Feline Monday Motivation With Cranky Cats
Feline Monday Motivation With Cranky Cats by feline editor Clyde and friends.
Fasten your seat belts dearies, expect an oopsie, what fresh hell is this kind of week. Sorry, my motivation is unfluffy but may save you stress in advance. Thankfully, there are a couple pretty pics from the garden. Breath… Nerves will be frayed. Colorful language spoken. Things more wrong than right. Don’t take anything personally. Be like a cat. We never do. So, if the last few weeks have been Mercury in Retrograde wonky, expect one last week of craziness before it goes direct. I predict by the new moon, the last die-hard vestiges of winter will turn into a proper spring overnight. Meanwhile, we’ve been cranky cats wanting spring but settling for electric heating pads.
We and that includes felines and humans at our house are literally climbing the walls. Okay, at least Odin is. There was added stress for Layla dealing with cat death news and unusual feral cat rescue coordination. Let’s just say there were lots of late nights emails and calls with a positive outcome.
Odin says a final farewell to snow and not a moment too soon for him. The snow hides everything under a blanket of clean. When it melted, the lawn guys did their thing but
it was a sorry sight for Merlin’s grave. Spring cleaning is needed and hopefully nature will provide a less depressing scene soon.
A carpet of scilla has bloomed exchanging blues for blue. They are lasting longer than usual. It’s the only good thing about the bone-cold weather. The delicate blooms are downright miraculous.
It’s odd not having our daffodils up and I thought I’d honor National Cherish An Antique Day with daffodils from 1898. Do I count as an antique to be cherished?
See you next week and be sure to stop by on Friday for a special post.
P.S. and oh my whiskers, my aging fur and human family. When did everyone at my house suddenly turn into an antique? I need to order a gallon of water from the fountain of youth or escape to a spa for 600 years. How about you?

We’re a little cranky about the un-Spring weather, too, Clyde. We suppose it will get here at some point, but what’s the hold up?
Layla Morgan Wilde
Can you believe we have another ice storm? xo
Brian Frum
Odin sure looks like he is doing well. Hey, sometimes we just need to embrace our crankiness!
Ahhh late here too, your email of the newsletter came out and just now getting here to read. We had one bright bit of news, now waiting for the mailman to deliver and make it official. Punchy is more wobbly now, still eating his morning noms (spoiled kitty) but I think waiting for a sunshine day. The dog is my worry at this minute. A senior, blind and diabetic and slowly losing it. Still finding small joys so it’s not his time either. It seems the season coming will bring changes I dont care for but each thing has it’s season. A bit more sorrow than usual.
On a positive note, here there has been less snow sticking around. The crocus are popping up brave souls they are. No daffodils yet, they are chicken !
I am hoping for better things soon, I am sure it will happen.
Oh shift in power in the colony- Floki a beautiful silver tabby is now taken over as leader. He is quite good at it yet still backs down when Punchy bops him at least he respects his elders. He was someone’s cat at one time, he loves lazy belly rubs. His partner in crime who was just neutered and drives Floki bonkers is Jax. A dark tabby with white boots all around who follows Floki and also keeps watch over the colony. There are quite a number of males I see passing through getting a bite to eat and a drink. They leave them alone unless they tarry too long.
Skeeter & Izzy
Alas dear friends we have had yet another loss of our own. My dear sweet Papa (estimated age 14-15 yrs), leader of my original Feral Gang and for the last 9 years a wonderful and dear friend and family member crossed the Bridge on Sunday 4/8/18 from a cancerous tumor in his ear and jaw. He lived inside the last 4 months of his life and was spoiled and pampered as much as humanly possible until he told me that it was time. He was the gentlest of souls and had raised the 3 tiny kittens that his soul mate left behind on her death. I held him against my heart as his own ceased to beat and mine shattered into a million pieces. Death brings so much agony and pain to those left behind but I would not forgo that pain because that would mean that I could never love another being and that I cannot possibly do. My heart breaks but I know that he is at peace and in the land of eternal sunshine and health and beauty and love across the Bridge and that I will see him and all the others again.
Lift a bit of nip in his honor if you will, he was a tough guy from start to end but had a heart of gold and love to share.
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo and the Angels >^..^^..^<~
Layla Morgan Wilde
Oh dear friends, I’m so sorry to hear of your loss. Papa was lucky to be cared by you and loved tenderly during his last months. There is no cure for a broken heart except love. Every grieving journey is unique with no way to predict its twists and turns but may yours be gentle xoxo
da tabbies o trout towne
dood…..we still have de fotoz oh you on de kitchen wall 🙂 !!! { yur out ona limb, frum momz ole etsy shop }
Layla Morgan Wilde
Yay, thanks! That was an oldie but goodie xox
Memories of Eric and Flynn
Odin is having fun climbing the walls! I am glad your snow is going at last. We have had too much rain, and also snow twice which is very unusual for here.
There is a lot of work waiting for me in the garden as soon as it dries out a bit. Most important is to get the boys graves tidied up again.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Please post about the boys memorial garden. I’ll do a follow-up of mine.
The Swiss Cats
You’re a true acrocat, Odin ! Your scilla is beautiful, and we hope Spring takes soon place in your area. Purrs
Layla Morgan Wilde
Odin was an acrocat from day one 🙂 xo
Oh my, you have had your share of….everything. The blue is beautiful Very beautiful. I, too, am looking forward to later in April, when more blooms are out. We’ve finally left the snow behind, I think. Sad news is sad. Let’s vote for miracles in bloom.
Ah, such a beautiful garden.
And there’s that old Boston publishing company again.
I am covered in black and white, with twinges of orange = black outfit with Ched fur.
Our flowers aren’t up yet either. We had snow again, as of a few days ago.
I’m ensconced here, busy with copy editing, and have everything I need, almost. Have to get my car towed when the weather is better to get a few things fixed for inspection. The dealership near by hadn’t a clue. So, I’ll have my car towed to my mechanic. And I’ll sit in the dunky while it gets fixed. But not on a day when it snows or rains.
So, more copy editing. I get a special thrill re arranging words. It’s a compulsion.
Cats are just the best gifts there are. To each other, to us, to the world.
Odin is ….. brave….loves risk….
Layla Morgan Wilde
Black Cat Magazine is a monthly staple 🙂 Usually you’re two weeks behind us but not this year. Copy editing is not a thrill to me but understand why it might be for you xo and the boys send purrs to yours.
Sometimes, I wish the interiors of these magazines were also available. (Note account name change!)
Layla Morgan Wilde
Noted. The interiors aren’t as good as the covers but I do have some. If you want read the stories , Google the title and there are a few links. It’s in the public domain xo
I hope Miss Spring comes to your place soon! Enough of this dreary winter weather already.