Why is October Black Cat Awareness Month?
Why is October Black Cat Awareness Month? By Layla Morgan Wilde
Why indeed! Hello everyone, I’m back from semi-retirement just to answer that question and celebrate a whole month of unique black cat content. Happy October. I swear one blink ago it was summer and boy so much has happened since founded Black Cat Awareness Month and every year an archive of new articles appear like Black Cat Awareness Month Grows: 9 Reasons to Adopt A Black Cat
Black Cat Superstitions: Past, Present And Future On Black Cat Day
Oooh, Halloween Art For Black Cat Awareness Month Magic!
As long as people are still asking why, I will continue to post but thankfully I’m not the only one. Every year the awareness grows and the prejudice towards black cats lessens.
This year, I’ve created some fun new black cat designs for our non-profit Meow Magic shop, clawed through the interwebs for things you’ve not seen before (promise!) but today is a teaser.
If you are on social media and posting about black cats please use the hashtag #BlackCatAwarenessMonth or #BCAM.
Be sure to subscribe to ad-free Cat Wisdom 101 for all the goodies and surprises this month.
When I set out to design a new BCAM banner, I wanted to create something something more inclusive. Loving, adopting and advocating for black cats is beyond age, gender, race, religion or any label.
The world has changed so much since last year. Before the war in Ukraine, before hurricane Ian, before one thing after another. I’m grateful for the opportunity to travel overseas this summer, the first time since before the pandemic and more or less content to be home safe and sound.
I’ve always said black cats look good with anyone, anywhere.
How are you feeling about black cats this year? Let’s make Black Cat Awareness Month the best one yet!
Much love,
P.S. and Happy Caturday! I can’t remember the last time I posted on a Saturday. I’ve blogged so long, before Caturday, I called it Cat Saturday. Seriously, search it for a chuckle. And do if you’re on Instagram, join the fun at @blackcatsofig
And because I still love Pinterest ya gotta have a vertical pic. Follow me on Pinterest and if you’re a cat person, I’ll follow you back.

Skeeter and Izzy
thanks so very much for advocating for all the kitties but especially the beautiful black ones. You kow us and our black cat family LOL.
I can spot one of the wee gremlins long before any other color, I think they have an aura around them that I pick up on. I do love all kitties no matter color, size, gender breed or lack there of, but especially hold a place in my heart for the velvet midnight ones……………………
Happy Black Cat Awareness Month to All!!!!
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + the angels >^..^^..^<~
Layla Morgan Wilde
That’s very interesting about their aura and I agree! xoxox
Nancy M. West
So important to raise awareness for black cats! I am crazy for my one-eyed black kitty Jet, and my sweet elderly office feral Midnight.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Midnight sounds especially intriguing xox
Thank you, Layla, for being such a champion and advocate for black cats everywhere. We, as you know, adore them (okay, we may be a bit biased, but still…). I got some nice shots of one of the new housepanthers at PAWS, and hope to post about him soon. Hugs!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Yes, you are biased in the best possible way. Thanks you for being the best advocate xox
Brian Frum
Thank you for all you do for black cats. We have five in our feral family and we love them to bits.
Ellen J Pilch
You know I love black cats. I currently hve 2 and I have 4 angel ones. Thanks for spreading the word about how great they are. XO
I love black cats, almost had one a couple of times…long bwefore I came to the USA…alas I never had any pets of my own till after I got married…since then we have ahd 6 cats and three dogs. Cats rule!! Doggs drool, LOL!
(Except all our kittties have been meezers and the only reference to black were the stockings on two of them as they were very dark seal points.)
I’m glad you posted this, Layla. While I’m not able to do a new blog post at this time, I can repost this, and some of my previous posts about black cats, to my fb cat page, with the hashtag.
BTW I’m already following you on Pinterest but haven’t been able to check in lately.
Layla Morgan Wilde
thanks Leah, please repost xox
Amy Harlib
My beautiful black cat Astor and I celebrate black at month all year round – I love him so much!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks Ashley! I like to think black cats are colorblind ambassadors of love xo
It’s nice to see a mix of people with black cats. We are all different but black cats connect us. I look forward to all your posts this month.