Cats Get Ready For Key September Pet Holidays
We’re having another heatwave in New York but no complaints. It’s a great way to ease into the last weekend of summer and Labor Day weekend. How are you celebrating? Our Cats Get Ready For Key September Pet Holidays. This graphic is September from our 2018 Cat Holiday calendar and it includes some of our favorite holidays like Happy Cat Month. and Remember Me Thursday. and Pet Memorial Day
The cooler weather and back to school, back to work means sensible cat events, but September is also good for silly fun Meow Like A Pirate Day. One holiday, we’ve not blogged about before but will this year is Deaf Pet Awareness Week. Our Clyde was at the vet this week and the old boy has turned quite deaf. I have to raise my voice loud for him to hear me. He yowled full blast to and from the vet for a total of 90 ear-splitting minutes. He says, “What? I can’t hear you!”
Did someone say BBQ? Odin says, “It’s too hot to hunt so I’m warming up the BBQ.
We’re squeezing out as many barefoot and lounging on the hammock moments possible, and frankly have zero desire to do much else. How about you?

Catscue Catmom
Meow like a pirate?! We’re in!
Mr Puddy
Nice schedule !
Have a fantastic day Layla & the fameowly
PS : I hope you don’t mind I let you know. Somehow I couldn’t make comments to your website by Safari ( phone & Notebook ) but it works if I use Google Chrome
Hey Layla Morgan Wilde,
Thanks for reminding us, September coming is a phobia in our mind of cold. Freedom of living being become complicated as this month starts. The cold weather will last up to April.
Skeeter and Izzy
My crew has selective hearing! We are so looking forward to the cooler days of Fall!
We had a bit of an issue getting into the blog but we finally made it!
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo >^..^^..^<~
The Swiss Cats
Thank you for the reminder ! Purrs
Ellen Pilch
I love meow like a pirate day 🙂 Thanks for the reminder.
Teddy and Mom
YAY for BBQ days because of course soon we’ll all complain about the COLD! Enjoy the last gasp of summer – it’s been hot as “you know what” here too as well as terribly humid but Teddy seems to love it. We melt and he revels! Thanks for the info on September’s events. It’s a busy month! We send you hugs and a healthy dose of Happy…………
Love, Pam and Ted
Ahhh we are working our tails off. Home repairs and wood for the woodburner that we use to supplement the heater. Just one deaf cat here, that’s Itty one who lives outside. He is extremely resourceful and ever on alert when he isn’t in the yard. He even looks both ways before he crosses the road. Punchy I believe is deaf or might be pretending. hat old codger is barely a whisper yet hangs on. He sleeps in the garden and I believe is soaking up the sunshine. I do believe he is the cat that last forever. There is another black cat who seems to have joined the crowd. Not neutered as of yet, another crazy panther. I havent named him yet except to call him melonhead which isnt very creative can’t yet tell ifhe is passing through and jus blending in so will name him after awhile..
It goes from hot and humid here to rain then down in the 50s.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Punchy is probably going a little deaf 😉 What, another panther??? Melonhead is actually cool if he has a big head. He might be Punchy II.
It’s so hot and muggy here, we haven’t felt like doing much. Are these the Dog Days?
Yeah for the advent of Fall!
Kisses for Clyde and the rest of the family.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Ha, yes dog days of summer. Thanks and purrs xo
Oooh, thank you for the September Calendar. I actually didn’t know that there were so many pet events. Makes me want to look up the full year!
BBQ s are the best. All cats should have one, if they want. I’;m all for cats doing what they want.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Agreed 110% 🙂
The Island Cats
Thanks for letting us know about the upcoming pet holidays.
I’m Kathryn, as you could tell, by the name of my cats.
Such great cat-themed holidays. Mao loves to mao like a pirate. I’ll remind dotter about this. Ched squeaks like a mouse. Ched is sleeping at the moment. He’s not deaf yet, but Mao is a bit, so I hear from dotter. Ched hasn’t gained any additional weight, which is great, because orange boys tend to be heavy. He’s heavy enough.
OH, I see I will have to re-sign in or something. Ched says thank you for all you do for catz.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thank Ched for me and give him a kiss. I wonder if changing themes, required a new log in?
love your drawings. so talented. ched agrees.
caren gittleman
thanks for the reminder! We are blogging hit or miss so will hit as many as we can!
Boodie and Binga are hard of hearing too – especially Boodie. If my human needs to wake her up from a nap (for mealtime, meds, etc.), she has to gently touch her – calling has no effect. Fortunately, she is always around where you can see her when she is awake.
Memories of Eric and Flynn
A barbecue sounds good, Odin, but our heatwave left 2 weeks ago and now we get day after day of rain. Maybe we should use it in the garage. That is a great picture of the cats in the hammock.
Lola The Rescued Cat
Thank you for a great list of cat-themed holidays! This was a great reminder for us to get our butts in gear! Lots to write about in September.
we are with you Odin, we rather have a BBQ … we are not really good hunters lOL