred lounging or climbing trees (as seen in this Instagram reel).
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And Nou Nou was more interested in napping. When you’re this cute, she gets what she wants. After a recent bout of over-grooming, I’m happy to report her fur is growing back and after some dietary changes she’s eating normally.
Welcome to the world of senior cats. So much can change overnight and it’s up to pet parent’s to keep an eye out for sudden or not so sudden changes in behavior.
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As you can see Odin is still kittenish and always ready for adventure. Life is unpredictable and our only wish is to enjoy another year of feline fun in good health and humor. While we aren’t celebrating with a big party, giveaway or prizes, do help yourself to a virtual roll in a bathtub full of catnip! What a thought 🙂
Much love always,
Layla, Odin and Nou Nou

Happy Happy Belated Birthday Odin and NouNou!!!!!!! So sorry we are late! Hope your birthdays were pawtastic!!! Love from me and my crazy Gemini, Roary!!
Eastside Cats
Wishing Odin and NouNou the happiest of birthdays!
Happy Birthday to your special kitties, Odin and NouNou !
My cat Hannah celebrated her 13th birthday on June 1st. (She was treated with a can of her favorite wet food studded with feline greenies)…. She’s the boss lady that thinks she’s still a kitten! The joy of my life.
Layla Morgan Wilde
I like that birthday treat idea!
Skeeter And Izzy
Birthdays become less of a big WHOOP as we age ya know, same goes for the kitties I do suppose.
Happiest of Birthdays to Odin and Nou Nou! We wish you the best of health and happiness for many many more years!
The pics and vids are sooooooooooooooooooo flippin cute!
My Izzy is 14! She isn’t the oldest member of my tribe but she is now the longest resident in the household!
Time goes faster with each passing year and I think I may be aging in Dog years LOL.
Luvs, Purrs and Kitty kisses to all.
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang and the Angels >^..^^..^<~
Layla Morgan Wilde
Yes to aging in dog year 🙂 Wow, Izzy is 14 already! Where are the years flying? xoxox
Happy birthday, Odin and Nou Nou! We can hardly believe how the time flies. Love and good wishes to you both (and to Layla and Joel, too)!
– Ava, Tracey and Kevin
Layla Morgan Wilde
Serious, time is flying so fast. Thanks and much love to you Tracey and Ava xox
♪♫Happy Birthday to you,♪♫
♪♫Happy Birthday to you,♪♫
♪♫Happy Birthday Dear Nou Nou,♪♫
♪♫Happy Birthday to you.♪♫
♪♫Happy Birthday to you,♪♫
♪♫Happy Birthday to you,♪♫
♪♫Happy Birthday Dear Odin,♪♫
♪♫Happy Birthday to you.♪♫
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thank you for sing the purrfect birthday song xox
ellen beck
Happy Birthday to you both Odin and Nou Nou ! It sounds as if you got the perfect cat Birthday you got what you wanted and did what you wanted ! Maybe next year a party hat instead of pee in a shoe?
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks Ellen!. It was purrrfect any way 🙂 xoxox
Teddy and Pam
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday lucky kitties
To Odin and Nou Nou !!!
Love, Teddy
Thanks a bunch dear Teddy and mom xo
Happy birthday to Odin and Nou Nou! I can’t believe Odin is 11. But then, I am 7 and my human can’t believe that either.
Amazing how time flies. I can’t believe you’re 7 already!
I loved seeing Odin climb that tree and then scamper down! Wow, he’s so agile!
NouNou napping with her eyes as slits with her little pink tongue was ever so cute!
Did you pee in a shoe, Odin?? LOL!
Happy Birthday to YOU, Odin!
Happy Birthday to YOU, Nou Nou!
Thanks and Odin is in fine form hiking about 2 miles a day!
Edith Chase
Happy Birthday Odin aeNou Nou!!!
Mary McNeil
Happy Purrthday to you two awesome boys !
Marv, Jo Jo, Kozmo, Cinnamon & Barb
Happy Birthday Nou Nou and Odin! It seems like yesterday that they were little! Jo Jo’s birthday is around now too. and she is a total Gemini too! This year she turns 8! We shall sing you the song!
¸¸.•*♫♫♫ Happy Birthday Day to you ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥
¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday Day to you♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥
¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday Day deeeeeeeeear Nou Nou and Odin!!!♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥
¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday Day to you ♥♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥
Maria Appleby
Happy Birthday, Odin and NouNou!
Memories of Eric and Flynn
Happy birthday, Odin and NouNou!
The Island Cats
Happy Birthday to Odin and Nou Nou!
Amy Harlib
Happy Purrdays! Such adorable kitties! Many Joyful Returns!
Marjorie at Dash Kitten
Happy Birthday you two and I hope the day was totally epic.
Our Peanut was an active kittenish cat when she was 18 so Odin and Nou Nou have lots of kitten time ahead!
Thanks so much Marjorie! While not epic, it was what they wanted😹
Sue Brandes
Happy,happy Birthday.
Happy Happy Birthday to Odin and NouNou!
Thanks a bunch Leah🐈⬛
da tabbies o trout towne
guyz…a MOST happee day two ewe both !! ♫♪♫♫♫♪♫ heerz ta tree climbin, snooze in with one eye openin 🙂 and NOE BURD SKIN… N joy yur day, stay IN trubullz and heerz two a yeer ahead filled with happeez & healtheez ♥♥♥ 🙂
So nice to see you deeeeeer tabbbbbbiesxoxo
Timmy Tomcat
A Very Happy Birthday to you two fabulous and loved kitties. So glad to know you and look forward to many fun Birthdays to come
Thanks so much dear Timmy
happy happy birthday to you two… and please post a photo of the shoe ;O)
Thanks and Odin is thinking what shoe would be the best: leather or suede 😉