Cats,  Feline Fine Art,  Feline Funnies,  Holidays

Fab Feline Friday Finds and Photo Quote Fun

If you love cats, sharing makes us purrrr :-)

Fab Feline Friday Finds and Fun For Cat Lovers Only by Layla Morgan Wilde

If you’re feeling TGIF and more than ready for the weekend, relax, you’re in the right place. I couldn’t resist some silly or fab alliteration. If you’re like me, you know cats make everything better. And even if you don’t currently live with one you can reap the benefits thanks to endless videos, photos, gifs and memes online.

Cats crack us up, cheer us up, act as alarm clocks, nursemaids or furry hot water bottles. They inspire ever possible kind of creative not just artists and writers. Cats speak to our soul with a look, a meow, a gentle touch or gentle purr. Scroll down for a NEW WEEKLY FEATURE.

I’m working on a very unusual Holiday Gift Guide for Cat Lovers, out this Monday. It reflects the weird year we’ve experienced collectively. There won’t be the usual cat toys or treats featured but useful things for the cat mom, cat dad or cat person personally tested and tried by me.

Huge thanks for all the valuable and very specific feedback about my Meow Magic Shop. I am honoring requests for specific designs on any product before the holiday rush. Email me ASAP with requests.

Ideas? I love how cat dads are becoming multi-generational. It’s never too early or too late to love cats, right?
DIRECT LINK TO GREEN HOODIE DIRECT LINK TO GRAY HOODIE Available in other styles and colors.

father son cat daddy hoodies

If the thought of family gatherings over the holiday fills you with angst, it’s cats to the rescue! I can see some of my designs worn on every member of the family in a show of light-hearted solidarity. That’s too cutesy for me but I’m happy to arrange it for you. With lots of new designs I’d rather give items that reflect the unique taste like in this example.

Everything is available in multiple colors and styles. If not, ask me.

Link to the purple purrrrrvasana T For a proud Black Cat Mom And a lucky black cat person who likes vintage cars in gray.


Meanwhile, I think it’s time to dip into the treasure trove AKA our Cat Wisdom 101 archive of Feline Funnies and photo quotes. They are all original and many deserve to be shared again with a new audience.

My muse and forever heart cat, Merlin, channeling his inner Mona Lisa. It’s so silly and yet profound. The wisest beings are often very funny and laugh easily like the Dalai Lama.

queen of cups

This week’s other photo quote is from Domino, the wise, intrepid former feral. He is one of the original Cat Wisdom 101 crew with an amazing rescue story.

I was visiting his grave in the garden the other day as I often do. I’d forgotten he’d passed exactly two years ago on a crisp November night. He was never a ham or needy like Odin often is but stoic. He’d want no fanfare or fuss about dying or God forbid a memorial. He did get one anyway Domino Dead at Age 16 and he continues to inspire me. Often on my daily walks on the property, I feel his no nonsense energy prompting me to get out of my head and into my body, to ground and feel rooted into the earth. It’s a valuable lesson we all can benefit from.

Domino, our blue-eyed Snowshoe taught me anything is possible with love, patience and a dollop of creativity. The sentiment then is as timely today. Go have some childish or kittenish fun this weekend ideally outdoors in nature.

cat quote about creativity


  • Skeeter and Izzy

    Layla, I have not had time to look at all of your lovely items one by one yet but saw some really cute, fun, fab items.
    Luvs to you all,
    Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang >^..^<

  • meowmeowmans

    Domino is so wise. We have been trying to have some fun outdoors this weekend. Stomping through leaves while enjoying the fall foliage counts, right?

    Your t-shirt designs are great, Layla!

    • Layla

      Thanks, Sandee! I had to think out of the box to create designs appealing to different ages, gender and tastes. And I’m adding new ones every week.

  • Amy Harlib

    I do love MEOWNA LISA painting parodies! There are good ones where she is shown holding a cat in her arms and surrounded by more cats.

    I think Twitter is the most fun social media network and Telegram is good for the most serious stuff.

    I love your cat stories and your merch!

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