black cat limericks
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Black Cat Limericks To Lighten Black Moods

If you love cats, sharing makes us purrrr :-)

As October leaves begin to fall, the days turn shorter and colder (at least in the Northern Hemisphere), some of us could use some lightening up from some funny, black cat limericks. There is a euphemism for depression called the “black dog” but what about the “Black Cat”? Nope, black cats are too mysterious to be pigeon-holed.

Our Black Cat Awareness Month celebrations continue with a little hump day humor, just because.

When I was visiting my ancestral home AKA Helsinki, Finland, recently I came across a wall made for selfies outside the Amos Rex Museum

I added a limerick to kick off this post of a fresh new versions of vintage kitty limericks. Enjoy!

black cat limerick

Funny? What is funny to one person may be weird, head scratching, offensive, boring or blah to another.

funny cat limerick

This is the stay-at-home cat,

Who loved ” forty winks” on the mat:

If you stroked his soft fur, he would pleasantly,


All day by the fireside he sat.

vintage cat limerick

why cats limerick


think out of the box cats

Purrfect advice for the frustrated cat photographer đŸ˜‰

Sit quite still, sit, on that chair;

Do not stir, and pray don’t stare;

Try to give a pleasant smile–

Do not grin, sir, in that style.

Think of something very nice,

Cotton reels, or milk, or mice.

Ha! that’s good–now you can laugh:

It’s a splendid photograph!

cat limerick portrait

Deep from my archive. Dear otrb Coco from 2013 and the cutest photo of kitten Odin!

And OMG the drama in 2014 I’d forgotten about. Let it be a lesson in letting go and seeing the glass half full.

glass half full quote cat

Are you an optimist or a pessimist?

The Optimist

They say life is a honey pot

Full to brim of pours.

But I rather think, the sun does shine

through many golden hours…

optimist-pessimist-cat limerick

The Pessimist

How about the brightest of sunshine,

If today’s rain shivers you to the bone.

And what is the real use of last week’s clouds,

If the heat bakes you dry as a stone?

Gah! The text is so smeary, I’m weary…


It’s funny, I think most cats are pessimists by virtue of being oppositional. They want to go outside. No, inside. No, outside.

cat book limerick

Have you read any good cat books lately? Any black cat books? I love this literary limerick.

What am I reading? Something new:

A treatise by Professor Mew

On how to educate your Kitten–

The finest volume ever written!

I have no Kittens? Well, that’s so;

But I can teach those who have, you know!


Have a limerick to share? Go on and I hope the rest of your week is sunny.




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