Whiskerlist Author Q + A With Angie Bailey and Giveaway
The secret is out! Cats everywhere tried to keep it from us but all is revealed in a funny and amewsing new book called the Whiskerlist: The Kitty Classieds by Angie Bailey, and were having a giveaway for two copies. It’s as if cats hijacked Craigslist for a kitty version for their own devious and shocking purposes. We reviewed it at our other blogBoomer Muse and horrors! I caught Merlin reading a copy.
Before you know it, he’ll be asking for his own laptop to surf online at Whiskerlist.com I’m not joking. It’s for real! We’re pleased as punch to share our Q + A with Whiskerlist author Angie Bailey. She’s the brains behind the award-winning blog CatLadyland
Angie Bailey with her cat Phoebe
Q + A with Layla Morgan Wilde and Angie Bailey
AB: Since I can remember, I’ve always loved imagining cats doing human things. My mom and I used to make up all kinds of stories about what our cats did when we weren’t home. Mostly we imagined them having wild parties. A lot of the humor I currently write is parody humor, so the book was just a natural fit.
AB: That’s a hard one because each of my cats are funny in different ways. Saffy is beautiful, but, bless her heart, she doesn’t have a lot going on upstairs. And she’s big, so she’s always getting busted doing no-no things because she’s never quiet about anything. We laugh a lot about that. Cosmo always looks dignified and slightly cranky, but he’s such a Mama’s boy and totally skittish. His facial expressions and reactions are hilarious. Phoebe is our little 7-pound alpha girl who likes to get what she wants. She’s totally mouthy, demanding and fearless, which gets her into some pretty funny pickles.
LMW: What’s your next writing project? Will there be a Whiskerlist for dogs?
To learn more about Angie or to order the book, visit Whiskerlist: The Kitty Classifieds
Merlin gives his highest rating of 4 paws.
The winners of our Twitching Purr-fect Tales giveaway are The PDX Pride and Tricia Janes. Congratulations! Look for an email from Layla requesting your shipping address.

Cathy Keisha
That book looks pawsome. time to tweet it again.
Looks like a great book, I would love to read it.
Shared on Twitter.
Shared on Facebook.
What an awesome and hilarious idea! Would love to win a copy!
Texas, a cat in... Austin
Such a funny and original book and website! I have to check it out =^.^=
Karen T
Fingers crossed 🙂
Kitties Blue
No matter how we attain it, we must have a copy of this book. Big concatulations to Angie. We love her blog. Please enter us in the giveaway.Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Misty May, Mauricio, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
We tweeted.
Jan shared this on Facebook for us.
We’d love to win a copy of this book.
I’d love to win a copy..
Ms. Phoebe
I couldn’t wait for this book so I pre-ordered it using Mom’s credit card and now am enjoying my copy, so please do not enter me in the giveaway. I LOVE Whiskerlist! I plan on posting many ads online, if I had only known of it sooner, I could have used it to threaten my humans with staff replacement if they didn’t start improving years ago.
It is also a treat to recognize so many furiends in the book! Odin mew rocked! I concur with Merlin and give the book four paws up! Mewmew!
Renee G
This book looks great. Although I don’t think I’d let my cat read it, she might get ideas.
We just tweeted it! 🙂
This book sounds great! We think Angie is wonderful, and we can hardly wait to read her book. Thanks for the terrific interview with her!
Cathy Keisha
I facebooked it. That website is pawsome!!
Oui Oui
That books sound so funny! We’d love to win it, so thank you, Layla! We’ll have to go by and check out Whiskerlist, there are some funny listings there too we imagine.
Shared on Facebook! Angie is a hoot – beautiful, hilarious, and a total riot.
Cynthia Southern
I would love to read this book as it looks very humorous. I shared on Facebook, on Pinterest on the cats board and on Google +/
Sue Brandes
Tweeted on Twitter.
Sue Brandes
Shared on Facebook.
Sue Brandes
Congrats on your book. Sounds so fun. Great interview. Love the Whiskerlist.com site. So fun. Sorry to hear about your friend’s kitty Hector.
Christine Michaels
Wow I see the Whiskerlist Classifieds everywhere in the cat online world. Congrats Angie Bailey–such creativity is moving mountains in the cat education world together with national bloggers like Layla!
My Dad has met Angie and he said she really is such a hoot. We are all proud of her accomplishments and her new book!
Cathy Keisha
This book sounds great. I wonder if I’m in there. Prolly not cos TW isn’t in the loop. Anyway, she laughed at me and always says I’m the funniest cat she’s ever had. Then she tells me she’s laughing WITH me not AT me.
Austin Towers
YAY!!! It’s being released in the UK this Thursday!! Great review and interview, Layla :))
Amy Jarratt
Always love a new book about cats!
Great book. Did not know about it. Thanks for posting.
Stephanie Lehr
Love your posts and stories here Angie and the book sounds like it will be equally great!
Sounds like a great book. I visited the web site and love it!
Nerissa's Life
Whiskerlist? Are you kidding? NO ONE TOLD ME! Thank you SO much for lettin’ me know ’bout this. I’m headin’ over there to check it out, NOW!
Skeeter and Izzy
Whiskerlist has got to be a riot to read! Thank you Angie for putting out there what we all know our cats are capable of! I know if we go to the web site that my little diva Izzy will log on and post fur sure. Thank you Angie and Layla for another purrfect giveaway!
We are so sorry to hear about dear Hector. So many have crossed the bridge lately. Please give our purrs of luv to your friend Nicky.
L:uvs to all Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang >^..^<
Laila and Minchie
Now that’s a very fun book that we would really enjoy! Hope we win a copy.
The Island Cats
What a fun book. We’re sure the mom would want to read it. And we would too. 😉
Angie at Catladyland
Thank you so much for the lovely review and for hosting a giveaway!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Angie, thank-you! It was so much fun putting this together for you.
Awesome interview! Binga is featured too… I will have something to say about that in the coming week.
I’m quite certain my cats post classified ads when I’m not around!
Janet Valentine
I love the idea of feline classifieds – there is so much our kitties want and think they need, after all! Sign me up for a chance to win this very cool book.
Thanks for your posts, they always cheer me up!
Warm fuzzies from
I shared this blog post on facebook for an extra chance to win. Thank you!
One entry please and thanks!