Fat Cats Aren’t Funny & #Hillspet #Giveaway
Have you ever lied about your weight? We can be creative about shaving a few pounds off but we know we aren’t fooling anyone. The same goes for pets. We can call our pet a big boy or big boned but fat is fat.
Numbers don’t lie.
The Center for Disease Control (CDC) says 69.2% of Americans are overweight.
A pet survey at National Pet Obesity Prevention’s website says:
• 52.5% of US Dogs, or about 36.7 million are overweight or obese
• 58.3% of US Cats, or about 43.2 million are overweight or obese
The rising obesity rates for humans and pets is not a coincidence. Humans have control over what they eat. Pets do not. They rely on us for food and to make smart choices. If your pet is overweight it’s not their fault. We’ve all seen photos online of obese cats looking cute but obesity is no laughing matter.
Older cats often gain weight more easily and the combination of age plus obesity is a major health risk. Added weight puts a strain on joints and bones increasing risk for arthritis. The lack of mobility from being obese makes grooming more difficult and a cat less inclined to play. Play and exercise is what all cats need to stay healthy. Fat cats are at risk for diseases like feline lower urinary tract disease and hepatic lipidosis (fatty liver disease) and the same health risks as humans: including diabetes, cancer, heart and respiratory diseases.
Consult a veterinarian before making any dietary changes
Merlin loves his blankie from Hills and doesn’t need to lose weight but there was a time when he weighed 17 lbs.
There is a NEW clinically proven nutrition solution for easy and effective pet weigh loss from Hills Science Diet You can’t buy this in a store. Hill’s® Prescription Diet® Metabolic Advanced Weight Solution must be prescribed by a veterinarian.
Hills conducted blind study with Hill’s® Prescription Diet® Metabolic Advanced Weight Solution. Pet owners and their mix of 314 dogs and cats did not know the food they were testing was a “diet” formula or that it was made by Hill’s. At the end of the two-month trial, 88% of pets had lost weight. We like those numbers!
The secret is pets who eat Metabolic Advance Weight Solution naturally activates their metabolism to burn fat and regulate appetite. It’s about changing their metabolism. They burn excess fat as an energy source and therefore more effectively lose weight while maintaining their lean muscle mass.
No one wants to starve their pet. Your pet will feel full and satisfied and still lose weight. The diet formula includes both dry and canned varieties as well as treats for both dogs and cats. Best of all, your pet will lose weight simply by changing what you feed, rather than how you feed.
This cute video shows how easily pets can lose weight.
Ten lucky Cat Wisdom 101 readers with overweight pets will have a chance to win Hill’s® Prescription Diet® Metabolic Advanced Weight Solution trial kits with your veterinarian’s authorization. It’s a $70 value and includes:
• 1 Weight Loss Success Tote Bag
• 1 Weight Loss Success Guide
• 1 4lb bag of Metabolic dry cat food
• 2 (5.5oz) Metabolic cans
• 1 (2.5oz) Metabolic treats
• (2) $25 coupons

• 1 Weight Loss Success Guide
• 1 6lb bag of Metabolic dry dog food
• 2 (13oz) Metabolic Wet Food cans
• 1 (16oz) Metabolic treats
• (2) $25 coupons
Please note: this giveaway is only open to residents of the U.S. Please tell us in a comment before 11:59 pm ET, April 3, 2014, whether you’d like to win a kit for CATS or DOGS. Tell us the pet’s age and current weight or estimate.
One comment equals one entry. For extra chances to win, social media share this post, telling us in a separate comment where you shared.
To learn more about weight loss for cats, please visit Hills® Prescription Diet® Metabolic Advanced Weight Solution for Cats
This post is sponsored by Hill’s. I am being compensated for helping spread the word about Hill’s® Prescription Diet® Metabolic Advanced Weight Solution, but Cat Wisdom101 only shares information we feel is relevant to our readers. Hill’s Pet Nutrition, Inc. is not responsible for the content of this article.

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michelle cavanaugh
michelle cavanaugh
My baby boy Tweek could stand to loose a few pounds. He’s a big boy overall but hasn’t had any luck with any other food.
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shared on G+ as Tan’na Wings
My cat is overweight at 17.2 pounds. We don’t overfeed him anymore, but he can’t seem to lose any weight. I would be thrilled to try it out on my big boy Buster. Thanks!
ellen beck
The only extra “FLUFFY”one in our house is Mommy! She needs weight-loss food! Mes only weighs 5 pounds and even though Kozmo comes in at a strapping 18 pounds he’s not over weight and neither is Jo-Jo or either of the hairy slobbery sisters!
The Swiss Cats
“Have you ever lied about your weight ?” – No, but Mum always does.
“We can be creative about shaving a few pounds off but we know we aren’t fooling anyone.” – Mum is not able to fool her non-stretch blue jeans either.
“(…) fat is fat” – Read this, Mum…
Of course, best is not to have to lose weight. We have a healthy weight but is the Hills Metabolic available for humans ? Purrs
Deb N Cats
I’d love to try food to help the girls toward a health weight. One is down 1.25 pounds and the other is down .75 pounds. We have a ways to go but I know it will help them live better and that’s the goal.
I’d like to enter for a cat package for Miss Misty Meadow. She’s a bit, ahem, “stout” though she disagrees. Too bad a blanket isn’t included. I’m sure she’d love that too 🙂
ellen beck
Brian Frum
Dang, I was hoping it wasn’t an Rx thing. Gracie needs to lose 2 pounds.
Katnip Lounge
Of course we have two fatties here…which I have stepped up the playing, fingers crossed!
Skeeter and Izzy
Great contest and great that Hill’s is looking into helping the obese “kids” out there. Right now we are all good and will be even better when Izzy can start getting out in the yard again on a regular basis.
Luvs Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig and Peanut and Romeo >^..^<
I have 3 girls, all the same age. 2 are just fine but the third is over weight and just won’t play. She’s 12 years old and weighs in at about 16 lbs. She should be under 12 but I just can’t seem to get her weight to go down.
Cathy Keisha
The cat before me was obese. He could have used this diet. TW just figured out how to open the tumbler they sent her. MOL!
Layla Morgan Wilde (Cat Wisdom 101)
CK, you did a great review! Does this mean you don’t want to be entered?
The Island Cats
This is such good info because we know there’s a lot of overweight cats and dogs out there. But not us…yet! So we won’t enter the giveaway.
easy rider
I agree with you, we should avoid overweight. It’s not easy to lose weight, it sticks on the hips of peeps and pets like glued. So we better should prevent overweight as best as we can.
Tina W
I have a 13 year old cat who is starting to get….. a little plump. (but then again…. so am I)
Holly Carr
I’ve seen my share of overweight cats and dogs during my time working with a rescue organization. Right now, I’m ashamed to admit, my own 5-year-old Chartreux is at a whopping 22lbs and getting the weight off of her hasn’t been easy. She has a hard time reaching to clean her own butt, and she’s already been put on Science Diet Light formula. A weight loss kit for CATS from Hill’s I’m hoping will help us out a bit more.
Rascal and Rocco
Such a soft blankie. We got one, too, but it was claimed by a human kid. Rude, I know. Great post!
Layla Morgan Wilde (Cat Wisdom 101)
I don’t blame your child ;-). it’s very soft.
ellen beck
I cant tell when this ends…
I do cat rescue and have 6 of my own but we keep them pretty entertained and they are mostly helthy weight.
The one I am concerned for is our dog. He is a border collie/aus shepherd mix and is about 55# Odin is about 6 years old maybe 7 I am not for certain. Completely overweight. He eats trash, he eats cat food, he gets in his dog food bag. Everything has to be locked up tight or he eats it. He is a rescue and I need to get him walking again . I had 3 surgeries last year and he packed on the pounds I would love to get him thinner!