Cat Saturday,  Feline Fine Art,  Feline Funnies

A Caturday Day in the Life

If you love cats, sharing makes us purrrr :-)

We only have four cats but it often seems like forty. You’re welcome to join us for an insider peek, if you dare. Delicate types need not apply.

The day begins with Merlin and one of his greatest pleasures; a good piss in the garden. He may be nearly blind but his sense of smell is intact.

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He loves the smell of wet earth, damp leaves and crisp air. He insists on leading but would you want to follow him or Domino, for a walk on the wild side? Domino has decided to sleep inside at night but dashes out first thing in the morning to see if the wild world he left behind is still there. It is.

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Odin is equally eager for morning romps with his best friend, whom he calls Dom Dom. They’re tireless chasing each other, stalking, jumping, climbing, tussling, skulking in the leaves and underbrush.

Cats-hunting-garden-cat wisdom 101

The only difference between them is speed. The difference makes Odin deadly. He killed two squirrels this week. Clean, quick, bloodless kills. Whenever possible, I save his prey. Sometimes I win. Sometime mother nature wins. Either way, it’s a fine line between playing and hunting for cats.

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The good thing about older cats is they lose their ability to hunt skillfully. Gris Gris, who I like to call an Ă©minence grise (a person who wields power and influence unofficially or behind the scenes). He watches from the sidelines and doesn’t miss a trick but prefers his own company when not guiding Merlin. He runs around in impromptu bursts and catches the odd mole but usually prefers a warm perch outdoors. He’s a smart in a survivor way, always alert for opportunities to sneak into the basement, finagle a treat or his favorite these days, a brushing with a boar’s bristle brush. If he were human, I’d peg him as a Left Bank intellectual. Indoors or outdoors, you just know he’s thinking deep thoughts and wondering what wine would go with a perfectly ripe cheese.

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He’s come a long way from being a nervous basement cat. He likes affection but on his terms, always sleeps with us but at an arm’s distance and he won’t be warming anyone’s lap anytime soon. That’s fine with me. At the end of the day, the best gift ever is seeing Domino happily snoozing in his ridiculously small bed. Also, with two kitty litters of his own to choose from he picks the tiniest one. What’s up with that? Despite all the litters in other rooms, Gris Gris and Odin both love using this same tiny (even for a kitten) litter. There’s not territorial spraying or re-directed aggression. In fact, everyone gets along wonderfully and all four love watching TV together.

formerly feral cat - Domino

My secret Christmas wish? To have all four cats sleeping in bed. Stranger things have happened, so anything is possible. That was our “day in the life”of our crew. Have a wonderful weekend!



  • Kitcaboodles

    Thanks for sharing a day in your (well the kitties) life, I feel like I know each of them quite well now! I had to laugh at the small litter tray thing, I once witnessed Sookie ignore the large, available litterbox and instead squeeze into to the ‘occupied’ much smaller hooded litterbox which Mr Darcy was still using!!
    P.s. I love the montage of all the beautiful atumn leaves outdoor shots đŸ™‚

  • Deb Barnes - Zee and Zoey

    My favorite description this week was that of Gris Gris. I think as a person, that is how I am as well – I like to wield power from behind the scenes! It’s always so interesting how different each cat can be – especially when it comes to snuggling and napping on laps. Some cats you need a crow bar to pry them off of you, others, would sooner sleep in a tiny box than give you the satisfaction of them on your lap!

  • Marg

    Oh it does my heart good to see Dom out playing with Odin. That must be so much fun for him to have such a good friend and a warm place to be at night. That is just wonderful. Well done. Love the pictures. Take care.

    • boomermuse

      You guys summed it up purrfectly “morning ablutions, daylight slaughter, and evening repose.”
      @Marg, it’s pure joy seeing them together and Dom snug in his bed at night.
      @Deb, the four are as different as the four elements: water, fire, earth and air.

  • Carolyn

    I love the photo montage thingy! đŸ™‚ It made one cat look like forty! Had to laugh at the needing a piss. Austin can hold himself for at least two days, when pushed, even though he has a beuatifully clean fresh litter tray! Go figure! Perhaps you’ll get your Christmas wish this year x

    • boomermuse

      If it feels like forty here, it must feel like hundred at your place.
      @Daisy, yes alligators is not worth a romp outdoors!
      @Carolyn, does Austin prefer peeing outdoors?
      @Ingrid, Domino is so funny in his bed. Next step to get a decent shot without disturbing him.
      @Rumpy, anything is possible if you believe. Isn’t that what they say at Macy’s đŸ˜‰

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