Feline Fortune Teller’s Spring Forecast
Feline Fortune Teller’s Spring Forecast with Clyde and happy Spring Equinox from our home to yours.
Hello all, it’s Odin sporting a fresh green gingham collar for spring but that’s all that’s green. Our snowdrops popped up and dropped down after the last storm and never mind our poor crocuses. They’ve gone back to sleep. Meanwhile, I’m chomping at the bit, standing at the door to go out. Hello spring. Ready or not, here I come!
Oh, Odin, you’re full of piss and vinegar but you can’t fool this old boy.
What are you saying, Clyde?
I’m saying, you’ve turned into a pussy of a pussy.
How dare you! I’m still the adventure cat I’ve always been.
No you’re not. I’ve seen you whine to come back in after a few minutes and you never used to seek out the heating pads like the others. Face it. You’re getting older.
I’m only six, well seven in June.
See what I mean? You’re middle-aged.
Well, you’re freaking dinosaur then. You’re 17.
Let’s not argue. It’s finally spring after an endless winter and dear mom ill with pneumonia and Bast knows what for months. It’s time for some fresh energy and the cards look interesting. Merlin cautioned me about being too optimistic. The main card is the MOON. He explains about it in his tarot reading but I have a slightly different interpretation. Yes, there will be moodiness but a heightened intuition for those already tuned in. Expect hidden things to come to the surface like creepy documents in politics. But remember Mercury is going retrograde on April 8.
Gah, not that beastly Mercury again
It’s not all bad just double check details an expect delays. Layla thinks having pre-sales on Amazon for our book before the retrograde is fine but it’s a publishing no no to publish during a Mercury retrograde. We’re living in unusual times and we might as well accept weird is the new normal
Do you have any good news?
It’s spring and even if we do NOTHING the grass will be green and flowers will bloom again. Maybe not today but soon. I’m happy to report Domino and I shared a friendly head butt for the first time.
WHAT? My best bud Domino?
Don’t be jealous. You know I’m making an effort to get along with everyone. Anyway, I’m too old too wrestle like you maniacs or heaven forbid, climb trees like you.
Mind you, I’m feeling pretty darn good these days. Being fed on demand works for me. I may have CKD but I’ve stopped losing weight and I didn’t need insulin again yesterday.
I’m happy for you and my suggestion for everyone as fed up as I am is:
Odin, you are one wild and crazy cat.
Now, I don’t have time to share all the cards but I’m loving the golden ship with the dolphin. It’s unusual showing an Ace of Coins or Pentacles with water but that’s the Black Cat Tarot for ye. You can see all the beauties on Pinterest This Ace is considered one of the luckiest in the deck and if you you play your cards right, your ship will come in.
It’s all about abundance.
Not just money but about feeling physically stronger more grounded. So if you happen to be reading this (and there are no accidents)and you need a break or are job hunting, luck is with you. Think about blooming, yes you can right where you are. Just don’t sign any contracts until Mercury clears out in early May.
Since our garden is a frozen wasteland, I’ll share what March 20th looked like in 2012. Look at Domino with everything bursting to life around him.
Every year, every month, every day is different. There is no use comparing what once was. All we have is now. This very minute. N O W.
I leave you dear one with the wise words of my mentor and professor emeritus, Merlin from March 24, 2014, age 19. No one had more zest for life than him. He lived every day as if it were his last.
If there is something you want to do, and all you have are excuses, well excuse me, but butter me and call me a bun. That won’t do. The roadblocks are usually mountains out of molehills and fear-based.
Do your really want to be a member of the Too Too Club? I can’t to X or Y because I’m too old, too out of shape, too much in debt, too tired, too, you know, too too. Maybe you can’t do it all or the way you once did but don’t compare. There’s plenty you can do. There are things waiting for you, yes you! Waiting for you to say yes. How long will they wait? I don’t know but I guarantee you: there is an expiry date.
Let me know what you’re itching to do.
I can’t wait to sniff some warm, fragrant fresh air. I arrived at the beginning of winter and before that I was in a shelter cage. Before that I was in my old home so I haven’t enjoyed fresh air since late last summer. Mmmm, window whiffies are in my future.

Happy Spring! And we are watching the crocuses, snowdrops and daffodils getting ready to put on their show fur us. The snow drops are starting to bloom, the blue bells are too. Some of our crocuses got frozen to death…but the daffodils and others were wiser and stayed underground…
And the grass is fur sure getting greener here…but so is the swampness of it all we have had so much rain.
The bare trees are staring to show color, soon enough they will have buds and catkins so that petcretaryls allergy season will begin once again…sigh…
We hope you are over that nasty pneumonia, Layla. That is mean to have germies jump on you like that. We are purring for a recovery to better health.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Spring has finally sprung. Thanks, the pneumonia is more or less gone and purrs are welcome for the other issues 🙂
Happy Spring to you! It has arrived today at last. The sun was so nice that I went out for a nap under the azaleas by Eric’s resting place.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Oh Flynn, it must have been nice to nap near Eric under the warm sun xoxox
Hi Layla! If we’ve already paid for book, when will they be mailed out? Thought was going to be “Springtime”, will it come by Easter?
Layla Morgan Wilde
I’ll email you 🙂
The Florida Furkids
We wanted to thank you for the kind words you left for Cousin Trooper. He was a super ManCat and we will miss him.
The Florida Furkids
Cathy Keisha
Yesterday and today certainly felt like Spring but not tomorrow so we didn’t put off till tomorrow what we could do today.
You axed about why we can’t use the NVR Miss boxes. It’s cos the opening is on the wrong side. It should be on the narrow side because the opening between the wall and porcelain litter box is 15 inches. We can’t put it the other way.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Darn about the box. I would get a storage box and cut the opening on the narrow side.
The Swiss Cats
Yay ! Finally Spring ! Purrs
The Island Cats
Happy Spring! Finally!!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Finally is right xoxox
Angel Sammy
YAY for the book – YAY for spring – YAY for brighter/warmer days and thoughts. I think of you all often and hope all is well with the felines AND humans. We’re up to our eyeballs in Teddy…..missing Sammy…..and LIFE.
Love, Pam
Layla Morgan Wilde
Yay,spring indeed finally. I’m so glad Teddy is in your life but understand about Sammy. It’s the same with Merlin. The first yer is a roller coaster of emotions.xoxo
Ellen Pilch
Very nice new collar. Always nice to see photos of your Angel Merlin. Happy Spring !
Layla Morgan Wilde
Happy spring! Purrs to all xoxo
Skeeter And Izzy
We are so ready for Spring to actually ,well, Spring!
We are glad you guys are feeling better and making some new connections between you.
Happy Spring!!!!!!
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo & the Angels >^..^^..^<~
Layla Morgan Wilde
Happy spring and hope it springs soon! xoxo
Colehaus Cats
That collar is gorgeous! Perfect for emerging buds, though it sort of matches our moss from all the rain we’ve gotten all winter. Someday, we’ll see the sun here again!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks, the collar very lightweight for spring. Purring you see sunshine soon!
Caren Gittleman
Happy Happy First Day of Spring!!!!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Happy spring! Full steam ahead xoxox
Crocuses! I bet we have them under our recent snow. And likely a few buds aiming to bud, then bloom.
Spring will spring!
Love will happen! Just like spring!
Odin and Domino reign! Merlin will always be a wise sage.
I’m working on a thriller MS!
(It’s thrilling.) No cats in it. Yet. But I will put a cat in it. Not sure if tabby, Siamese or what…
Layla Morgan Wilde
Happy springing into spring and great time for a new ms. Yes, you must put a cat in it. There is a writer near you you’d enjoy. Have you read any books by Clea Simon?
Oh, the pictures of crazy cat climbing and the Spring garden. There’s a whole lot of yearning going on here! Our present batch of cats don’t go outside, but I have very fond memories of Tommie racing up a tree, stopping at about 10 feet up, and looking to see if I was watching – ears canting at a jaunty angle. Sweet boy.
I’m so glad to hear Clyde is doing well!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Oh yes, lots of yearning for change. Odin does the same as Tommie did, a “look ma what I did!” showing off. Clyde is good but we take it one day at a time xoxo
that mercury sounds promising…. I hope spring will spring around the corner and we get some sunshine too…hugs to your mom and lots of potp…
Layla Morgan Wilde
Hugs to you and happy spring but surely you must have blooms by now? xox
The Menagerie Mom
Is Spring really coming? Woohoo! We’re wishing you all the best of the best this Spring!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Spring is here even if the snow is too but not for long:-) Happy spring to all xo
I’m glad things are finally moving on the book. NOT thrilled that Mercury will be going backwards again soon.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks. I was really hoping it would be out before the retrograde but then pneumonia happened.