Cats,  Contests & Giveaways,  Feline Fine Art

Voting Cats, Art and the Goldfish Bowl

If you love cats, sharing makes us purrrr :-)

With voting for the Pettie Awards ending today, I thought about women’s rights and voting. In politics, women over 21 were first allowed to vote in the territories of Wyoming from 1869 and in Utah from 1870, and extended to women across the United States by 1920. When you think about it, the right to vote is relatively recent. Women over 21 were allowed to vote in New Zealand from 1893, in Australia from 1894, and in Canada from 1919. Women in the UK were given the vote in 1918 if over 30 and meeting certain property qualifications, and by 1928 extended to all women over the age of 21.

I came across this vintage suffragette kitty and felt it was a perfect way to end our call to vote one last time, because we can.

I’m humbled and honored by the outpouring of support for Cat Wisdom 101 and thank each and every one of you who voted for us. Extra kitty karma points for those who voted daily. You know who you are. So, one last time, here ya go. Pettie Award Voting Link


Blogging is sometimes like living in a goldfish bowl. Cats and goldfish bowls are an artistic match made in heaven and I’ve curated some fun and funny vintage examples. A couple will be featured at our ETSY shop which benefits cats in need. If you haven’t entered our giveaway to win an original art work of your choice, the deadline is fast approaching. To enter, just leave a comment at the giveaway post.

So tell me, have your cats ever met a goldfish?

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