2015 Golden Purr Cat Book Award Winners
If you missed our annual Cat Wisdom 101 top 10 cat book list, click on 2015 Top 10 Cat Books.
We are awarding only two Golden Purr Awards this year in two categories. The award for best cat book: fiction is The Power of Meow by David Michie. After reading it months ago, the charming essence lingered, making it an easy choice.
The award for cat book: non-fiction was a toss-up between two funny books with cat imagery, one with stock images and one with original work with more heft. The Golden Purr for non-fiction goes to the most amusing ginger cat muse, Zarathustra Fat Cat Art: Famous Masterpieces Improved By A Ginger Cat With Attitude by Svetlana Petrova.
If you’re an aspiring writer, this infographic about the days jobs famous writers held before their big break may surprise and inspire you.

Timmy Tomcat
We enjoyed Fat Cat Art and will be getting The Power of Meow in the Mew Year!
Fun awards
The Fat Cat art book sure looks very entertaining. Congratulations to both winners!
David Michie
So thrilled to win this – thank you so much Layla!! Warmest wishes, David Michie and a big Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr from HHC!
Concats to the winners.
Deziz World
Dat’s pawsum. Weez so glad books wiff cats are gettin’ so much recognition. Have a blest day.
Luv ya’
Dezi and Lexi
Layla Morgan Wilde
I hope you love it as much as I did.
Ellen Pilch
Any book with a cat is a winner in my book ( pardon the pun).
Skeeter and Izzy
Hoorayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy for the winners!! Of course they are truly all winners!
Skeeter and Izzy & the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo & the Angels >^..^^..^<~
Layla Morgan Wilde
yes, they are and there is a tongue and cheek irony we feel about most awards 🙂
Brian Frum
Wonderful winners indeed!
The Island Cats
The mom needs to get both of these. She’s familiar with the Fat Cat art book, but not the David Michie one. a