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Whiskerlist Author Q + A With Angie Bailey and Giveaway

If you love cats, sharing makes us purrrr :-)

whiskerlist cat book

The secret is out! Cats everywhere tried to keep it from us but all is revealed in a funny and amewsing new book called the Whiskerlist: The Kitty Classieds by Angie Bailey, and were having a giveaway for two copies. It’s as if cats hijacked Craigslist for a kitty version for their own devious and shocking purposes. We reviewed it at our other blogBoomer Muse and horrors! I caught Merlin reading a copy.

Whiskerlist book review

Before you know it, he’ll be asking for his own laptop to surf online at I’m not joking. It’s for real! We’re pleased as punch to share our Q + A with Whiskerlist author Angie Bailey. She’s the brains behind the award-winning blog CatLadyland

Angie BaileyAngie Bailey with her cat Phoebe

Q + A with Layla Morgan Wilde and Angie Bailey

LMW: Who inspired you to write Whiskerlist?

AB: Since I can remember, I’ve always loved imagining cats doing human things. My mom and I used to make up all kinds of stories about what our cats did when we weren’t home. Mostly we imagined them having wild parties. A lot of the humor I currently write is parody humor, so the book was just a natural fit.

LMW: Who is the funniest cat in your home? The funniest cat you know and funniest cat you’ve never met but would like to and why.

AB: That’s a hard one because each of my cats are funny in different ways. Saffy is beautiful, but, bless her heart, she doesn’t have a lot going on upstairs. And she’s big, so she’s always getting busted doing no-no things because she’s never quiet about anything. We laugh a lot about that. Cosmo always looks dignified and slightly cranky, but he’s such a Mama’s boy and totally skittish. His facial expressions and reactions are hilarious. Phoebe is our little 7-pound alpha girl who likes to get what she wants. She’s totally mouthy, demanding and fearless, which gets her into some pretty funny pickles.

My friend Nicky’s cat Hector is the funniest cat I’ve ever met. He passed away last month and is greatly missed. He totally posed for photos in the most hysterical positions. Seriously, that cat was a total riot. In fact, he’s the one cat that is mentioned most in the reader reviews of the book. He has three personal ads, and gets progressively more desperate in each one.
A lot of my cat blogging friends have some pretty funny cats I’d adore meeting. I’d love it if we could all get together with our cats. It would be a total disaster, but in my mind, I picture it being sort of a cat lady nirvana.
LMW: I was so sorry to hear about Hector. What an incredible character. He was my favorite cat (other than my own Odin) in the book.
LMW: Tell us a little about the interactive Whiskerlist website.
AB: It was created as a companion to the book. Users can go on the site (you don’t need to register or give any personal information) and create their own whiskerslist posts. They can also comment and rate existing posts. It’s really easy and fun.

LMW: What’s your next writing project? Will there be a Whiskerlist for dogs?

AB: No idea! Right now I’m busy promoting this one and I guess we’ll see what happens next!
LMW: What’s the most shocking thing you discovered about cats while writing the book?
AB: Most cats are shrewd bargainers who have discerning tastes. They aren’t quick to jump on the first offer they get from their ads. Except Hector … poor Hector.

LMW: For your cats only. Each can respond to the question: Why should everyone buy your mom’s book?
Saffy: She needs to make sweet moola so I can have more treats. Also, if she’s out promoting the book, I can enjoy more time on the kitchen counter.
Cosmo: Because I’m on the back cover.
Phoebe: Because I said so. Now hurry up and feed me.

To learn more about Angie or to order the book, visit Whiskerlist: The Kitty Classifieds

Merlin gives his highest rating of 4 paws.

To enter our Whiskerlist book giveaway simply leave a comment. For extra chances to win, social media share this post and leave a separate comment telling us where you shared. This giveaway is open open internationally and on until 11:59 pm EST September 28, 2013. The winners will be announced on September 29, 2013.


The winners of our Twitching Purr-fect Tales giveaway are The PDX Pride and Tricia Janes. Congratulations! Look for an email from Layla requesting your shipping address.


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