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Holiday Season Meowy Monday Mercury Retrograde

If you love cats, sharing makes us purrrr :-)

Holiday Season Meowy Monday With Merlin, Clyde, Domino, Odin, Nou Nou and even Layla. Whew, the whole gang is here to wish you an early merry everything: Solstice Yule, Christmas, Hanukkah in case we something happens and we don’t blog later this week.

I’ve got three words for you: Mercury In Retrograde. All you need to know is at the link. Mercury, the merry prankster that rules communication, creates logjams, fried computers and delayed flights will be in full force this week, actually three. We spend the entire weekend mired in tech support over our delayed calendar and new Black Cats Tell All nonprofit Shop. Not a lot of purring at our house.

The retrograde is the worst time (official start 5:55 am ET) to start anything new so I was hellbent on at least getting the calendar and shop UP if not completed. The Black Cats Tell All Shop home page is magical and feels more like the website I wanted for Cat Wisdom 101. It was thrilling to make our first sales last night and the retrograde is a great time to fiddle, edit and think deeply about what really matters. I can tell you it’s not about drunken office parties or ugly Christmas sweaters.

Do take a peek and visit our BCTA shop . I’d love your feedback, maybe snag a calendar while you can. Sorry no delivery before Christmas. I’m packing up and shipping these babies myself and prepping the rest of the products for meowza opening in the new year.

On the kitty front, everyone is doing well except Clyde who was at the vet and diagnosed with diabetes. It’s ironic since I was diagnosed as borderline recently so no holidays treats for me. Clyde will need daily shots, his sub-q fluids are now every other day and we love him more each day. He’s my faithful late night laptop assistant inspiring me these dark days The light is returning, at least daylight with the winter solstice tomorrow and I predict big changes on the horizon in the New Year.

I usually love doing holiday cards but it was hard not including Merlin this year. As the others fly by on a toboggan, Merlin’s in the sidelines.

Excuse me, what the dickens do you mean by sidelines? What am I, chopped liver. What happened to Mondays With Merlin? It’s travesty I tell you. Too much bloody change. We interrupt this post by an OTRB rant by Merlin. Whoops. Happy holidays and see you soon, I hope.


For those you not on Facebook, here’s our antique Japanese snow cat header. There will be a photo contest and BCTA calendar giveaway on Fb and Instagram tomorrow. If any bloggers would like to do a giveaway, message or email me asap. [email protected]. And we’ll also give away a calendar to the lucky commenter #29.




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