Holidays,  Merlin,  Reviews & interviews

What If My Cat…

If you love cats, sharing makes us purrrr :-)

Happy Father’s Day! This is variation of a shot from last Sunday. The sentiment remains the same. For this week’s book review. Merlin had some thoughts

Cat-man-real men-love cats-quotethe book with the clever title, What If My Cat? I’d been reading it in bed and Merlin insisted on sitting and lying on in, refusing to let me read it. I’m glad he finally let me. The cute, cartoony cover belies its serious content. The glossy, heavily illustrated pages are bursting with cat trivia and useful information on dozens of subjects. It’s too light a primer for neophyte cat parents, but I really liked it for describing details like, cat head-butting as a form of bonding is called bunting. It has British spin since the authors and publisher are U.K. based, which tend to have sections on outdoor cats and cat doors.

What-if-my-cat-book-reviewWhat-If-My-Cat What If My Cat…? by Claire Arrowsmith and Francesca Riccomini.

Merlin gives it a 3 paws rating. 160 pages. Published by Barrons 2008.


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