Q & A With Cat Man Cartoonist Scott Metzger
We’re big fans of Scott Metzger, the syndicated cartoonist who happens to be a cat man. It takes a deep understanding of cats to extract humor as he does from situations all cat lovers can relate to. And since we’re in the thick of the crazy busy holiday season, a little humor goes a long way to soothe the savage beast (and I don’t mean our cats).
As a holiday treat, we have a Q. & A. with Scott Metzger and a few of his holiday-themed cartoons plus my all-time favorite cat cartoon (scroll to the end). Scott, who lives in northern California is married with two young kids, and two cats Frankie and Hannah, who act as muses, I enjoyed a leisurely interview by telephone recently with Scott and happy to share more about the man makes people laugh for a living.
Scott Metzger Q. & A

LMW: What do you think about the stereotypes of cat vs. dog people, crazy cat ladies etc.
SM: In general, I think cats and cat people get a bad rap. There’s this perception that cats don’t have personalities, don’t show affection, are mean, etc. Certainly cats can be aloof and they do things on their own terms (and I’ve done a bunch of comics about that). But people need to realize that cats do care about their humans, they show affection, and they’re often as friendly as dogs. You just have to interact with them in a different way. As for cat people vs. dog people, what I’ve found interesting is that many cat people I’ve known also like dogs. However most dog people I’ve met don’t like cats. Those people just need to spend some time with cats and learn to appreciate them. Cats rock.
LMW: Some say cat videos are funnier than dog videos. What about cartoons? Can it be quantified in terms of sales?
SM: That’s hard to quantify. I have more “cat” greeting cards than “dog” greeting cards, so the deck is stacked in favor of cats. For me, cat videos are often funnier. Cats have this “dignity” about them, so when they do something stupid or embarrassing, it’s hilarious.
LMW: How long have you been a cat man?
SM: I’ve loved cats ever since I was a little kid. Growing up, my family had a cat – we got her when I was 5 and she died when I was a senior in high school. After that, we got a dog. I have two cats – a female and male.
LMW: You’ve been influenced by cartoons like Peanuts. How do feel about Kliban and his extraordinary marketing success which continues long after his death?
SM: I’m a big fan of Kliban’s work, especially his cat cartoons. I really like the way he drew cats, probably because I’m partial to tabby cats. Kliban deserved all of his success. His cat drawings had a lot of personality and charm.
LMW: Has observing cats creatively improved your understanding or bonding process? What do your cats look like and who is funnier?
SM: I get a lot of creative inspiration from watching my cats, but I can’t say that observing them has improved my bonding process with them. Maybe it has and I don’t realize it. Our female cat, Hannah, is part calico and part Siamese – she’s super outgoing and loves people. Whenever someone comes over, she greets them at the door. Our male cat, Frankie, is all black with a white toe and a bent tail. He’s feral so he’s very skittish. He’ll run away at the drop of a hat. Hannah is friendly with me but she clearly favors my wife and daughter. Frankie only likes me, for some reason. Whenever I lie down in bed or on the couch he jumps up and lies on my chest. Hannah is more entertaining and funny because she’s more outgoing and adventurous. Frankie is often hanging out under the bed.
LMW: You draw a wide variety of humans, animals, vegetables, inanimates in action. What’s easiest to draw? Any plans to have a recurring cat or other character?
SM: The easiest things to draw are animals. I enjoy drawing cats, dogs, giraffes, and elephants. I need to do more giraffe and elephant jokes. As for recurring characters, I’ve done a couple of cartoons that feature a hippie-like cat named Dave the Stray. He goes to Burning Cat, gets high on catnip, and isn’t into material things. He’s a cool dude and a free spirit – he just wants to live, love, and have fun, man.
LMW: Any plans for a cat book?
SM: I’m planning to put together a book of my cartoons next year. Either a book of cat cartoons with some extra material or simply a collection of my cartoons. I’m still figuring that out.
LMW: It sounds like 2016 will be a creative and fun year. I’m delighted Frankie is contributing to my True Tales By Black Cats anthology.
The “You are Acceptable” card always cracks me up.
Scott Metzger has been a syndicated cartoonist since 1996. He creates single panel cartoons for greeting cards which are distributed by Papyrus, Nobleworks and Just Wrong Greetings, and if you live in the U.S, likely found at a store near you. There’s still time to shop for holiday cards and mugs at Scott Metzger Cards. To see more of Scott’s work, visit his website, at GoComics, or for the latest cartoons, his Facebook page or new Instagram page.

Christie Null
I really enjoyed your cat cartoons!!! They are so cute!!! I have a black cat too named Lexie who I rescued in 2010 from our local SPCA!! She is friendly and greets people like Hannah!! Both your cats are so pretty and my Dad was called Frankie growing up! Wishing you and your family and kitties a Very Merry Christmas!!!
Marjorie, Harvey (10) and Dusty (14)
Thank you for a lovely interview. Mr Metzger is known worldwide for a good reason – he hits our funny bones – right?
Merry Christmas!
Layla Morgan Wilde
He does indeed, bang on 😉
diane Jangelis
Scott Metzger captures the character of cats. Loved the interview and the cartoons.Thanks for the laugh.
That was a great interview, and I love the cartoons.
It’s really obvious how much Scott likes (and understands) cats by his cartoons! Great interview.
love these,xx Rachel
Cathy Keisha
I love his cartoons and you picked some winners. Great interview too.
The Island Cats
We LOVE Scott Metzger’s cat cartoons. And these Christmas ones are some of his funniest ones.
Terrific interview! I totally agree that cat people often like dogs too!!
Ellen Pilch
Great interview and cartoons. I can’t believe I had never heard of him before.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks. You’ve probably seen his cards in stores and now will notice them for sure 🙂
Angel Ms. Phoebe's Family
We have enjoyed Mr. Metzger’s cartoons for a few years since first discovering them on Facebook. His keen insight on the nature of cats always gives us a relatable laugh– I too love the cards for humans cartoon. Just this morning Clove could have used the ‘Sorry for Barfing’ card to give to me, especially when it is all over the quilt at 7 AM. MEWYAY. Bleh.
Layla Morgan Wilde
So true about Scott and kitty insights. Hope Clove is okay.
Deb Barnes - Zee and Zoey
Great interview! Love his point of view and his cards are so spot on funny!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks Deb,he truly gets the human condition.
Skeeter and Izzy
We absolutely adore Scott Metzger!!!! He gets cats and has a wicked snnse of humor!!!! It is funny but what he said about people that prefer dogs not liking cats proves to be so true.
Scott’s work is sooooooooooooo funny!
Thank you both for sharing and we look foward to many more fun things from Scott and his cats.
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo & the Angels >^..^^..^<~
Layla Morgan Wilde
Great to know you’re a fan too!
Love these! Awesome post, Layla and Scott!
I, too, have found that many dog people don’t understand cats. We had a bunch of cats growing up. We also had 4 dogs, but we only had the dogs for shorter periods of time, as we were too busy. My sisters both have dogs because I think they both needed the more OBVIOUS showing of love, but they do like cats — except for the allergy they developed.
Me? I am a Kat. Dogs are great, but cats are PEOPLE. Cheddar and Mao agree.
I really want to buy a whole LINE of Cat Cards For Humans!!!!!!!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Your name fits you purrfectly.
Brian Frum
He is one cool cat dude!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Takes one to know one 😉
easy rider
Oh I’m sure cats have sure personality… they just call it cattitude :o) And the cats in his cartoons have a lot of cattitude…. and I bet even the last “naysayer” thinks different after reading the new book :o)
Layla Morgan Wilde
They sure do and you have some too, knowing your antics Easy :-0
Peaches and Paprika
OMC, love the “I’m not thinking of you now” card!!! ROFL! (rolling on the floor laughing!)
Layla Morgan Wilde
Me too! There could be a whole line of those cards.